>stayed inside all day again
Stayed inside all day again
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this wojak is scaring me
>Tfw you get up at 9 am and you have to wait 15 more hours (minimum) until you can go back to sleep.
This is misery,
what are some things you can do outside on your own?
It's sometimes hard to realize that staying inside on a daily basis isn't what 99% of the population does when it's your normal.
Tfw I inevitably spend my whole weekend on the computer and have to go back to work Monday morning.
Masturbate orignailaie
That's the worst thing coming out of the weekend where i literally did nothing.
I don't even mind working overtime cause i dont really do anything that matters on weekends anyway.
>have to go back to work Monday morning.
Please don't remind me user. Please just let me have my weekend in peace. This is all I get.
>stayed inside all day
Thing is there is no fun or interesting game to play. I'm tired of winning too much on fagwatch.
I like to go to the beach. It's really the perfect robot activity.
Loads of people there alone to tan or surf so no one thinks it's weird that you're solo. You can read a bit, swim in the ocean, take a nap. Smoke weed if that's your thing. I may be a robot but at least I have a great tan.
>promise myself Id work out this weekend
>Friday hits
>worry about work coming Monday
>lay in bed
I get so motivated, watch videos, anything so Im prepared when I hit the gym, but after work/on the weekends I feel so lethargic. I have a membership that I only use 3-4 times a month.
You should find the right time user. I don't know about you but I find that I have the most energy at night so that is when I usually go to the gym. I'm usually very lazy during the day but I just seem to come alive around 8 or 9 pm. Plus the gym is pretty empty at that time which makes it even better.
Im not trying to be an asshole but im geniunely curious, whats the point? Whether I stay in my room or go for a quick run outside nothing seems to matter. I feel like im only going outside only so i can say i did it, im not really enjoying it. I feel like im just trying to kill time and distract myself with whatever meaningless activity until i can die peacefully. Sorry for sounding like a depressed edgy fag but i dont even know what i want anymore :(
I was going to study hard today but instead I started fixing random stuff and playing video games.
This life, spent baaaaasking in the blue liiight.
It really upsets me how fast that 15 hours goes for me.
>Tfw I've given up on trying to be a normie
Now at least I don t feel remorse for doing absolutely nnothing
Work out and train yourself in hand to hand combat. This can only be a good thing. Buy some nunchucks.
>Tfw time goes fast for others.
>You have to painstakingly sit through those 15 hours minute by minute.
Everythin sucks.
>Try going for a walk
>Get mugged
Ebin, thank god i didn't have anything valuable
Genuine question,
Is it not normal to spend the weekends inside the whole duration?
Id go after I got off (start around 12pm and end at 12am) but Im a warehouse manager and every night Im breaking my back and babysitting worthless shift leaders and high school dropouts. Im strong from all the warehouse work, but looking to do cardio and trim extra fat so I can get a nice physique and be healthier, but by the time I get off work my body hurts so much I just want to go home, curl up and sleep. Im making brain surgeon bucks salary there and Im gonna stay, just cant motivate myself to do anything anymore.
Well at my job every monday everyone seems to always have stories about how they went to a concert, club, drinking, bars, theater, or eating out together.
Can't wait to get a driving licence so that i can drive around,just wandering while listening to my favourite songs
>So what are you doing this weekend user?
>Got a hot date coming up? haha
>woke up at 9am
>already took a 4 hour nap after getting high on drug cocktails
>only 7pm now
>will probably fall asleep at midnight
>will most likely wake up several times until 8 or 9
I fucking hate this I do shit all day, even on work days I get home and do shit please kill me
I'm currently working away form home 4 days a week and the two guys I work with are constantly trying to get me to download tinder. Although i kinda made game of it by seeing how far they can go without talking about it to me, their record so far is only 3 1/2 days... I'm hoping they can reach a week sometime.
There is a forest near me, but I have lived near it my entire life so I have seen pretty much everything about it, only going in there nowadays to smoke weed.
>stayed inside all year again
I also felt bad for staying at home all day but then I stopped caring about normalfag expectations by simply ignoring them and their opinions so i can focus on working hard to improve myself. It also helps to choose close friends instead of more friends.
>stayed inside studying all day again
do you really study all day or is there a lot of procrastination thrown in there
>he doesnt leave his house to buy food
>he doesnt throw away his used cumtissues
laughing at your life mate
now gtfo you failed normalnigger
if I didn't have a dog, i wouldn't have a reason to go outside on the weekend... i feel ya
>>stayed inside all day again
This is me almost every day. Only a normalfag would comment on it as being abnormal.
Only time I don't spend all day indoors is when I have to go do some shopping or take my rubbish out. I try to schedule going out for nightwalks but I just can't find the motivation to.
Having a dog is the only reason I leave the house outside of work. If it weren't for her I would never interact with people.
I woke up at 6pm.
It's now 12.40am and I'm getting drunk... again.
Eaten once since Wednesday.
Life's just fucking great mate.
I almost killed myself last night, was gonna do it but didn't because I'm a fucking huge pussy.
ITT normalfags who think staying inside all day is somehow out of the ordinary.
If you're a robot staying inside all day is a normal day.
I only go to the beach during the winter when it's empty. Really comfy desu. The sand, ocean, air, it's all so nice when it's cold and there's no one around.
Walks and bikerides. Find something to listen to, music or podcasts.
It is my normal day but I wish it weren't
Implying the cumtissues don't go in the pillow to make it softer
where the fuck would I even go if I left the house? only time i leave is to go to college but college is over for the year. now it's long months of fucking nothing
>woke up at 6pm
>stay inside all day
haha what a life
>It's an user sits alone in his room doing things he hasn't enjoyed in years waiting to die episode
>This is every single episode
*sigh* I don't have a job and don't study my situation is almost the same, long months of nothing
>stayed inside all day again
Why do you say it like it's a bad thing, user? I always sigh with relief at the end of the day when nobody bothered me.
Oh you stayed inside all day? Poor you. I worked all fucking day. Fucking NEET losers shouldn't complain about their lives.
literally 99% of robots do that. You're not special.
They have to stop soon, it's season 26 now and almost every episode has been the exact same since season 19.
It's even getting worse because all the side characters have left so the MC is alone all day as well.
What a boring show.
>went outside then came home again today
>woke up
>ate some Cheerios in a plastic cup for breakfast
>stayed inside all day with the drapes closed and lights off
>lifted some weights
>ate some cold cuts for dinner
>browse Jow Forums until midnight in bed
My typical Saturday...
I'm really fat and have that disorder where my nipples are huge and puffy no thanks
I fucking wish I could
>Find something to listen to, music or podcasts.
You can do that inside
>go to the beach
>go for a swim
>get your shit stolen
I don't know how people do it. I can only imagine not bringing anything with them but what about car keys and stuff?
>went out to buy more beer and cigarettes
Wait that's not today, that's yesterday. What the fuck happened to my track of time?
if you go outside you might get hit by car
I'm on season 34. It never gets better.
I already know user, i can hope though