>be black
>hate niggers
>surrounded by niggers constantly
What do I do
>be black
>hate niggers
>surrounded by niggers constantly
What do I do
Other urls found in this thread:
This is equal to a roastie saying "I hate other girls. I'm not like them. I only hang out with guys because it's less drama"
Lighten your skin color and get plastic surgery to change your nose. Wear a blonde wig. Wear blue contacts. Then become an hero.
Have you considered that maybe, you attract these people?
Ever heard of Micheal Jackson?
Ok, this made me kek
Everyone hates niggers, mayne. Especially pipe hitting niggers living in the projects. That's why black on black violence is so high.
Just find blacks like you who aren't niggers, or get white friends. Its simple. Being a nigger has nothing to do with skin color or education.
Bring the word of Jesus to these lost souls.
Do better with your life so you can interact with as few as possible
>be me
>smart nigger
>get into good, majority white schools
>choose good, majority white major that niggers are too unintelligent to get into
>get good jobs
>only niggers there are tame and docile like myself
It's comfy desu
>Being a nigger has nothing to do with skin color or education.
It has everything to do with skin color you fucking retard. It's just a word to disparage blacks. I can appreciate people trying to "take it back" but it's literally nonsense to imply that being a nigger is anything more than just being black.
This, he beat me to it. Make the money and get away from them, just focus on the prize. If there's a high population of them in the city or state consider moving.
Watch this video in its entirety,
It describes a time and place you would have found ideal at some point I dunno the exact timestamp.
Nigger is a state of mind.
Why do you hate them OP?
nigger implies that there's an extra black component to thug-like behavior that makes it worse, when you can just call them as you see them: thugs. it's impossible to get away from this for as long as people remember the history of the word. it's ignorant as fuck to pretend it means something different. unless you're just trying to trick black anons into hating themselves.
>be black
>all about black excellence
>fucking love intelligent, well-spoken blacks and black nerds
>don't really care for ghetto blacks
It's always so disappointing and humiliating for me whenever I'm surrounded by ghetto, ratchet hoodrats.
But even the best blacks are just uglier white knockoffs, admit this.
Kill yourself. This is literally the only thing you do because you'll always be around black people. Even when you're alone, you're still with yourself. The black race would also appreciate it if you killed yourself.
become one of those ultra weeb black guys so blacks will find you too cringy and disown you while whites don't find you threatening anymore because you're like a dweeb beneath them.
Be as good a person as possible and if God truly loves you he will turn you into a human like he did with Michael jackson.
You're taking a Chris Rock joke way too seriously, and I don't hate blackbots. I hate niggers.
How will molesting children solve this for him?
Black Unitarian Universalists are the only subgroup of blacks who outperform both whites *and* Asians on the SATs. I suggest converting to Unitarianism and finding a black Unitarian church to attend regularly, and maybe embed yourself in that community. I don't know what your political views are but they are overwhelmingly leftist.
It may have been a Chris Rock joke, but it's still a bad idea to teach to people. People believe it, like yourself. Even if you acknowledge that it's a joke you've still assimilated the idea. It's racist, and I see racists use it and pretend they aren't racists.
Your implication here is that words cannot have their meaning change, and/or that the term is so laded that it's unsalvageable, or that it's outright racist to erase the history of the word. You're wrong on all three counts.
Even further, you have educated blacks going on CNN and claiming that calling campus police on someone who is black is straight up violence because *ham fisted plea to muh ancestors*.
Its like a joke I've seen here recently:
>I'm interested in the process of validating black people's frustration at getting shot by the police but also helping them realize their getting shot at is at least partly their own fault. Can you walk me through what that looks like?
Where "incel" was replaced with black people.
He'll be a white child molester. Also he'll get away with it because he'd be a rich celebrity.
Of course words can have their meaning change. The new meaning is still racist. To reiterate, to call bad behavior nigger behavior is to say that there's a black aspect to the behavior that makes it especially bad. Because nigger is still mainly used for bad blacks. Even if you used it for shitty white behavior, you're still equating that behavior to something bad /blacks/ do.
I don't have much to say about those links/qoutes.
