Start talking to someone on tinder or other dating websites

>start talking to someone on tinder or other dating websites
>they stop responding after a few messages
I am starting to think that I have an obnoxious personality. That would be confirmed if it weren't for the fact that I have no problems bantering for hours with random girls on websites like Omegle. Somehow I feel like most of the people on those dating websites have horrible personalities, but that could be a sign of my delusion.

Are people on dating websites generally empty and bland? I could even post a short example conversation that just died down.

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you're probably just not good looking enough, like you can literally say anything and get the "end goal" if you're attractive enough but typically if conversation flames out you probably just aren't attractive to them

Why do they click on "like" then if it's just attraction? I mean, I'm still the same levels of physical attraction before and after. I get the feeling that they want "boring" people and not someone who shoots the shit and just casually talks about things.

Swiping right is a really low bar to pass. Girls have about 40 matches every day. Unless you're TurboChad or make up for it by being really charismatic they'll drop you after a couple of messages

>Are people on dating websites generally empty and bland?
Do we really need to answer this? Tinder and Online dating only works if you have a nice face otherwise you get btfo

I have never met an interesting girl on Tinder before. The biggest giveaway sign is when they show an interest in Disney, guaranteed to be 100% brain-dead.
Having fucked 2 girls from tinder, I find it's actually better to stop messaging them as soon as possible. Introduce yourself, ask about what they do for work, studied at school, something they wrote in their description or is in one of their photos, then ask them out to a date. The longer you talk to them, the more chances you're giving yourself to fuck it up. Also, talking to them on Tinder is burning up all the material you can talk about on the date itself.
I get ghosted all the time by matches, you just gotta play the numbers and set realistic standards according to how attractive you are.

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>something they wrote in their description
None of the girls have anything in their description here. It's probably a regional thing.

>The longer you talk to them, the more chances you're giving yourself to fuck it up
I don't know man. Perhaps I'm spoilt by the casual and charming conversations I can have on Omegle or the ones I had with other girls. I am slowly starting to realize how special the only girl I ever loved was, because she was the opposite of these girls I see on online dating websites and in real life.

With these apps you don't want a long conversation. You want some quick joke, maybe some dirty humor if you want to fuck, then arrange to meet within 3 days. It's not for pen pals.

Yeah, people are tinder are using tinder for hook ups. That's what it's for. You should just use a more serious site if you're looking to meet flavorful women.

What's more serious? There's a catch, because when you say "serious" it sounds more robotic and mechanical. I don't want stiff conversations or procedures which sounds like it's made for desperate (I realize my hypocrisy) people. I just wanted easy going small talk, but apparently I'm asking for too much on the mainstream sites.

>Are people on dating websites generally empty and bland?

They are generally less mentally ill then the women on the websites where you have success.

Imagine this situation. A average looking girl will easily have 15 other guys talking to her. If she swipes while talking to the conversation count this increases fast. The majority of guys have the same opening lines and conversation path. If her profile says "Moved here from X". Out of 100 messages probably 80 will mention it, where did you move from, why did you move here, what brought you out here, do you like here more, bla bla bla. She's answered it so many times. So you'll get lost in her conversations list because so many guys are messaging her. Either message her again a few hours later if she stops responding and again a fer hours later or catch their attention and set up a time to meet. Then have as much conversation in person as you want.

I have been lucky in that I've met plenty of interesting girls on Tinder, however they were a small minority of the matches I've had. As you say it's totally a numbers game: I get a conversation out of about 50% of matches. I end up meeting about 10% of my matches in person. I've averaged 1.5 Tinder dates a week over the past 3 months.

Males on dating sites are 100x more replaceable than in reality, and we're already ludicrously replaceable as is.

>gets a match after a couple of months of nothing
>at the point where I don't give a shit and message first
>she responds to me, doesn't seem that interested but she keeps responding which isn't entirely bad
>eventually sends me the wrong message (I couldn't actually tell that there was anything wrong with the message)
>immediately follows up with "oh jks wrong person omg"
>I say she could've played it off as intentional
>she laughs and says "awks"
>I respond with "hmm, awks indeed I suppose"
>she laughs in response
>I literally don't say anything for a week because I have no idea how to get this going again
>I don't really know if I want to see this girl cause she probably doesn't like me that much
>if I messaged her she'd probably unmatch anyway.

This is pretty much the most I've ever spoken with a girl so it's an improvement I guess

So far in all of my time using online dating, which is probably around 4 or 5 months, I've only met one girl who's worth sticking around as I genuinely enjoy being around her. It's rare for an interesting girl to use online dating sites, but it isn't because all the interesting girls don't use it, it's because simply most girls aren't interesting.
That one girl that I found on the dating website is also one of the only interesting girls I've met ever. I've talked to about three times as many girls in real life compared to online dating and none of them hold a candle to that one special girl of mine. Finding someone who you'd consider your special someone is hard, no doubt, but it isn't because of the tools you're using. It's because the girls you're looking for were exceedingly rare from the get-go.

