Yeah my girlfriend wanted to have sex with me but i couldn't get it up...

>yeah my girlfriend wanted to have sex with me but i couldn't get it up. i forgot to mention the part where she let me fuck her later after i could :(
>man im dying, the last time i had sex was like 2 years ago, it's worse than being a virgin
>having a gf actually sucks
>cuddling sucks
please stop posting these on Jow Forums

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Oh look another incel whining for attention thread. This should be as interesting as always.

oh look another incel-hater complaining that there are people who are not as genetically gifted as him.


People have been having sex for millions of years. People living in literal caves and dying of plague. It's not hard you're just attention seeking.

Why are you on r9k? Sincerely curious (not OP and don't identify as incel)

I'm on Jow Forums because I'm not a normie, I dislike normie things and dislike being around most normies. Doesn't mean I don't have sex or can't have a girlfriend. This board was originally for OC and then people like me. Incels came in and mistakenly thought they were in good company when they aren't. We might hate women but it doesn't mean we can't get laid. Fuck off already.

Context matters.
>people in literal caves
I'd link you the article in which it's proven that in such early ages, the ratio of women and men who've had sex was 17:1. So no, people in literal caves rarely had sex.
>dying of plague
Yes, after civilisation settled, most people had marriages and sex. You know why? Because it was regulated. Marriages were arranged and women didn't have much choice. It worked.
Now women are trying to change that because trying to even keep up the illusion of being a decent human being is too much for them.
They want to revel in their evil and broadcast it to the entire world.

if you're not a male virgin you're not a robot.
incels are just failed normalfags who still obsess over women and put pussy on the pedestal.
You are a slightly weird normalfag or at best a cyborg because you have the social skills to get laid/get a gf, which a robot couldn't do.

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>I'm not a normie
>Doesn't mean I don't have sex

Oh sweetie, thats not how it works
You can't just decide you aren't a normalfag because you want to feel like a special snowflake

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What you said does not refute the genetically gifted argument at all. It's not even slightly related. You're not very mentally gifted there, eh buddy?