Tfw too ugly to get a gf

>tfw too ugly to get a gf

What did i do to deserve this torment?

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Youre not too ugly to get a gf
Youre good looking enough to use tinder but choose not to
Now gtfo vocel

Nationality? Btw you don't look bad at all from a guys point of view

On tinder you only get ugly girls tho, better off meeting girls irl

Attached: IMG_4736.jpg (1280x960, 304K)

Dude, you actually look good.
You could easily get a gf, just get better clothes.

I can no longer tell if op is baiting new fags or if old fags are pretending to be new fags baiting new fags who think there old fags.

I got 2 matches in a year of tinder, none responded
I wear better clothes outside, this shirt is home only
Im not baiting, im srs

>shave beard
>get a decent haircut
>wear nicer clothes

Yeah, you're not ugly. You're better looking than me normalfag REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Oh okay ur not baiting. I must just be a time traveler then.

It's the boyish haircut, you need to cut it from a good barber as a rite of passage