How I spent my day

How I spent my day
>woke up
>walked around the house worrying about not doing anything with my life for an hour
>smoked a bunch of weed
>accepted that I'm a piece of shit
>played Europa Univeralis for 8 hours
>take a break every 20 mins to smoke weed
>get bored of gaming
>fap for 5 hours to women trying on clothes on youtube
>cum on my floor
>I want to sleep now because I have done all the activities
>but I am here and the sun is coming

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>average day of a NEETcuck
lmao, you can't make this shit up.

That shoping bag in the pic is from a russian supermarket

But did you wish your mother a happy mother's day and told her you love and appreciate her?

that makes sense, some russian goblin's lair

Lol I remember that thread where the NEET was kicked out, but now lives in the crawl space of someone else's house. What a great thread that was.

send your favourite youtube vid of women trying on clothes NOW

no, and I live with her. I try to do things around the house when I'm not fapping or looking at memes tho. Or I just try not cause trouble, like bring the cops around with my drunken follies

>he needs Hallmark to make a day up to remind him to honor his mother
Remember to buy her the Hallmark cards and flowers too!

>wake up at 6am after going to bed at like 8pm
>play the fortnite pve mode since i still have it after submitting my refund
>eat a donut mom bought
>browse Jow Forums and play a lil bit more
>eat more food
>play more shit
>fold laundry in the dryer
>watch the movie edge of tomorrow
>play the pve shit with my twin that woke up
>he wasn't too into it i think so he basically blew 40 bucks on it for no reason
>tell mom happy mother's day
>take a shower
>empty dishwasher and fill it back up
>eat more food
>xmen days of future past the rogue cut was finished downloading
>watch that
>start shitposting in the middle of it on Jow Forums right now

all throughout this i feel the intense guilt of leeching off my mommy i need to wagejew here soon so i can at least pay for myself being alive

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too hard to pick a favorite, but a favorite of the night

I feel more disgust at myself than guilt when it comes to leeching. The guilt is there, but the disgust is stronger

god you sound like me 9 years ago, I was a neet,

here was my day

get up shit, make coffee had a coffee maker in my room

log on to wow to see if my auctions sold,

Run daily heroic,

make myself frozen dinner for breakfast drink more coffee.

play more wow
get board
torrent movies
find weird more fap
play wow still 3:00 am
go to bed
do the same shit for like 2 years,

before I change my life thank to step dad death and 9 months homeless.

Yeah I would of ended up homeless most likely if my mum didn't give me a room. Can I ask how you became homeless and how you got out of it?

Shit taste in drugs and vidya.
Make a new thread when youre on heroin playing War In The East 18 hours a day.
t. doing that

Is not goblin. After the fall of communism there are many poor people. Many young and male.

i'm not disgusted in myself because i know i'm aware of the shit i put the people around me through
my younger brother NEETs it up too but he does so freaking arrogantly, never cleaning up after himself, never even attempting to help out, always taking other people's shit without asking
i'm disgusted in him with how he just treats the world like it owes him everything
when we're out of food he'll walk around the house loudly crying about how there's nothing to eat when it's just not a snack or something like motherfucker you're living here on your mom's dime you're over 21 years old and you are leeching off your mom and you have the gall to be upset that there's not the fucking snack you want

I don't buy into them, but you know she does right?
She's gonna be sad if you don't acknowledge her today, you don't even have to buy her anything.

when I was doing heroin I certainly wasn't bored enough to have to play vidya, also eu4 is the only good game

Sounds comfy as fuck OP I wish I was still a NEET

i'd be so comfy if i was just living off the government instead of my mom i wish i was yuro so i could get neetbux
here i have to basically go sperg out and get the cops involved but not to the point i just get thrown in jail

on rare days its comfy, mostly it's some type of hell that's like a deprivation of stimuli

>she needs a special day set aside to be acknowledged
If my mom was jewed like that, I would not talk to her daily. She was the one who insisted the family get-togethers stop because in her words:
>"It's a dumb fucking holiday to make the rich richer. Unless a mother is horrible to her children, everyday you should be honoring your parents. We do not need a fucking day set aside where we meet, give me a bunch of useless gifts, and eat a meal. Instead, come over everynight and we'll have a meal together with me and your dad.

Since then, me and brother have been doing that. Free meal (we switch off making it) + contact time with parents. Too bad sister is a whore and would rather be out in the bars, but her loss.

Your mom sounds pretty cool, I too have weekly dinners with my mom, but she still buys into the holiday BS so I gotta play the part minimally out of obligation

>get up at 2 am
>wow til 8 am
>go to weed store and 7/11
>tfw have internalized what a piece of shit i am to the point where i don't care about it anymore
>browse /d/
>browse Jow Forums
>now 1 pm and the day is young

How's getting ready for work tomorrow wage cucks?

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