What is your favorite piece of art r9k?

What is your favorite piece of art r9k?
Picture very related.

Attached: Suffering.jpg (799x459, 85K)

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un ironically onions this

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Probably, unironically, Starry Night. The fact that he painted it from his asylum window makes it even better.
That, or Judith Slaying Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi, pic related.

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This is art, so much art that you'd think the words before it were Paul Bl

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Based Saturn not giving a fuck and didn't afraid of anything

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Non Rossetti Pre-Raphaelite stuff.

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Ive got a few that I really like. I forget who did most of them, but I remember the titles. This one was something along the lines of "The Last Stand". Itd be a good way to go if you ask me

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I can look at this for a while

Attached: 1_AeAOkPNe_P3PRCrQ_2iyng.jpg (1300x722, 317K)

Love this. Really cool that Deep Purple used the right side for their self-titled album cover.

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always thought this was pretty neat.

ivan the terrible realising he just killed his son.

Attached: ivanandson.jpg (736x625, 123K)

This one was done by a WWI veteran and its about the horrors of the trenches. Ive heard doing this type of art helped with his shell shock

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It's impossible to truly pick just one but for the sake of this thread this one. Saw it at an art show in Boston in 2016. Crappy photo

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This ones Russian, and thats all I remember

Attached: 00-yuri-andreyev-faith-under-the-rubble-2006.jpg (768x1152, 564K)

This one, the eyes really fuck me up.

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kitsch... lower class trash....

Also this one got a lot more interested in Pan after reading "Jitterbug Perfume"

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That's just like your opinion man
It's almost impossible to really "grade" art because once someone devotes thought and effort to it its art and after that it's opinion
In my opinion this poster is fantastic

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Devil plays the fiddle or something along those lines. This one is my last one, thought I had more but the other ones were all too big to post

Attached: self-portrait-with-death-playing-the-fiddle-arnold-bc3b6cklin-1872.jpg (391x594, 43K)

I'm not sure what it is about it but Gustave Dore's The Gates of Hell always takes my breath away whenever I look at it. Saw it for the first time in a uni lecture and I was transfixed. Never actually felt fear from a piece of art before but that made me feel afraid, and it's really beautiful at the same time too

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*pee pees on you*
we gonna have a problem?

This image really calms me no idea who made it

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No daddy *masturbates ironically*

The last season of samurai jack was very beautiful

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Cat look like janny, haha.

Better version Orville reddenbacher

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I can't remember who painted it or what it's name was, but I remember being just awestruck by this painting from a rocky shoreline of this tumultuous ocean I saw at the smithsonian when my family went to D.C. on vacation some years ago. It looked similar to pic related, but I'm pretty sure this isn't it.

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it's kind of inspiring

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its even better in person.

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lucky for you there's a whole classification of paintings like this that span many different genres and time periods, check out "memento mori still life" for many more in this same vein

in this specific one I just like the hourglass.
like you look at the painting and feel panic/dread but then realize the hourglass still has most of its sand at the top

Not him but What made this so popular? What Era did it start in? Whats the symbology trying to say?

I like shock art

Attached: 220px-Piss_Christ_by_Serrano_Andres_(1987).jpg (220x322, 15K)

I love this painting, idk if any of you have heard of it before

Attached: 687px-Mona_Lisa,_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci,_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg (687x1024, 226K)

I remember being shown this in art school and wanting to blow my brains out for having decided to take out loans to attend

ugh can't upload cause it's too big and I'm phoneposting from bed rn. Pic related is only a small low rez portion of the whole thing. It's called One Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains by Wang Ximeng of Song Dynasty China, go here to see nice hi rez image of it

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well still lifes have been a part of painting for super long time and often serve as practice for students of realism. but because of their ubiquity and variety (and because they no doubt had to do many as an apprentice or for commission) many master painters have done still lives once they have established their style sort of for the lulz if that makes sense. basically if anyone has ever been serious about painting they've done a still life at some point.

still lives in and of themselves don't have too much criteria, basically a group of inanimate objects arranged by the artist. where the fun comes in with still lives is the symbolism of the selected objects. and everything from fruit representing the reproductive organs to skulls and hourglasses representing mortality and anything else you might be able to think of is fair game.

which brings us to memento mori (Latin I think????) which means "remember death" and basically says that you're guaranteed to die someday so just remember all you do and feel is in then end a product of vanity cause nothing matters #nilhismsodeeplmao

Oh and I think still lives became popular in the Renaissance but I could be wrong desu

gustave dore uber alles

his art emodies me ive been searcvhing fo soemthing liek this for eteasts

Attached: Gustave-Dore-Fourth-Horseman.jpg (500x667, 116K)

It's hard to choose, but I really liked this one after reading Master and Commander.

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Lubecker Totentanz by Bernt Notke

Attached: Lübecker Totentanz by Bernt Notke (around 1463, destroyed in a bombing raid in 1942).jpg (8072x632, 1.5M)

Die Nacht. Can't remember the name of the artist. It reminds me of a Halloween night, when I was drunk and alone in my dorm while everyone was partying. I had just been ghosted by a girl I fell too quickly for, plus the autum season always makes me sad and sentimental. This painting reminds me of that.

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Halloween is a very special and spiritual time of year there are many ways to spen it

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This one is called Man Proposes God Disposes

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That is true. I think for me, the Halloween time is when things always start to look up for me, and then get brutally crushed.

I'll fuck a bitch til she normal

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Gimme that art bump
Don't be a chump
Ya fuckin lump
Your girl my dick she like to hump
Ark of the covenant
Can't get enough of it
Trumps wall she be climbing it
Imma get behind if it

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ocean man

My favourite is the course of empire series, files too big for here so here's something else i like also.
>tfw 99% of my art pictures are over 2mb
Sucks desu

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I have no one. However I really enjoyed a lot of stuff by polish aetus Jacek Yerka.

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Another for free

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>when you're trying to eat in your dining room and see this shit staring at you from across the room

Goya the absolute madman.

I don't even believe in the christian god, but it's a fucking beautiful story.

Attached: 1200px-Rembrandt_Harmensz_van_Rijn_-_Return_of_the_Prodigal_Son_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg (1200x1566, 351K)

>tfw art is the only medium to ever make me feel

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this painting has always really resonated with me. i hope to see it in person one day, i feel like it would be a really emotional experience.

Attached: Christina's World Картина, 1948.jpg (2700x1795, 1.27M)

Something like this always seems very simple at first, but it's very intriguing to me.

this one is real good. Ship art always gets me

Attached: giacomo-balla-everything-moves-1913_a-l-10394637-8880731.jpg (550x413, 27K)

Kramskoi's 'Christ in the Desert'

perfect representation of self-doubt and misery

Attached: ivan_kramskoi_2_christ_in_the_desert.jpg (1500x1324, 1.04M)

Saw the physical while I was in Melbourne, I've loved it ever since.

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This desu, Henry Darger has such nice art

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dead birbs

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very nice, here's another painting on the same theme by another Greek painter, it's the most popular painting on the event (the destruction of the Ottoman frigate by Konstantinos Kanaris)

Attached: Lytras-nikiforos-pyrpolisi-tourkikis-navarhidas-apo-kanari.jpg (800x1019, 544K)