Ready for work tomorrow, wagie? No? Aw, what a shame!

Ready for work tomorrow, wagie? No? Aw, what a shame!

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Laziest NEET post I've seen in a while

Actually, I am ready for work, dear NEET. It draws me out from my house and so provides me with a certain amount of exercise each day, so I don't have to dole out money to a gym.

Awww can't play that latest game on PS4? What a shame, maybe you can ask your mami to rent it for you on Red box.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.51_[2018.03.06_01.37.13].png (548x710, 396K)

>wagie is also a console peasant

More or less. I find my work to be fairly rewarding. Would still prefer to sleep till noon and then hit the gym like in my neet days, but eh, have money now at least.

He might have to forklift out of bed and be rolled somewhere

Yeah it sucks but I enjoy the late shift I work. Its quite relaxing to drive around that late at night. If I didnt have to work I think I would still wake up just for drives like that.

I'm going to take a leave tomorrow.
Checkmate neetscum

>tfw NEET in Manhattan
>rent controlled housing
>free gibs
>take the subway down to Times Square every morning
>chill near tourists hotbeds reading
>run up to wagies that spent years of their lives saving up to visit and harass them for money

>wagie using video games as escapism for his miserable existence

color me surprised...

What do you work as user?

>Are you ready to make money tomorrow, wagie?
Yeah. It's how I can afford shit you can't.

>Get punched in the face by tourist
>Make suicide post on /r9k and /pol bashing immigrants

>lazy wagie raging cuz he cant keep up with all the NEET goodness
have you done your chores yet, wagie?

I have the day scheduled off tomorrow.

U mad, NEET?

Neets have the year scheduled off

my job kicks ass so yeah

nah i have every day off, bud

>I begged my boss to give me one day off in exchange for working extra hard when I get back

NEETs also don't have any money, dignity or gfs.

That's cool. *counts money* So what are your plans today besides leeching off your parents? *orders ticket to Japan* Oh, the same ole play vidya, watch anime and shitpost? *scroll through phone* That's cool. *orders steak lunch on Door Dash*

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.45_[2017.08.23_18.09.47].png (448x672, 275K)

actually NEETs make the same amount that you do if you adjust for the rent that you pay (we don't pay rent or have subsidized housing), the insurance you pay for (that we get for free), your monthly bills (that we get free), and your food (that we get free)

well it's mother's day so i'm giving her a gift i bought her. also i don't play video games or watch anime, but you clearly do seeing as you not only post it but you're apparently headed to weebland

>Work as a security guard
>clock in
>watch movies on my laptop
>clock out
Don't even have to lift a finger and i make $15/h. NEETs forever btfo.

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why is it that every wagie on this board claims to be a security guard that watches movies all the time?

I've been a NEET for six years now.
It's not that fun when the years go on, I was 17 and I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

It's the ultimate wagie fantasy.

because it's decent pay and you legitimately do zero work. if you're a robot with shitty parents, overnight hotel desk or security guard will keep you alive. you usually make 2x minimum wage at least, work robot hours, have no actual boss, and call the cops if something actually happens. if I wasn't a senior in college I would be doing it.

Because its the easiest job there is. NEETs are too retarded to take any pragmatic approach.

put more effort into it next time. this is really half assed and uninspired

>Car breaking down
>Laptop hinge broke
>Will have to spend about $1500 in repairs, replacing tires, etc.

>replace laptop by making a purchase on a large marketplace website
>dispute it after it posts
>free laptop
sorry about the car though

I like my job, I get to fix PC's and test software also gets me out and I can see my friends, so I'd say I'm pretty ready

>Make an honest living
>Don't have to resort to chimp tactics

You must be a NEETleech

>because it's decent pay

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>tfw full time student at community college with part time job
>tfw graduating
>tfw Uni next year
>tfw it's a small, comfy conservatory
>tfw meds are working
In any other timeline I would be a normie
>tfw uni

Based Yui poster origopoly

>weeb trying to be smug

Looking forward to work. Gets me out of the house and I get social interaction. Im not a big fan of weekends because I just sit at home and be a tvfag.
Im also very much in love with my boss.

>Everyone makes the same.
Top lel

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Just suck each other's dick already
Jk, I would actually like to see who wins in a physical or intelectual fight/competition

This is not the best reply pic for THIS thread. Smugwojak_dealwithit.gif would be more appropriate, but I'm not going to let wagies have that pic THAT easily.

Attached: smugwojak4v2.png (640x400, 32K)

*buys car*
what are
*goes on a skiing trip*
your plans for
*has sex*
tonight NEET?

Nothing I'd feel the need to brag about because I'm not insecure

>*brags about not working*
>d-don't brag about you life w-wagie...y-you're i-insecure...

When did I brag about anything?