Me at 21

Me at 21
>5 incher
>limp dick
>could only get off to furry porn
>no job
>living in grandmas basement
>had one friend I'd only hang out with once a month
>sometimes too anxious/shy to even go gas up car
>couldn't make eye contact with anybody, even checkout people
>couldnt do 2 push ups
>not even motivated to shitpost or play vidya

Me at 24
>have had 4 gfs
>5k in savings
>have 4 new friends I hang out with
>6.5 incher
>lost 25lbs
>can DL 350+lbs
>BJJ purple belt
>moved out
>able to have conversations, make people laugh, and look them in the eye
>started making some money doing drawing commissions


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What changes did you instill?

what penis supplement are you trying to shill?

>5k savings at 24
Yep so you're still a loser.

Wow you're so good at blowjobs they gave you a belt?

Really pathetic ones but they worked. I gave my laptop to my grandma and said hide this and don't give it back until after 6 every day. That gave me the time and idol hands to SLOWLY and after MANY fuck ups, start to implement the following

>accountability calendar
>going on walks

Those were the very first changes.

yeah I used to have like 30 dollars in the bank just due to giving plasma. So I'd say its a step forward

hilarious my dude

also none, it was just jelqing, vit e oil, tea w/ ginger, and being smart

it actually works? are you sure your dick didn't grow from losing weight?

could have been both honestly but the guys at pegym really seem to know what theyre doing

How did you cure your autism?

forced myself to act despite the painful nervousness by kinda doing the following
>Breaking it down
So for example instead of approaching a qt girl to ask her out, I'd make a goal to ask 3 people what time it is. Then ask 3 people directions to a restaurant I already knew the location of. Then I stepped it up to asking girls for directions. Then hot girls. And so on.

Another example, driving anxiety. I would only go out to learn at night (less traffic) on neighborhood streets only. Stuff like that.

Also mindfulness meditation. After about a year of it, it finally started to pay dividends. Acknowledging the awkwardness of my behaviors in the moment started to hurt less and less. They were a passing sensation. All the years of collecting humiliating experiences seemed to shrink into passing sensations. It's hard to explain until you've done mindfulness meditation for awhile.

Do you that stuff everyday?

I'm happy you made it brobot.

Tried at first but I crashed and burned a ton. They say willpower is like a muscle and I would "overtrain" way too much. Because I was (and in some ways) still kind of am a MAJOR pussy with a low capacity for patience and self discipline, the only things I do every day is do 10-30 minutes of mindfulness meditation and keep track on the accountability calendar/whiteboard.

Hey thanks m8!

What's your diet like? I'm curious because what I ate recently is making me feel like shit.

How did you stave off the apathy?

chicken breast
oranges and bananas
bran cereal
brown rice
peanut butter

Trying to stave off lots of sugar and empty carbs because that shit murders me. Energy wise. Also water, coffee, or tea.

I'm honestly not sure. Brute force maybe? I've been trying to sincerely implement these changes since I was 19 and have just now found my rhythm. The indifference, anger, brooding, and temptation to give up along with general violent mood swings ebbs and flows. I found it's less about a cure and more about managing expectations. Also being patient with myself. I'm honestly not sure man, because it rears its ugly head still and does some serious damage.

This is really good advice for the socially anxious, thanks user

me at 21:
>8 incher
>hard dick
>can get off to vanilla
>college student
>live in parents' house since I live near the school I attended
>Lots of friends
>never anxious or shy, always calm
>could easily make eye contact
>not motivated to do coursework but still got A's

me at 27:
>have had 0 gfs
>200k in savings
>no friends
>8 incher, can't get hard
>went from 140 to 185 lb at 6'1
>can DL 315 lb, don't really lift
>still live with my parents
>get anxiety attacks
>spend my time regretting not going to grad school

>8 inch penis
>200k in savings, but still live with parents
Why do weirdos on this site insist upon anonymously lying on the Internet?

why are you here still?

Not even lying lad, I got into shitcoins in 2017, so it's not like I really worked for my money.

When did you realize that the average incelbot was so gullible that they'd literally believe anything that you posted?

That's believable, but we know you don't have a porn star dick.

>5 incher
>6.5 incher

It's a pencil dick (5" girth) though.

I'm a 21 yr old NEET virgin with a 7.5 inch cock, an attractive face and I'm 6'4.
Anything's possible.

>idol hands


>5k in savings
How'd you do it? Damn that's a lot

>can DL 350+lbs

user, that's not that much