Damned if you do and damned if you don't

Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Attached: DdBTw12X4AELOYu.jpg (888x1200, 152K)

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Who cares, bitches aren't shit. Your true bros will stick with you through thick and thin and are definitely less judgmental. Who cares what some blogger chick on the internet thinks about having good friends?

Attached: kylestatement.gif (192x224, 42K)

Women are trash and more and more men are waking up to this fact.

Damned if you listen to women, more like.

Also better kissers and handjobs

It's always been this way. These bitches be crazy

Nah dude that's gay

this. of course some dumb judgemental bitch wrote this shit.

>man judges women
>toxic masculinity
>woman judges men
>fragile masculinity
I can't wait for test tube babies and waifu bots. Women will learn too late that _they_ are the true expendable gender.

You just have to say "no homo" after and it's fine