Anyone else here with literally zero (0) friends...

Anyone else here with literally zero (0) friends? And I'm not talking about you if you have 1 or 2 friends that you can text or hang out with rarely. I mean NO friends at all, total isolation. How do you guys cope?

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I have people I consider friends, but I talk to them maybe once or twice a year.

>How do you guys cope?
Work a lot until I pass out of exhaustion

Sounds like a good strategy. The NEET life is eating me from the inside.

I have maybe two people i talk about anime with once in a blue moon, by never text or hang out. Besides them and family, nobody.
>how do i cope
Video games, Jow Forums and other anonymous social networks, practicing music and hoping it'll take me somewhere

I have zero friends but one (1) girlfriend who I have lived with for the last 6 years. I also workout and smoke weed, so I'm pretty much a degenerate or a burnout or something.

Jow Forums all day
eat alot of junk food
follow tons of sports

Im lucky enough to have two big brothers who are more competent than me.
I imagine if i were a single child i would not have anyone else to talk to but the internet.

My brother and my grandpa hang out with me.

I go on one to two hour walks each day and read a lot of edgy and psychedelic comic books and poetry. I'm also writing my own poetry and fiction.