Tell me about your first kiss anonfucks

Tell me about your first kiss anonfucks

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hasn't happened yet, but that is a lovely painting

I feel like this is gonna be an awfully empty and sad thread

>he doesn't know we have been invaded by normies.

It's was meaningless, however, this painting is amazing.

Meaningless? How?

I got high and told her her sweater looked pretty then started touching the fabric and then she kissed me.

I was on middleschool, it was a birthday party, some of my friends actually brought alcohol and then we started with truth and dare, but only the dares, and a girl with glasses got a dare, she had to french kiss me, and she did, I was the overweight loser back then, I felt great with the kiss, I will never forget that

28 and I've never been kissed.

Don't expect to be either.

I was about 13, playing spin the bottle, I wanted to know how a kiss felt like, also I wasn't attracted to the girl I kissed, guess that's why I'm saying it was not a big deal.

Kissing someone you like/love is way different.

You ever notice that the bots here are kind of fading from the board? I'm talking about the real bots. The KHV bots. The robots. Threads like this have poured in from /soc/ or wherever they come from, penned by anons that either don't know where they are or what it stood for, or perhaps they realize that the silent majority will remain silent.

We'll make it through, bros. For better or worse.

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My first what?

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My friend (male) that was kind of effeminate and gay kissed me once to fuck with me, kind of felt cheated. Haven't had an actual kiss from anyone though

My best friend kissed me while we were on the school bus. I never spoke to him again after that.

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it was with a fat girl and I fucking hate myself for it

>10 years old
>best friend is in a wheelchair
>his dad spoils the fuck outta him
>out on a night on the town with both
>his dad pulls over and leaves us in the backseat for a long time
>decide to admit that I like-like my wheelie friend
>he likes me back
He's dead now.

Why would you count that as your first kiss?
I think of it as the first romantic kiss you shared with someone that actually was meaningful to you

>Kissing someone you like/love is way different.
what is like to kiss someone you like/love?

>Why would you count that as your first kiss?
>I think of it as the first romantic kiss you shared with someone that actually was meaningful to you

>your first kiss isn't the first time you got kissed tee hee
Fucking slut logic man

Junior year of high school my girlfriend told me she had some perfume on her nose that smelled like strawberries, it was a trick so she could kiss me.

>your first kiss isn't the first time you got kissed tee hee
lol, wouldn't call her a slut, but that is just retarded, probably doesn't count the first time she got fucked either because she got fucked with a condom.

>he fucked either because he did it with a condom.
just realized it's a dude

>put on tuxedo
>he cute
>proceeds to kiss
Works like a charm every time.

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>be 23, play vidya with local 22yo
>eat sushi together one day
>have fun talking, random walk afterwards
>end up at the cemetery, find a bench
>we cuddle for a bit, she smiles at me
>I say "I like you, you know?"
>Her: "No, I didn't know that"
>Me: "Well I'm telling you then"
>Her after pause "I like you too"
>Stare at her awkwardly for 10 seconds
>I literally can't fucking move my body to kiss her
>Feel like I'm going to explode and cry
>Am barely able to mutter: "C-can I kiss you?"
>She bursts out laughing "wow you're actually going to ask me?"
>Me: "N-no you know, only the first time so you're comfy, I won't ask again"
>She leans in to kiss me
>Wtf is going on, this isn't what I imagined
>Basically copy her with small variations of my own

Ended up watching a movie at her place and kissing more that night.

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>5 years ago, in an anime event with some friends
>one of those sluts who walks with paper boards offering hugs and pecks in exchange for money to buy yakisobas passes close to us
>my friend dares me to do it
>I pay to her and she pecks me

Only time in my whole life.

Had people saying that I'm still kissless becase pecks doesn't count. I still think that is a valid kiss tough.

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It will be a good one when it happens

Heh I have pretty good fucked up shit to share.
>8 years old
>chilling in room sharing bunkbed with older sister
>we start talking about weird stuff after she had sex ed
>I'll cut most of the shit that'll get the weirdo penises stiff TL;DR I get kissed and sexually abused
If we're talking romantic kiss that comes a while later
>be 18
>just out of relationship with an ex I didn't love and which was mostly for sex because she had weird fetishes and liked me physically
>generally depressed arrive at party end up playing spin the bootle because male to female ration is about 1:3
>get paired a lot by luck with a specific girl
>she's my friend's ex
>eventually my friend and the ex makes dumb innuendo while the girl is at the party, hi gf get pissy I drag the other girl outside to cool her down
>I lean back on the garden's table and basically tell her wtf was that about
>Surprised kissed
>I do a full system reboot for a good min not being able to say anything feeling her jagged breath
>that didn't feel like the 10+ kisses that were before that one.
Friend ended up trying to go both for his GF and his ex, was about to lose his virginity but he lost his erection before it, I didn't pursue her because I don't break brocode but maybe I should have as usual.

I was balls deep in a mid-forties married woman, we were fucking in the back of her car.

kissed my cousin while we were cuddling in my uncles bed playing husband and wife when i was like 10

It was weird. Primary school (elementary school) messing around. Having a girlfriend and trying to kiss her was like some kind of weird challenge back then. A game. Did it a few times but can't say I could single out anything particularly special about it.

Feels like a peculiar dream now. Like just a completely different part of life before my mental health just took a fucking dive. Ah well. I can't say it was an unpleasant sensation at the time, but I'm disassociated with it anyway.

