What race is this hand?

What race is this hand?

Attached: HandRace.jpg (1070x1084, 197K)

That's a white man's hand, you can tell by the skin under the fingernails and the arm hair.

creatura de computadora

I was about to say the very same thing about the fingernails.

It's a nigger hand. Duh.

I'm telling your mum that you've been smoking, user

Mine origannny

Careful about posting your hands boys, that femanon with a skelly hand fetish will save them and do lewd things with them!

Too late oreigigo

Its obviously a mutt hand

Attached: mutt.jpg (1969x3336, 497K)


Looks like I've been fingered

Attached: Me.jpg (1162x627, 215K)

S-she's fast!

did i miss something?

What race are these knees?

Attached: image.jpg (4032x3024, 1.03M)

As long as you don't pretend otherwise its ok
You did not chose how you were born

>14.8 Sub-Sarahan African


There was this skelly wrist thread started by a femanon a couple of days ago or maybe it was like a week ago the days all blend together who knows and it was revealed that lots of the skelly male hands were being saved to an enormous collection of skelly hands. She especially likes the ones with bony wrists and "strong hands"

It's not bad.
The average Mulatto has an IQ of 90, and my genetic IQ is 96.

I really don't care about my black ancestry as long as I'm not dumb

pretty sure there are multiple anons who save the photos

Even better reason to be careful. Maybe they have a discord where they do lewd things with unsuspecting robot's hand pictures.

>genetic IQ

wait whats this

is this different from tested IQ?

>tfw my left hand and right hand are radically different
i should pretend to be two separate people

It's just the population IQ average for people that have my DNA

It's 4 points below the white norm, and it only really matters at the tail end of the IQ distribution.

It just means you won't get many geniuses from my race.

How are they radically different?

Apart from the jap noodle box in the background could tell you're a robot Asian. White skin from not going outside and nonexistant leg hair.

The american 56% hand

just the size and proportions of the two seem kinda off.

why are they like this? org

Careful, they're gonna ask you to post photos soon, that's how they get ya

i wish i knew. they're probably similar enough that i'm probably exaggerating but i look at them enough to notice the differences

that is against the rules

You spend a lot of your time looking att them which must obviously mean you are indeed a handfag as well

i won't do that do that because they're ugly skelly hands

Get off Jow Forums BRANDON!

Attached: IMG_1416.jpg (500x375, 69K)

trips of truth strike again

>skelly hands
pick one

that's really scary

my iq is like 110 to 120 so i always thought racially i wasn't inferior or something... but my race's iq on avg pretty bad lol

does it show genetic iq on 23andme?

No, but the easiest way to calculate it is to just add up your racial mix's genetic IQ's and then find the mean, and then find the mean again until you get a number that's close to what you are.

I'm not a mathematician, but that's what I've been doing

It goes like this

European IQ = 100
Black IQ = 80

100 + 80 = 180/2 = 90 (IQ of someone who is 50% European, 50% Black)

90 + 100 = 190/2 = 95 (IQ of someone who is 75% European, 25% Black)

There's probably a better way of doing this, but I've not made it/don't really care to.