>in order not to hurt the people around me I have to disappear and fade from their memories
How do I achieve this, I'm 22 and have a full year to prepare.
>in order not to hurt the people around me I have to disappear and fade from their memories
How do I achieve this, I'm 22 and have a full year to prepare.
It's not going to solve your problems.
Get checked into a psychiatrist office. Also running from your problems won't work, they'll follow you.
The thing is my problems are that I feel like I'm doing nothing with my life, I've never gone out on my own seen the world or anything. I want to go and backpack across europe, free camping and such.
Problem is everyone is telling me not to, I don't want to hurt them but I know their holding me back so I need to leave and break off with people.
the best way is to kill yourself.
This. Death will solve 100% of all of life's problems.
You sound like you may have BPD. Or maybe a mental health problem. You shouldn't ghost close friends or family. But I'm sure you'll find that out the hard way.
Just buy a tent and fuck off to remote woods. Just make sure you know how to prepare and eat wild animals and have the necessary supplies.
I sort of did that once when my parents kicked me out. I didn't have time to prepare completely so I ended up just chilling in my local park. I had enough money to sneak out early morning/late evening to go eat out at cheap restaurants.
Remove your fingerprints
Change your appearance as much as possible
Destroy all identification and steal your identity from a dead baby
Drive a nondescript vehicle with fake plates
Pay for EVERYTHING in cash
Move to a big city, get an apartment and accumulate a few months of work history and then vanish. People will think you are dead. Do not return to the city
you cant fade from someones memories especially at 22, maybe if you were 60 with no friends or family