>calling campus police on someone who is black is straight up violence because *ham fisted plea to muh ancestors*.
It's a dumb thing to think.
Words can change their meaning, but this one didn't. "Nigger" still comes from negro, meaning black. All blacks are niggers and all niggers are blacks. Say "thug" or something if you want but the meaning of "nigger" is still pretty clear. This whole "whites can be niggers too!" shit is a meme that gets spread on here and reddit.
Same thing as a trap. Taking yourself far too seriously. It matters not what you look like but if that look is appealing to people you want to appeal to.
You obviously want a racist gf, or friends, and are an ass.
It's okay though, most racists are white trash anyway. Just realize that and be racist against white trash instead.
Fuck off nigger.
>implying nigger is going to offend anyone going to Jow Forums
I only care that a bad idea is being spread. be as racist as you want dumbass. I'm assuming you aren't even the one who I've been talking to.
same here OP. Made me mad when black kids in high school would call me "whitewashed" "coon" for liking metal or any other types of music that isn't rap/would constantly make fun of the way I dressed (I wore only band shirts back in the day). Some asshole at work said I was a coon a few years ago because I like the sport of Baseball and hated Basketball. You can't win around these idiots so I keep to myself at all times.
>there's a black aspect to the behavior
>all niggers are black
No. They're not. Also. Its not inherently about being thuggish. I wouldn't bat an eye when a white calls another white man a nigger, mainly because I'm not a pussy who gets upset over words, and I would understand the context, I wouldn't think "they're behaving like someone who has black skin" but rather "they've wronged this person" or "are acting like a dick."
Blackbashers OUT
>But even the best blacks are just uglier white knockoffs, admit this.
Are you retarded user?
Don't be selfhating user. Embrace who you are. Love your people.
>No. They're not.
Great argument I'm convinced. Context can change the meaning of any fucking word. Specifically choosing the word nigger over any other word is to accept everything that comes with it, and how it can be interpreted. Especially when you use it in the context of this thread. Such as how I've explained. Please understand.
>Faggots arguing what nigger means
>OP hates his own race
>other fags telling shit stories
>random black anons hating their skin colour
The fuck is this thread it's absolutely retarded
>just hate trahsy people
>not racist against anyone
you see OP the key to stop hating yourself is to mix in with trashy whites and gang banging Mexicans o Chinese tourists although the Mexican one is dangerous so you probably might not want to do that, the thing is OP there are shit people of all races and you've got to understand that no matter all the shit excel made propaganda
We discussed this back in high school what do you think of this? The teacher said the world nigger is to be used in academic language only and it's a lot less bad for black people to say because the word is a part of their language and culture. Then the teacher had a couple kids act in front of the class and read passages of black people saying the word nigger in the old South ebonics language to show it is the way they act. Any opinions?
What if most of his people reject him? I suggest he study African history instead.
>The teacher said the world nigger is to be used in academic language only and it's a lot less bad for black people to say because the word is a part of their language and culture.
That's really just his opinion. I don't think it's wrong for anyone to use the word, even whites. It's similar to a rape joke in that, you should just know your target audience. There's nothing wrong with the joke itself, but you probably shouldn't tell it to a victim.
I agree with you. It shouldn't be off limits for certain things. Do you agree it's an intrinsic part of black culture? My teacher thought so.
whats wrong with pipe hitting niggas
No, I'm an ugly white knockoff black. This is just objectively true.
Are there nerdy and shy black girls?
>hating blacks
>hating myself
these are different even though I fall under both of them
In america, very much.
all niggers are blacks but not all blacks are niggers, as long as you arent a thug and you are humble, you aight
Why would you hate yourself mister?
you can't be a high iq black and hate niggers and be surrounded by niggers
I spend 0 time with niggers other than being in public which is rare still
I know 0 niggers personally
high iq black itt
I have met 1. she had a slight hood accent but she wasn't ghetto at all really
she was a qt, she had straight hair and a ponytail, big brown/black shiny eyes, tiny mouth
BUT why should I leave if I'm right? There's no defense to this.
Just bee yourself bro
nuffin u can do about it
>believing such lazy and unsubstantiated jewish lies
Kys, the greatest leaders do so by example.