We should just let them do whatever,you know? Cops don't do their job anyways

We should just let them do whatever,you know? Cops don't do their job anyways.

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Other urls found in this thread:


good advice
really good

Don't call the police on Black people.
just shoot them yourself

I bet this thread will be productive and not related to Jow Forums in any way.

Nice lol


so i take it you agree that we should never call the police on Black People, no matter what, right?

what if a black is roobing me?

Who cares about some worthless blue checkmark chick? She's just pretending to care about thugs for social justice points. We all know she'll flip shit if she finds this thread, since normies still think Jow Forums is some scary raiding circle in 2018.

You know as well as I do that's not what she was getting at with that Twitter post.

Then kill him. Cut out the middleman.

seems pretty black and white, i mean she repeated it 7 times.

he's just receiving his reparations, you bigot.

That's called reparations sweetie

I'll indulge you just this once, but she was posting this a response to all the videos coming out of black people having the cops called on them by whites for no reason. The cops show up and talk to the black people, then leave because nothing is wrong, but it's still unsettling to have the cops called on you for no reason.

People like this should lose the ability to dial 911 permanently.

Don't call the police of black people.
We don't need more blue lives taken by the negro.

Can't find that tweet. Is it fake or did she delete it?

mandatory originalio post

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Doesnt take long to add
>for no reason
to her post, seems like she purposly left that out

>for no reason.
I wouldn't say _no_ reason. If you saw a dangerous animal in your neighborhood, you _should_ call the police.

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Great. I'll kill them instead.

>for no reason
yeah because people just call the cops for no reason

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Sitting in a restaurant without ordering and blocking the place for a paying customer is a good enough reason to call the police

idk about you but if i saw a bear in my neighborhood i wouldnt call the cops, I aint no pussy snitch

Attached: bears_often_walk_the_streets_in_russia.jpg (640x480, 62K)

They were even asked beforehand to purchase something or leave. Tbh they got screwed over more by the infamous negro inability to show up in time than anything else.

Certainly didn't see this thread going this way at all, shocker honestly. Thanks for the free (You)'s though stormfags

Maybe try providing example of times when the cops were called for no reason instead of just making hypotheticals.

>anyone who disagrees with a black woman is a nazi

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So this is the power of cuckoldry

That man is right though. That little black child is a dangerous weapon.

maybe he fucked a black chick
but yeah its most likely just cuckoldry

Here's one, keep feeding me attention pls
>making an intellectually dishonest thread then strawmanning

>that lady
only in america

That's actually a very insightful tweet

She's saying that we should just shoot em ourselves instead
The police know they won't rehabilitate

white girl is being a dick, but she doesnt mention race at all so we dont know if its a race issue or if its just a dumb overly sensitive citizen

hell people in my country (white people) called the police on kfc for running out of chicken, people call the police over stupid shit because they're dumb assholes, there was a dumb woman in my country too who called the police because
>someone stole her snowman

>intellectually dishonest

If you don't report black people when they do crimes, the black crime statistics will go down.

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>one example
>could just be she doesn't know the rules lf the park
what was that about intellectual dishonesty?

>someone stole her snowman
I don't know man. That sounds pretty legit to me.

sheltered normes will call the police for just about everything. there's this radio show in my area where they do a bit about police calls in a really rich white neighborhood and these people literally call the police because they think they left their garage door open.


Don't call the police on anyone fucking snitches. White Americans love to fucking call the police for anything including a guy sitting in his car in front of his own house. People need to mins their own fucking business.

fucking niggers will steal anything

>I aint no pussy snitch

That's because youre a twink switch. Get it? IT's a gay joke. Bears? Get it? Whatever.

Mmm, yeah sure. Here's another one
After this corporate fired the staff because the security camera footage clearly showed that these are not the right women
>intentionally misleading people on the internet just to cause a reaction
>get called out on it
>b-better tell them to go to some other site

>>intentionally misleading people on the internet just to cause a reaction
>>get called out on it
>>b-better tell them to go to some other site
this isn't fucking reddit okay, we have these things here called jokes okay sweetie? they're funny and you laugh at them

>no context on if they are telling the truth or if the waiteress was telling the truth
however lets assume without knowledge this one is due to racism how does this video of different people prove the other video was due to racism?

yep. this user is using his brain. Just because two or more videos portray black people getting arrested for frivolous reasons doesn't prove that the people who were calling the cops were racist. though a lot of these videos probably are a testament to racism and bias against black people. The only thing you can really do is make assumptions.

>I was only pretending to be retarded!
What? The purpose of me linking the second video was because people asked for even more evidence of white people calling the cops on black people for no reason, not trying to prove that the first lady was racist. And as I posted, we do have context as Applebee's fired the staff of that restaurant and even closed it down after reviewing the security footage. The staff member was in the wrong.

>$2/hr employee makes a mistake


>>I was only pretending to be retarded!
>make thread about some stupid nigger for kekz
>everyone having a good time, having some laughs
>uptight triggered cunt comes in and starts trying to have an "intellectual discussion" about racism
NO FUN ALLOWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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ayo my son was just tryin to steal some henny from the liquor store nah mean he just po nah mean just need mo money do dem programs, sheeit, he a good boy mane real lite to our communitay mane sheeit mane wats dis racist ass country coming to mane boy can't even steal from the liquor store without some racist ass cracka callin the cops on my boy mane fucking wypipo.

>we do have context as Applebee's fired the staff of that restaurant and even closed it down after reviewing the security footage

ok so if you're telling the truth then the waitress was lying, was it due to racism most likely possibility but not the only possibility she may have just disliked them for another reason.

however the video you provided doesnt give that context, you really should have linked some kind of article with that context in order to make your point

>Hispanic = 2.54

Why are they the ones getting deported?

