I invited my girlfriend here, and now she browses Jow Forums regularly. What are some potential consequences of this?

I invited my girlfriend here, and now she browses Jow Forums regularly. What are some potential consequences of this?

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You might not be able to keep larping as you are now.

Who the fuck are you? Why do you browse this board?

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If not larping, enjoy getting cucked

Not larping, here's a screenshot of some texts she sent me a day ago about one of the threads she saw.

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How might this happen?

Kek, I do not know what to say. Tell her to stop browsing ASAP for her own mental health. I hardly believe the roastie can handle it here

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Her trust/faith in men is going to decrease significantly

tell her to start browsing [s4s]

>ur little boys which means us grills wont be sex attract to u k
Every time, roastie. Every time.

I've browsed that board a few times before but never really understood what was going on. What's the main theme of the board?

I knoe without fail errytyme

OP here, she browses Jow Forums as well and while she definitely does not agree with everything, she finds it pretty interesting and continues to browse it. Just some input...

Huh? I don't quite understand...

>she finds it interesting and continues to browse
you idiot everyone knows that's the first sign of getting turned into some autistic trumptard or skinhead

Pretty much this. Pol is kind of variabe though

*variable, sorry I'm having a seizure send jelp

And eventually suicide

Does not prove anything and begone normalfag

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She might start cheating on you with the secret community of chads that exist on this board to prey on low self-esteem females in London

She's going to become hyper aware of things you say that might indicate you think the same way as robots and hold them against you

Smoking meth and thinking it's a good idea

I thought introducing my (then)gf to Jow Forums would be a cool idea. We could bond over memes and she could maybe understand me better since this site has been a big part of my life, but I didnt anticipate how hard that decision would backfire. It was the biggest mistake I ever made. At first it was kind of cute, if not slightly annoying to see her getting excited over "le wacky Jow Forums" shit that happens every day, but then she would constantly be browsing on her phone. All day, every day. Home together? On Jow Forums. Out on a date? Jow Forums. Even on the road. Jow Forums. She stopped cooking for us, didn't care to play nintendo and she stopped practicing guitar. Sadly, the worst was yet to come. After a few months, I suppose she really started picking up on the redpill/lookism lingo because she would use it to insult me in arguments (usually about the shit she's been too lazy to do anymore since she started browsing this shithole). I never knew how much these concepts could hurt when taken out of the playful shitposting context they're posted with. She started eyeballing other guys in front of me, and she eventually told me she wasn't attracted to me anymore and could easily find a guy "3 points" higher than me.

You dont know what you got yourself into.

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