Anyone else here not like anime or video games? I play video games sometimes but not that often...

Anyone else here not like anime or video games? I play video games sometimes but not that often. Haven't touched a game in months. Feels like everyone here is a huge weeb or vidya nerd

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i love anime now what

It's jap based whadya expect

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I feel like the reason I don't play many games anymore has more to do with the types of games that get made these days than with my growing out of them or inherently not liking them anymore. Fuck MOBAs and cawadoody and shit, give me old-fashioned no-frills deathmatch. No loot boxes or XP or classes or any of that shit, just UT99 and Q3 stuff.

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Now you two have an internet fight. I hope you faggots destroy each other.

I'll win because I don't watch anime

you think you can defeat ME?

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Yeah I really do actually

I got this, user, I can take him

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Gaming movies in a circle, this is a proven fact now. I hope you realize this. The more people like you think that way the modern modern devs (usually indie faggots) try to mix the 'old way' with the new way.