Damned if you do and damned if you don't

Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

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Who cares, bitches aren't shit. Your true bros will stick with you through thick and thin and are definitely less judgmental. Who cares what some blogger chick on the internet thinks about having good friends?

Attached: kylestatement.gif (192x224, 42K)

Women are trash and more and more men are waking up to this fact.

Damned if you listen to women, more like.

Also better kissers and handjobs

It's always been this way. These bitches be crazy

Nah dude that's gay

this. of course some dumb judgemental bitch wrote this shit.

>man judges women
>toxic masculinity
>woman judges men
>fragile masculinity
I can't wait for test tube babies and waifu bots. Women will learn too late that _they_ are the true expendable gender.

You just have to say "no homo" after and it's fine

>Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
actually had a good bromance going for about a year in uni, toasites orbiting me were confused and aroused too kek

considering the garbage women talk about this does not surprise me at all.

>this whole article
does it not occur to them that perhaps members of the same sex can relate to each other better than two members of the opposite sex? holy fuck journalism is shit.

if they call a dislike of being judged "fragile masculinity" maybe women should quit being whiny emotional bitches over some retarded banter.

Literally this. If the roasties get toasties, then that's an added bonus.

It also apparently endangers young women.
I dont understand, first men are mentally stunted at childhood due to social norms enforcing it, but its bad once they are grown, then men now find comfort in deep friendships , things women claim men cant understand and now thats bad too.

Isn't it true since a woman wrote this article and is now shaming these men for having genuine friends? The proof is in the author.

Women are just jealous because they always backstab each other and can't understand what a true bond is like. They are jealous of men at being more decent people. We also are more interesting than women since we have more going on in our heads than them. They spend an eternal loop of talking about starbucks and vapid activities. "Did you see what Sarah wore yesterday? SO UGLY!!"

It's quite simple: if women aren't being catered to then something is wrong. This is why what we say in games is policed, what we say in real life is policed, quotas are enforced, male spaces and infringed upon or destroyed, all the while females enjoy greater liberty and are able to have their own spaces.

Women want to be like men but suffer cognitive dissonance when it comes to their latent need to be the objects of men's attention.



There is absolutely nothing wrong with bromance, guy besties are the best to do things with since they will have fun things to do other than fucking shopping.

Don't say that again

no shit I get to experience female nature at work and I can safely say men would not bother with women without the male sex drive. they do nothing but bitch,talk like they just got out of prison and get overemotional. I would kill myself if I was force to live with one of them.

BASED guy besties.

two dudes sitting in a hot tub ten feet apart so you know they're not gay

I used to work with women in an office when I was 18, I was the only male apart from 2 asians who were bitches. The women liked to do nothing, gossip, make shit up and just act like cunts. I remember I had two supervisors who shat themselves when their computers were moved in front of the manager's office (male) because it would expose that they only had enough work until 11am and would just browse facebook until 4:30pm.

I had to train my replacement when I moved into another department and she refused to listen and got another female to train her instead.
One girl got jealous that other attractive girls got hired and started rumours that they were sluts. She even tried to start a rumour that one was a man.

Another girl would constantly fucking cry all day and all the women would console her. Another woman abused her position and would frequently leave her computer to go and smoke or fuck around.

There was so much fucking bullshit there. Never again.

Women aren't capable of friendship. Women are always in competition with each other and platonic male female relationships are a fucking meme only the dumbest and most desperate attention whores or orbiters believe exist.

if you read the article youll see the fragile masculinity part is not in relation to men having closer relationships with other men but instead in relation to a man feeling unable to be open about enjoying taylor swift and beyonce with his girlfriend. cosmo is a total shit rag of a publication but op youre actually doing serious damage presenting the article like this by implying the broader society is unaccepting of these relationships which it isnt please dont hurt the fragile self esteem of robots like this

Women make terrible friends. They are boring, annoying, vapid and selfish. I have very rarely had a girl I was friends with do anything for me out of the kindness of her heart. They take and take and take and give nothing in return. They seem to think that their very presence is a great blessing to all who surround them.
Male friends happily drop whatever they're doing when a brother is in need without even needing to be asked.

>Women are jealous of men theoretically liking someone else
>Women hate the idea of sex robots
>Women HATE incels

They really think of themselves - subconsciously - as nothing but a fucktoy