Creativity thread. Post things you've made, youtube channels, music, art, etc.
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bumpin in an original manner
last bump and i disappear
Here, have a laugh at my last year's autism paroxysm. Even worse, at that point I thought it's gonna be a series.
The production on this is fantastic. Why did you stop?
here's a track from my music project.
fuc that was about 4999x better than almost any other creation on youtube
This seems more of an "audible story" than a music project. I dig it, but I don't think I could listen to it as music.
This is cool user, you made the animation yourself?
nah it was already an animation but I touched it up, added color correction, edited it to music, added glitches, and added that "melting" effect
Star Wars? Looks like some spinoff of Mos Eisley.
Used to make signatures for forums and shit. Quit actively photoshopping a few years ago and just do it every now and again. Getting a tattoo makes me want to do GD again though.
wtf i'm fucking hungry now
but seriously thats fucking cool as shit dude
honestly cant remember the source. sorry lad
any robots here do lets plays? I always love watching lets plays from small youtubers
I thik this is from a comic by Moebius, french sci fi comic artist. Can't tell you which story of his it's from tho. But I recognize some of the characters.
This is talent. Make more.
It definitely looks like it's out of the concept art of the phantom menace.
nice trips but that's not concept art bro
Being someone with no clue about modern music production and a technichal know-how it sounds impressive, but it's totally not my thing. Cool skill, tho.
It seemed great in my head, but the moment I tried it, I realized it actually takes a lot of skill, both culinary and videographic to make it look as good as I imagined. I also discovered many technical obstacles (need for a nice, well equipped kitchen, youtube music copyright issues etc.) Not to mention the discouraging ratio of effort to final product's quality. The only thing that could keep me going is the fact that noone is retarded enough to do this shit, so at least my content would be somewhat original. Thanks anyway.
I know I was just saying that it looks like some,
>The only thing that could keep me going is the fact that noone is retarded enough to do this shit, so at least my content would be somewhat original.
It's not only original but it's quality content. I hope you decide to continue one day.
Nice, but it's way too short to stick with you. By the time you start to sink in the atmospohere, it's over. I actually got a disappointment response from my brain when it stopped.
You're all fucking lazy.
You create something then ask attention for it. When someone tells you to put more effort into it, to improve, you tell them that its just your art style. When in reality all it is, is that you're too lazy to improve and you want to keep getting recognition for your shitty art.
I appreciate the feedback. the original was actually longer, but I cut it because it got repetitive. thanks though
Point out one example of that happening in this thread.
I make music
here are my two latest tracks
99% of "artists" have this problem
here's one of my longer edits. it's not a an animation edit but maybe you'll enjoy
8.5/10. Cut your fucking nails. Otherwise, I would enjoy watching something like this.
Lady of the flies is really sick. I could easily see it as a game or movie soundtrack. I'd follow you but I don't have a soundcloud. Great job.
You come into the thread and make a grand claim, only to support it with 0 evidence. Have a nice day lad.
And 99% of artists never make it. And 99% of artists are not popular. So what makes a popular artist and a shitty artist different? One is more appealing to the large crowd, one is not. They are still both artists. Eat a bag of dicks faggot.
Thanks user. The movie that the talking is from is Phenomena if you haven't seen it. I've been slightly obsessed with it ever since I saw it and wanted to do a kind of extended soundtrack I guess.
I appreciate the causal vibe, not like all these over-the-top youtube-shilled production. I'd get rid of the titles though, they break the illusion of this being a free, smooth composition.
This is great, I just wish it was longer.
I used to imagine a huge war Sara in my head for years, from when I was a small child at recess in school. It was mostly an autistic habit, for years I was even ashamed of it until my inhibitions fell away a bit. It was a grand epic spanning decades in the world and sixteen years in real life. I imagined the world as a giant planet with huge structures and trees miles tall, I used to play with twigs imagining they were flying battlecruisers. Like if star wars took place entirely on one huge planet. I had characters but I ended up ruining the story by having the main character Orion die, then be "resurrected" years later. It ruined the continuity and retconning something like that would be so jarring I would lose what little capability I have left to imagine it. So I think it is basically dead now, leaving me with even fewer reasons to live. But anyway I did make some art and music for the story, I suck shit at drawing but I just wanted the images on paper so I'd have something to leave behind when I die. I also wrote about 600 pages of the story but that's not even 10 percent the plot.
the titles in the intro scene? or all of them? thank you.
I appreciate it man. however I don't think im capable of making an edit any longer without losing quality.
Do you have a link to the pages or art? This sounds kinda interesting.
