R9k discord

Please join our server small active community very inclusive no paedophiles please

Also feel free to post your servers


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>be me
>be a retard with no friends
>join this server
>now a retard with friends
atleast it helped a little...

Just joined and I was welcomed by Jusky and the gang. Nice wholesome group of people. Make sure to ask Pew for his doggo pics!

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not so bad surprisingly actually

Do NOT join this server. They are extremely mean and rude. They did not want to include me and they are all gay phonics:(

Avengers Infinity War is the greatest movie of all time. There I was, sitting in a packed theater of eager Marvel fans waiting to see a movie that they've waited years to see. As the movie progressed, l noticed the theater was not enjoying the movie.

I had a buddy get drunk and swallow a foam dinosaur pill. It did NOT go well. He had to bear down on it til it peeked, then grab it and pull it out of his ass. It was like this....giant foam turd that was supposed to be a dinosaur. It ripped his ass coming out.

Granted this was after 4-5 days of serious constipation.

Edit: Shittasaurus Rex for the win! Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

Edit2: He ate it on a dare. He called me a few days later asking for me to come over...said he needed help. I come over and he's in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet in tears telling me he hasn't shit in days. He has this thing prairie dogging but it won't come out. Since we're best friends, he called me because he needs someone to get a hold of it while he's bearing down on it. I was like...ummmm...I'll hang out and give you moral support but you're gonna have to do this yourself man. We debate this concept for a bit...he finally accepts my answer. I end up standing by the door while he slowly grunts, cries, and pulls this whole fucking foam dinosaur out of his ass. It looked like a giant foam turd....with some blood. Ass was ripped or something. He did end up at a doc's office and had an awkward conversation but all in all...he survived with only minor scarring.

>no paedophiles
no thanks

>no pedophiles
>has jusky in it

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do NOT join OP's server! it is mean and full of bullies! come to this one for a comfy time and new buds! (autism) sEhVTT