Cause we can't send random black citizens to countries they aren't from?

Hey I heard this is the niggerlover thread? They aren't so bad right guys? They're just like us but with a different skin color. My wife's son barely commits any crimes at all.

My first post was also jovial if cynical, I believe it was you that asked me to defend the tweet.
>employees should not be held to the standard of not calling the cops on the wrong person
Stop enabling brainlets
Do you not have access to google? Literally "Independence Applebee's closing racist"
And for the record the tweet says stop calling the cops on black people, which is why I linked those two videos. I'm not required to prove that they're racist, just that white people called the cops on black people when the black people haven't done anything wrong

>employees should not be held to the standard of not calling the cops on the wrong person

I didn't say that, just said you shouldn't be surprised someone with that position made a mistake.

i'm sure he a good boy who dindu nuffin

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But we DID deport niggers. What do you think Liberia is?

you disgust me, the kid is mentally challenged

but the tweet doesnt say stop calling the cops on black people who did nothing wrong.
so even if afew black people do get the police called on them wrongly for no reason, the tweet doesnt specify that its only these people its talking about. So you posting examples of this is a moot point since there are also black people who get the police called on them rightfully for committing a crime. So if we follow the advice of the tweet we shouldnt call the cops on these people either

kek. fucking nogs, man

uh user the kid wasnt arrested, they are trying to find his parents from the looks of things

ofc he is. He's a nigger.

no hes just black you fucking bigot

Attached: abosarebeautifultoo.png (500x385, 228K)

Then you agree they were justly fired, right?
Yeah there's no way to use context clues to figure out what she could have meant. Twitter is pretty ambiguous like that. I'm gonna stop spoonfeeding you now

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trips of origgamo truth

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>Then you agree they were justly fired, right?

I never said they weren't, I have no idea if they were or not, I am just laughing cause it is presented as if they are infallible when they are underpaid monkeys.

>Black Oakland throws BBQ cookout party in same park where white woman called cops and do the Electric Slide to "Before I Let Go."
behold the power of ebonics

i could have a picture of denzel washington next to a white kid with fucking down syndrome and try to make the same point

fucking mong

I don't call the police on people unless they're breaking the law. Maybe they should stop breaking the law.

How many people were shot?

>a mentally retarded white person is the same level as an average abbo
Pretty much.

not really...how would you know that pic wasnt fuckin cherry picked from somewhere? THAT was the point that i was trying to make

racist shit

>everyone else should use context clues and then assume what she meant using said context because either was too lazy to or deliberately excluded the words
>that did nothing wrong
>from her tweet, and the especially thinking people on Jow Forums who didnt have access to said context without looking it up, which lets be honest nobody is going to bother doing, should understand what she meant

all she had to do was add an extra 4 words to her tweet

You haven't seen many abbos, have you?

statistically speaking at least 2

I'll say this, if you call the cops on people over banal shit regardless of their background you're a fucking cunt and you need to be beaten.

So when a nigger shoots another nigger no one should do anything?

dude, black people and abos never invented the fucking wheel, you know that right?

This, I have no idea why but they literally all look like that even in pics with huge crowds, it's really unsettling.

absolutely not, let em kill each other off

I don't think that's a mistake you make because you're underpaid. Servers have the sense to ask a manager to review some footage before just calling the police to make sure things like this don't happen. She's either a brainlet or racist or both.
Her tweet would have been over the character limit with those 4 words, and she also expected you to be able to connect the dots. I will admit, however, as I'm not married to this woman or anything that it's odd for her to have typed out that message 7 times rather than just 3 or 4 times with the extra words.

Thanks for all the (You)'s boys

>thanks for all the upboats guys

>Thanks for all the (You)'s boys

Stop trying to fit in you faggot, you don't belong here. People who say that bullshit are drive by trolling or fucking reddit queers, I get a strong vibe of the latter. Go back to your hugbox.

You're really fucking dense aren't you?

You should buy a shotgun and a tarp, it would do you some good.

>You should buy a shotgun and a tarp, it would do you some good.
yes it will help me dispose of some niggers

>You should buy a shotgun and a tarp, it would do you some good.

Why would he need a tarp you retard? Unless you want him to do a murder and cleanup, your setup was terrible. You are trying so fucking hard to fit in and failing miserably. If you want to make a suicide post, just say some normal shit, not some overly setup garbage like that, jesus christ lurk moar.

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Pretty glad that white women are getting fucked by black men, consensual or not. Honestly I'm glad that I got to fuck a 7/10 white woman even though I'm a dark skinned fag. As long as you keep getting angry, the rest of us are happy.

Best part is, you won't do shit because you're too busy rubbing your tiny pale dick to animated kids or some shit.

>muh dick: the post. origidoodles

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that baits so poor i'm not even gonna give you a (you)
lurk moar

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>Her tweet would have been over the character limit with those 4 words
maybe if she didnt repeat the same point 7 times she could have fit those 4 words in, literally no excuses. she choose to exclude those words

not them and I think they're a cunt but
>drive by trolling
go back to neogaf or resetera you cuck

Blacks have to repeat themselves at least 4 times, it is required.

>People think so low of blacks that they automatically treat them like children.
You are why they act like niggers.

Bee keeping looks like fun.

I look pretty white and had the cops called on me many times.
Fuck you.

no, they act like niggers because they are niggers

No, she was actually right about the rules. The black group was violating them. It's a minor thing, but it's not like she was wrong or making it up.