>absolutely no motivation to reply to any matches
>send a message maybe once a week after drinking
>don't care or understand half of what they send back
So when does this become fun?

You should message her, user. Worst case scenario she unmatches you but that's no different to you neither of you initiating conversation again.

This. You're looking for a needle in a haystack.

I don't have many photos up, I think I should add some more before I do

How can you want to put your peen in some girl you dont know.

>She's answered it so many times
That's why I assumed that being original and "witty" by starting conversations with something other than that or "hi" will be the key to success, but it hasn't.
Asking them to meet up sounds kind of sleazy and they might think that I just want sex. One of my coworkers showed me her Tinder and the majority of men wanted to meet up for lunch or similar. I was disgusted by those men.

>girls are boring meme
Have you ever looked at men? How many boring men have you met? I've met the same amount. As mentioned above, I've had a chance to look through a female friend's Tinder messages and they're all equally boring and bland.

I do agree that the women on those websites are boring. You were close to the probable truth, but missed it. There most likely aren't any interesting girls on there because they're interesting and able to find partners without online dating. The same applies to men. Obviously there are a few of both online or at least I'm deluding myself so I don't have to admit that I'm boring myself.

>get a match
>text first, get response almost immediately after
>chat for a bit, get along well
>ask for her number, she gives it to me
>chat over WhatsApp for 1 or 2 days
>ask of she would like to meet up, grab something to eat etc.
>she says she would love to
>ask if [any day of the week] is ok
>no response

Every single fucking time.
I get a fair amount of matches and this is how turns out always, no exceptions.

I've met plenty of boring guys too. A vapid, boring thot is as equally boring as the boring bro-dude who does nothing but do drugs and drink all day. I never said that women are the only boring people out there. You're assuming my argument based on the bias of other people who have said things similar to me.
Have you actually met people who have gone by and gotten plenty of girlfriends/boyfriends without online dating? That's the typical normie, by the way I find them extremely boring to be around. They aren't interesting to me because being interesting is entirely subjective to my own perception. I also said that I found someone extremely interesting on online dating, so if you didn't realize it but I'm talking about something that's true, not something that's based on speculation.
By saying that you have to be interesting to do normie things, which in this context is finding out how normies find their dates, you're basically fantasizing to be a normie yourself. Quit that.

Look at those heavenly trips.

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>Are people on dating websites generally empty and bland?
yes. i used to use okcupid. i once checked it out of curiosity a year after i stopped using it. the same women were on there, with the same pictures. many of them have something wrong with them. hideously boring and shitty personalities, even by normalfag/stacy standards. the type of girls that never want to "settle" despite being the type of girl that guys settle for, so they constantly cycle through the surplus of men on dating websites.

yeah same. shit's fucking retarded, especially when it was them in the first place who offered for us to hang out in the first place.

if USA use bumble. while the odds are still shockingly horrendous at least the roastie must care enough to write the first message

in general dating apps exist to convert male desperation into female validation. you are competing with thousands of other guys for a crumb or two of attention from broken women

>wanting to take out a girl that is talking to 15 guys at once

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and you still dont have a gf

Your meant to just pick a day, people hate making choices so they just don't and stop responding

Only one person ever talked to me for a few days, and still does, it was a German girl. I was swiping in Europe out of boredom so of course we can't even meet. Back in Murrica they are all boring pretentious liberal cunts.

> get matches
> go out on dates
> just talk
> dropped and ghosted after first one
every fuckin time

Bumble is full of fat professional women that will drop you in a heartbeat. Haven't tried Tinder matches much. Are they easier to get sex out of? Can someone over 30 forget about hookups?

Fuck that
Women want men to do everything for them. Asking what day they prefer is courteous, not beta

If you're looking for women over 30 then yeah you aren't going to get hookups. Just fuck some 20 something sluts that wanna call you daddy

Exactly women want everything done for them. Asking them which day instead of just picking one makes them feel like they have to suggest a day they're available. So they just won't

>actually getting any matches
hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah get out normie

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Funny, because I am in Germany now and experiencing the mentioned problems.

>babby needs his safe zone he got triggered, if he can't succeed in life no one else must neither

im autistic and a robot and as long as you're not fat or completely retarded and do some stuff that seems slightly interesting liek going to the gym, running, loving hiking and nature etc its not hard to land yourselve dates.

the real problem comes after a few dates when you expose your autism

i have no problems with first impressions

i have problems with ever getting someone thats gonna accept me for who i am

what are all these /b/ threads doing here