>but I ended up ruining the story by having the main character Orion die, then be "resurrected" years later
mild kek
This is music I wrote for the death of Orions wife, Trielle, in battle against the enemy, she got pinned down during a firefight with the enemy "louse" soldiers (that was child name for them but they were really just cloned soldiers) and was shot over a dozen times, yet still managed to kill all the lice attempting to destroy the explosives they'd set to destroy a louse superweapon. So her friend Myron carried her out to the trenches outside as the explosion went off, and she bled to death there.
Pic related is the "who" armies attacking a louse stronghold, I named them Whos after the Dr Seuss creatures, even though they had nothing to do with them really, but I was 7 at the time so I didn't have much originality. Still don't, but that's fine. After the "louse superfortress" that was my middle school was destoryed, the whos fleet was scattered and had to scavenge for supplies attacking small outposts like these. When the lice in fact had many huge fortresses miles tall and wide, bigger than a mountain range, with millions of soldiers. One superfortress could project force over the entire real-life earth easily (but this world was much bigger).
I believe in you user. It's so fucking addicting I've listened to it 5 times and I still need moar.
All of them. I like to imagine I stumble upon such videos searching through drawers of an abandoned cabinet, and them being a product of some VHS mash-up, or corroded 90's home video resulting in a comfy, nostalgic vibe. Titles make it seem like some pre-planned and deliberately crafted product with intention to dazzle the viewer. But you know, it's the guy making cinematic cook-a-longs in his mom's kitchen, so better get some proper opinions on this.
thank you so much man, im elated glad you enjoyed it
by the way the song is forever dolphin love (erol alkan extended rework)
Yeah I just realised you didn't make the music, oops. But after I started listening to the song without your edit I also realised that 80% of the reason I enjoyed it so much is because of your video. It captures the mood perfectly. You have a knack for it.
This is the only link I have to the story, all my Dropbox links are dead. I still have everything backed up nice and safe.
Essentially I had this family, the Green family, who were the main characters of the story, they had some future sight powers to explain their plot armor. The first were Peter and Emily, who were the main characters through elementary and middle school. They died in the battle to destroy the middle school superfortress and left Orion and Cassiopeia, their children. Cassiopeia was an ace pilot who died in a battle much later on. Orion was the main character from when I was 12 until when I was 19, when he died fighting the main villain Timeless (who had been in the story since it's inception, making him the last major character to die). Orion sabotaged the lice bioweapon so that the lice wouldn't be immune to the virus anymore, so billions and billions of lice died (it's hard to truly imagine the scale, I felt shudders being up in a plane and looking down at the world and imagining everything millions of times bigger, how lonely and insignificant it would all be , these deep feels I only got in that experience). Orion then died in a knife duel with timeless where he dragged both of them to fall into a pit of energy. So his children Leo and Andromeda became main characters. Andromeda was insanely powerful, she could focus her futuresight and achieve clairvoyance, so she could shoot enemies through walls and other stupid matrixtier stuff like that. Leo became a fleet commander type character and a leader rather than alone traveler with introspection and I realized I couldn't just clone Orion with his son, so I started wanting to bring back Orion for continuity even though it was a terrible idea. So there was a whole plot line where the lice tried to reanimate his charred remains to use him as an assassin using ancient nanotech, but ended up making it worse.
did a fanmade music video for Dinosaur Jr
It's Heavy Metal.
not bad but way too many cuts. also even though its pretty clear what you did, itd be nice if you wrote down the steps in the description. i dont know if youd get big, but you have potential
Eternal is the flame of Man
And drawn to it are we.
Strength and Beauty are thy hands,
The Gods remember thee.
Resembling that of awakening,
Tired eyes like determined torches,
Ablaze with Hope still lingering,
A gaze of judgement scorches.
For the Kingdom of Heaven maintained;
Coronate Truth, alleviate pain.
Or hell itself on Earth awakens;
All besiege divine creation.
Having torn the airs asunder,
Victorious heroes of Time!
The spirit of Man thunders,
Into death after the climb...
you've made my day man, thanks again
and what I said still stands, I really hope you make more/longer videos. Every time I listen to the song I get 20 seconds in and go back to your video, I can't listen to it without it. It's the missing piece of the puzzle.
make more fren
seriously you're good
I'm part of a band and we do some cool stuff heres us jamming, I also do some transcriptions and shit
You call it autism, but this is genuinely enjoyable. I've bookmarked it to read later. Thanks.
