You will never be not incel

>weird in high school, no frens
>frequent this board mu and pol (lol)
>now senior in college
>tons of friends, too many to count
>people respect/look up to me
>well connected with the well connected (t.
>quite successful in terms of school work
>basically a chad now

all of this and I still cant get laid. I am debilitatingly insecure and start shaking when girls talk to me. last/first time I had sex was three years ago and was guilt ridden for weeks. just a reminder to neets on this board that no matter if you eventually shed the neetdom and experience even an ounce of normalcy you will still be saddled with an incel psyche. just remain a neet its much easier.

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>tons of friends, too many to count
Yet none are female? How does this happen? Surely some of your friends friends are female.
Also, what type of clique do you roll with? Nerds?

>good job
>not ugly
>absolutely no anxiety, can freely talk to females
>6 feet
I'll never make it.

I am friends with a few girls but thats just because they are dating my friends. more or less talking about girls for which the possibility of banging is still on the table. Also all my friends are frat brahs. mock me if you must

will be in this position in a few years im sure. Im convinced that still spending time on this board just furthers my inability to talk to girls. I dont even want sex just gf!

It's a depressing and strange feeling realizing you'll be a lonely virgin forever. I can't even talk to other people anymore because I know they've experienced sex and I haven't, it's like I'm a literal child.

No mocking from me, I respect that you've improved yourself. Ive found that normal/frat guys are much better people to surround yourself with than nerds/weirdos/outcasts/whatever. They are much more positive, supportive, and a million times less drama and jealousy than the other guys.
What goes through your head when talking with women? Does alcohol help at all?

same user. and these faggots that say lol sex doesn't make you an adult are NEVER virgins. it's just condescension.

I dont even know what goes through my head man. I talk to girls when im black out at the bar but I just run out of things to talk about in about two minutes and retreat to my friends

Having sex DOESN'T make you an adult. Confidence, independence, knowing who you are as a person, and respecting yourself are qualities that make you an adult. It just so happens that people who possess these qualities are able to have sex.

also your point about normal guys is true. im a CS major so i have some nerdy friends and they are infinitely more dickish than the average natty light knight

PLEASE spare me. girls dont care if you "know who you are as a person". these abstract things girls "like" are spooks normie girls talk about to hide the fact they just want douchebags

>Ive found that normal/frat guys are much better people to surround yourself with than nerds/weirdos/outcasts/whatever. They are much more positive, supportive, and a million times less drama and jealousy than the other guys.

I'm not really good friends with any of them, but the guys at the gym seem way more cool than the douchey "artsy" friends of friends I've come across.

this is true. if you need any more proof just go check out DSA twitter

Try asking them questions about themselves, and then playfully tease them about their answers. What do you say to them in the 2 minutes that you actually can think of things to say?

Clearly you have no idea what girls care about, since you can't get one to find you attractive enough to have sex with them.
As a man, you don't think or really give a shit about what girls care about. You do what YOU care about. THAT'S what women care about. They love seeing passion for your hobbies or for you work. Your problem is that you're too focused on trying to figure out, and emulate this shit that girls want, and you didn't put any effort into the shit that you like. That's literally the woman's job in a relationship. You think women are crazy about basketball, and that's why they watch the games with me? Absolutely not. I'm passionate about it, so they follow me, and pretend to like it a lot too, so that I'll like them.
Work on your own hobbies and interests, and do it in the presence of chicks.


Goddamn I need to finish The Ego and His Own

same. reading stirner almost memed me into being an anarchist lol. currently getting memed into reading deluze

lot easier said than done when ur interests are as base as basketball. let me just work on my interests in macro theory and programming in front of the phi mu I met at the bar last night

Does he have much else aside from the book?

I think he has one more (forgetting the name) most of his writing is like essays im pretty sure. the coolest thing about stirner is the comic engles drew of him lol

Its not that their friends with you, they just feel bad for the autistic 4/10 kid