Lil discord server

hello Jow Forums! we're a small comfy server in search for new peeps to join! but there's a catch to it! the invite is only 5 uses so better get it while it's hot~


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cute comfy image

Attached: sample_c83e1af39a0b00b5fd0783e397a56384.jpg (850x1202, 457K)

it's expire now :(
post a new link

are you a trap? oreganolio

Attached: 1522762337404.jpg (224x224, 9K)

c-can I join? i'm really lonely...

Attached: 1450972755448.jpg (1000x1453, 876K)

Thanks for the cute girl picture, user. It's not a real catgirl.

here's another 5 uses invite and that'll be all for today!

Attached: puffycheeks.png (112x112, 30K)


Oops, forgot to post the link,

No, sorry. I don't want to join your big server.

this servers full of homos dont do it

wow op....i missed the thread

another original one please!

come back in 4 months and i'll consider it

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b-but what if i'm cute :(

post boypussy and we'll decide

h-hope this is good enough

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best boypussy

Attached: boypussy.jpg (793x783, 112K)

>Anime pics and avatars
A fate worse than death

Attached: 1518282039702.jpg (538x445, 62K)

Polfag a fate worse than death I see I pity you

Different user but I'm part of a small server that is trying to find new members. Must be active in the server.


Link is good for 5 uses.