I'm alone drinking at pub,dubs decides what to order next, I have lot of money so I can order everything, please take me company
I'm alone drinking at pub,dubs decides what to order next, I have lot of money so I can order everything...
coke baileys
Dark and stormy, my guy.
If they don't have that, a Gin and Tonic
You'll kill me next time brother
no hard feelings fellow robot
Lucky one ,dark and stormy inc (I'm surprised those savages know how to do it)
You wasted your dubs papa
gonna kill myself
Don't to it brother, life is full of idk what
A water and then go home.
dubs and you get a glass of water with some vinegar in it
never join the antisucide brigade
u will suck
But we're all precious flower my brother
man we are in robottown no flowers here
this is hitting solid bedrock
Pappy Van Winkle. The oldest they have. Neat.
Shot of hard liquor. Your choice
Nah,we're grown thinking we are the main characters of something,doesn't it?
Anyway guys after the first dub (black and something) I had 4 tequila shots,if you ffel lucky you can try to kill me with absinthe
Buy the closest guy to you a drink of his choice
a warm glass of 2% milk
>Gin and Tonic
Why do people like this rancid drink? Gin tastes absolutely horrible. Why is it so popular? fuck!!!!!
Sadly I am the last one sitting alone and everyone from the staff is waiting for me to go away lol
Have a pint of goats milk
Get a jager grenade next