Would you?

would you accept it?

Attached: the-moment-you-realize-youd-make-a-really-good-stepdad.jpg (500x493, 74K)

No, single mom maybe, coalburner never no matter how great she looked.

ehh... I mean I guess if I believed in casual sex I'd tap it once or twice

>black kid
Nah I'll stick to not having herpes

>coal burner/single mom
neither. originally.

For casual sex, yes. If I could have my own kid, yes. If I was bringing my own stepkids into the relationship, yes. If I'm expected to just be another mans cuckold, no. I'd rather die alone.

this just angers me

That body's for casual sex only.

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>It cool and not gay just as long as the guy was white

If the dad was dead, then I would consider it if I really liked the girl. But a coalburner? Never in a million fucking years. If a 10/10 wanted to fuck me, but turned out to be a coalburner, I really wouldn't even touch her. You don't understand how much this disgusts me.

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>Casual only
Jesus just how much of a faggot do you have to be to even takeany woman after she's fucked
fucking pathetic whore fuckers

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He said he wouldn't fuck a single mom or a coalburner, you fucking moron.

>would you accept it?
I would only pump and dump her ass.
and even then, never with a damn coal burner.

I hate children with a fiery passion

Do you even understand what I'm saying you fucking autist

>sexy white girl
>like black men
>waahhhhh racism

why do do blacks do this? you're beyond equal you're cucking us

I don't speak fucking retard.

>Don't care about the race of the person a woman has fucked
>just care as long as she's not a whore
why do you guys even give a fuck any woman that isn't a virgin is a whore

>coal burner
>single mom
Like how many redflags do you need?

Of course you don't your too stupid for that as well

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What world do you live in here you think this is actually reality

shes a whore and will die a whore.

OrgengnaonoognFUCKING RETARD

>people acting like this brown girl is white

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>All this whining about women that have sex with black men
Honestly, what is wrong with women that have sex with black men? I don't get it. Are you guys insecure about your dicksize or something?
It's just sex. No different than a girl having sex with a white or asian man.

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It's hard to tell with the weird filter on it.

>single mom
lol no way fag. I might be an incel desperate for intimacy but even I wouldn't stoop that low.

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>Are you guys insecure about your dicksize
No, I don't know why everyone jumps to this. I just hate coalburners cause it's fuck disgusting. I really shouldn't hate them as much as I do, because the vast majority of coalburners are fat and/or ugly, so it's not a huge loss at all, but they then breed mongrel children.
Also, blacks disgust me enough already, so seeing a woman that is attracted to them is just fucking gross.
And lastly, almost all coalburners are stupid whores, which I hate.

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the 1st world in USA, I think people on the internet are literally just white knighting for white women but in reality they're all coal burners

More mudsharks for you then, dude
Think of it like that

No I find this huge ass body type that seem to be popular right now pretty disgusting.

>I just hate coalburners cause it's fuck disgusting
Yeah but like why do you find it disgusting? Blacks are human too you know. It's not like they fucked a silver back ape or something (even that would be fine under certain circumstances).
>the vast majority of coalburners are fat and/or ugly
I mean, the one in OP's pic isn't any of what you described.
>blacks disgust me enough
Why though? What's so disgusting about them?
I'm just trying to understand the mentality of these "le coalburner" types. Like sure, maybe I can understand not wanting a girl who had sex. But why the fuck are you people singling out black men? Did a black guy rape you or something?

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fuck off roastie! you dont fool me

Why do I disgust you, bro?

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If I was black, yes. Since I'm white I just jerk off to the idea.

Couldn't agree more, and I wonder which demographic moved that trope in the spotlight.

I live around a lot of blacks, and they annoy me in the same way that children annoy some people.
>No regard for anyone else
>Stupid as all fuck
They only advance when they are helped by the white man. They've created the worst civilizations by far (unless you count abos, which are pretty much just meganiggers).

>le coalburner types
Fuck off roastie. Any sane man of any race will reject a coalburning whore of any race on sight.

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I hope you guys realize this is photoshop porn bait