It was with a close cousin. She probably doesn't remember but it was very special to me...

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fug uh-oh spaghettios

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I kissed her and she kissed back
It felt like a kick in the head

The first one, my best friend did it for a dare while we were drinking. It was pretty embarrassing.

The first one with a girl, was when, on my birthday, another friend got the girl who likes him (but he didn't like her) to kiss me on account of it being my birthday. It was pretty pitiful.

NNice reference

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No kiss but when I was around 8 or 10 years old I dry humped my cousin in front of my sister and other cousin. Another time I was playing house with my two sisters. One was the eife Crazy, on the daughter and me the husband. The "wife" and I stripped to undies and dry humped next to the bed the "daughter" slept. It's crazy how rock hard I could be that young

>be me, have girly looking (male) friend
>thought of him as kinda cute, but still a male so no.
>both our parents are at a school meeting
>we're at my bedroom
>he checks around my room, im checking my phone on the edge of my bed
>he stops fooling around and sits besides me
>i look at him
>he starts staring at me, then blinks
>i go "heh, you lost!" like an autist
>kisses me
>i eventually get on top of him, he senses boner
>gives me the succ
It felt good and all, but I feel we stopped being close friends for that reason.
Probably thought I was gonna rape him or something lol

I got my first kiss from my cousin of course

We were playing house and she was the mommy and I the daddy. We kissed under the table and got caught by her older sister and ran for it.

I don't remember getting in trouble for that...

Feels like you don't have a worry in the world, you could feel light and warmth radiating form within yourself.
Idk that's how it feels sometimes other times it's whatever

>playing "never have I ever" with group of all girls except for me
>one of the girls says she has never kissed a girl before
>I keep my fingers raised
>"What? user, you've never kissed a girl before?"
>tfw kissed three grills because they decided we needed to do that
>tfw haven't had a Chad moment like that since

Also, I think I was 5 at the time of all that...

It hasn't happened, I don't think it will any time soon either. I also have never held a girls hand or even hugged a female that I'm not related to.

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Kiss-less bitchhhhh

>meet online boyfriend in real life
>hes kissed girls before but I havent
>stand there awkwardly while he kisses my face and laughs at me and makes fun of me until I learn how
Really not what I was hoping for desu, wasnt really romantic at all

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Gay or girl?
if girl you're lying about not kissing anyone before sloot

My first kiss was with my onitis after we had been going out for a few weeks and we're having a good time. Then I woke up. I'm not even making it up. It was the best sensation and whenever I remember it I long to feel it again.

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this is really cute. i'm sad now

i was drunk and i was slamming my tongue down her throat..and that was she made out with 2 other guys before that.

god was i pathetic to want a kiss so bad.

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>in 1st to 3rd grade range
>there was a big toy for the kids at recess
>my friends and I all gathered under it one day
>friend says he guys why dont we all kiss
>he kisses me first and there is exchange between mostly everybody besides me I swear
>it was funny then
>still funny now desu

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>be at all male boarding school
>nearby all female boarding school occasionally does events with us
>some sort of dance/social thing planned
>i have no date, not sure if i'm even going to go
>friend of mine has a date with a girl he doesn't know
>gets in some kind of trouble and isn't allowed to go
>tells me he doesn't care if i talk to this girl and see if she wants to go with me since he doesn't really know her anyway
>talk to her on instant messenger a bit (yes, this was around 1999-2000)
>end up deciding to go as a couple to this dance thing
>keep talking during the 1-2 weeks leading up to the event
>i'm young and stupid and have convinced myself that i'm in love with this girl

>at thing (hosted at the female school), guess it went well, don't really remember how the actual event went
>decide we're gonna go watch tv and hang out in their communal rec room area afterwards
>stop outside of her dorm so she can go in and get something
>she says something like, "I'll be right back" and leans in and kisses me
>mfw i guess that was it, that was my first kiss
>standing there pondering this while she gets her stuff
>a couple girls walk past, ask me who I'm there with
>tell them her name
>they ask me what her last name is
>lol i dunno, never asked
>they give me a disgusted look and continue on their way

>find ourselves alone in the rec room while watching tv
>it's as good as you can expect for my first time on a sofa while constantly watching to make sure we don't get caught
>plot twist: she had a huge fetish for fucking virgin guys
>never saw her again after that, refused to meet me
>after a couple weeks, refused to talk to me too
>at the time, this was extremely painful and I spent probably close to a year agonizing over it

And that's the story of how I lost my virginity roughly 30 minutes after my first kiss, and also the story of how I forever lost the ability to completely trust any woman.

nope, KHV.
GTFO fags.

Get a load of this normalfag.
KHHV Klub King here

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>be at New Years Eve edm show 2 years ago
>tripping on acid and feeling way more autistic than usual
>lose track of time and suddenly hear everyone cheering
>the new year has arrived
>look around me and catch the eye of 6/10 thottie or milf (i was tripping too hard to tell)
>she asks if I want a kiss
>say sure
>i awkwardly try to insert some tongue when she meant for it to be a simple lip kiss
>look at her awkwardly for a couple seconds and then go back to staring around the venue
>relive the moment painfully for the next 6 months

It was awkward and with a girl I didn't like that much who was 2 years my senior too.