The video perfectly fits the song
I'm a fucking brainlet who doesn't know anything about poetry, but I think this is good
here some gay shit i made awhile back, ive been thinking of making another video, but im too lazy and i cant find a good video editing software to pirate
im not a great editor but allow me to give my 2 cents. the song doesn't match the video at all, and you reused scenes multiple times. try and avoid that.
as far as editing software goes, look for a "sony vegas 14 free download" on youtube, there's plenty
Kek just remembered I made this
i am heavily involved in the development of the enderal mod
god i feel like i can't even enjoy music anymore. i used to play guitar and enjoy it, but now whenever i play i'm like sickened by how boring everything seems. a few months ago i was having a blast writing all these instrumental guitar pieces and practicing. now i hate playing for other people, and playing for myself is a habit just like biting fingernails
the only music i enjoy are like a handful of dumbshit obscure artists.
i feel like i'm on the way out anons. no more creativity or anything for me
post moar stuff lads
can a post a cover? kinda bored and not in the mood to shill my shitty music
Sure. I'd rather hear an original no matter how shitty though.
I was inspired by an image of popular liberal youtuber hbomberguy to make this picture. Sometimes I'll randomly attach it to unrelated Jow Forums posts and hope that someone saves it and reposts it. It's happned before with other pictures I've made and it's pretty satisfying even if it's a rare occurence.
I'd appreciate if someone would save this and repost when it's relevant to the topic at hand, which will probably be never.
alright i'll go for the original. you convinced me
backstory first:
>years ago
>family goes to beach house in oregon
>whole family is happy and lively and talking all night
>i mostly enjoy myself, read some, talk
>go to bed in tiny room in basement
>wake up in the middle of night
>go upstairs to get cereal cause can't fall asleep
>look out at the water and listen to waves
>imagine what it would be like to sit on the beach with a bf right now
>imagine a big strong guy whistling music and teaching me how to dance in the sand
>too much imagining
give me a second to rerecord the song. it's based around this
fucking nevermind. could get a single take without messing up horrifically. fucking makes sense that i can't play my own song i wrote when i was seventeen years old. sorry for being a bummer.
I made a painting. It's my first one ever!
Post it anyway. I love home recording Daniel Johnston-esque stuff fuck ups and all.
My younger brother asked me to Produce his "RAP" album for him. I never produce Rap so I was wondering if I could get some feedback on the Production of this Song. I did Eq the vocals correctly? (Please Ignore the actual content of the vocals)
i will take a shower to cleanse my fucking sad demons and then play anew
thanks for showing any interest
what's ur fav daniel johnston song
Fantastic user, hard to believe it's your first
Thanks user I believe in you
Hey Joe, I shed very manly tears 90% of the time I listen to it
>this is genuinely enjoyable
It was for me until I fucked everything up. I hope you enjoy reading some of it.
Please don't let this thread die. I'll post more of my autistic shit to keep it alive if that's what it takes.
Don't worry I won't. I'll be bumping for the next hour at least.
Sketches of two girls from some of my classes. Quite pretty both of them.
Very nice. Do they know you were sketching them?
What's the name of the song? I'm too lazy to get out my phone to shazam it.
Creepily enough, no.
Generic drawfag checkin in.
This is wonderful user. You've got a great ear for melody and I love the shy vulnerable vocals. Reminds me a little of Elliott Smith and Yo La Tengo.
I was hoping you'd say that. It's more romantic that way and makes the sketches better.
Video of my autistic ass dropping acid like a boss.
I wanted to start drawing but I'm just so lazy...
nice thread.
I'm so glad you posted this, I've listened to it 4 times now. It makes me both smile and tear up. The bitter sweetness of it is intoxicating and super comfy and the lyrics are really imaginative.
If you make an album I'd listen to it.
True that, beauty is so much purer when natural and nonchalant. It also way more calming for me to act as the observer rather than the artist.
I liked it user, good job.
>beauty is so much purer when natural and nonchalant
Nail on the head. I love getting glimpses into what people are like when they think no one is looking. They're always more attractive.
>It also way more calming for me to act as the observer rather than the artist
I don't know if it's my insecurity or self consciousness that makes me feel this way but I feel the same, watching takes all the pressure off and is more enjoyable in most cases.
I knitted this...
one of the stuff I made before I gave up
Not unless you want me to copy and paste the poetry saved on my mobile to here and read a long ass piece of work that is all over the place. It goes from free verse, to a rhyme scheme, back to free verse, at one point it turns into a limerick right at the end.
Lots of illusions to biblical texts, and so on.
Damn, this is really good, but I also hate you because I know I can never be as good of a guitarist or songwriter as you are :^)
i was editing pictures a few nights ago and they came out pretty good
this is one of them
heres another one that turned out pretty good
did you make this friend?
no, i like it though
Thats pretty good, man. kkkol
habe art stuff
I've drawn this after getting dumped.
Truly, utterly
thanks, it was fun working on them