my bf is at work all day and im horny what should i do
My bf is at work all day and im horny what should i do
I dunno, shove things up your cunt, fuck. I don't know you.
2, 4, 6, 8 You should go and masturbate.
Post tits obvs the fuck u think
there is something called masturbating
and here you have it. roasties literally cannot be trusted on a day to day basis.
what is board anymore
Fuck your side orbiter.
Let's have sex, obviously.
masturbate but for the love of god don't cheat on him.
your boyfriend is loterally breaking his back on the job to provide for your horny ass.
Just be loyal, and go to town on yourself, shame he isn't your hubby, otherwise I would have told you to send him some qt pics or you pleasuring yourself so he can have a quick fap ar work
i dont have anything to do that
i dont like touching myself without permission
i dont have any tho
dry hump mattress corner if you must, finger yourself, whatever you want I guess.
You should hang yourself
i hope you die painfully
>I don't like to touch my self without permission
But you sure are okay talking about lewd stuff with anons online huh?
Lemmiwinks....also become a little more acquainted with the fruits and veggies
just ask for his permission and think of him while you do it? it's not fucking hard retard.
Better yet, repress it and have him fuck you into a slobbering mess when he gets home
But best of all, stop LARPing
>my bf is at work all day and im horny what should i do
>gets a bunch of suggestions
>my bf is at work all day and im horny what should i do
you should stop making threads on this board
why the fuck make this thread if you arent going to do anything you dumb sow?
>in a relationship
>on r9k
pick one
You should do something productive with your life or crotch
Make dinner for your bf.
Even if it's something basic like grill cheese sandwiches, it still means a lot.
Also as soon as your bf gets home, sit him down and suck his dick.
Then ride him after you've both ate your sandwiches.
You seem like a useless roastie, so I doubt you can do any of this anyway.
Kill yourself but unironically and originally
Masturbate you dumb thot
Make him dinner even if it's fucking ramen
Show your man that you're not a basic dumb thot
Suck him off and fuck
agreed. this is an attention whore thread