I want to kill myself. asfasdf

I want to kill myself. asfasdf

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Do so, then. Free yourself from this shithole, see you on the other side.

go ahead, noone here is stopping you

stream it desu
we need more deaths so we can become a official terrorist organization

welcome to the club user.
Dont kill yourself tho.

Are you a delusional tranny? Do you have access to a private island and explosives?


There is the community that will totally accept your decision and understand where you're coming from, and be supportive instead of "Don't do it!!!!!!!111111111111111111" etc.

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>thinking suicide is ever the best solution

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Why are you eager to join countless billions in the infinite black void?

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alright trips are you suggesting he rent a van or something?

Im eager to leave behind countless billions in the infinite black void.

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I haven't posted once in this thread

Dying now or dying in 60 years by natural causes.
Up to you, buddy.
Just remember, craving non-existence is as bad as craving a meaningful one, for there is none in both cases.

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How do I escape?

do you believe in an afterlife at all? just curious.

I don't crave anything but Avatar 2. Once I watch it Im audi 5000. No point in stealing a life from someone who deserves it more than me.

me too but i'm a coward. are you a coward as well user?

Yeah. Shit sucks. I guess it's keeping me alive though.

You can't.
There is none.
>i dont crave anything but X
Sure thing.
Next will be Y, then Z, and then X again, just slightly different.

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part of me wonders if i should make my life goal to escape the simulation
the other part of me knows i'm just too worthless to even try

Thank you all. You're really the best people.

does it make sense to want to die but havent done it becuase theyre still nervous about things like for instance how much a way like hanging would hurt even though it would only hurt for a few seconds?

it was that way, this is the last one. I can already feel the warmth and comfort of death on the horizon.

For me it's just general fear of the void. I really hate being alive but my body keeps screaming at me to go on. I'm fucking terrified of dying.

I love you all. Thank you/

You don't want to die, that's the point.
The thing is, nobody ever wants to die.
You want to escape your pain, your suffering, and think that death is the final fix for all of those problems.
Still, nobody really accomplishes to kill themselves unless they're aided by chemicals or mental diseases.

As it should be.
Self-preserve instincts are stronger than your will.

Death is pointless.
When we are, there is no death.
When there is death, we aren't.

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is that just being a pussy then to be afraid of how it may feel?

Blowing my brains out will be my one great act. I believe in my will.

>Still, nobody really accomplishes to kill themselves unless they're aided by chemicals or mental diseases.

What do you mean by this?

It's just fear of death. The only reason anyone does anything. Everything else comes after that self preservation instinct.

I am not in pain and I am not suffering. I want to die because retards like you are fucking EVERYWHERE. Fuck, I want to escape from (You)

You can't escape us user. We are eternal.

Do you?
That successful suicides are 1% of all the suicide cases, statistically speaking.
By desiring the end\to harm yourself you're statistically more likely to cripple yourself\make it even more painful to live each and every day.
There is no escape.

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I have caught and considered eating killifish...I think?

>By desiring the end\to harm yourself you're statistically more likely to cripple yourself\make it even more painful to live each and every day.
It doesn't really matter. Even If I don't achieve death and just cripple myself at least I won't be aware.

I don't believe retards like you can exist after death. Most of what makes you retarded is being alive.
Unless this is Hell and you're all demons, which is illegal. Legally you have to tell me if you're a demon.

>unironically posting a reddit link
you're the one that should kill himself.

>I won't be aware
You will, and it will be ten times worse.

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Attention seeking faggot.You would have had your brains splattered if you really wanted to kill yourself. Are you expecting r9k's approval?

How old are you, user? asfasdf

21 in a few days