You don't need to be a normie, you don't need a girlfriend, you just need to be you. The only person you need to accept you is yourself. Smell every rose, sing every song, dance like no ones watching,
You don't need to be a normie, you don't need a girlfriend, you just need to be you...
but the me that I am wants a fucking girlfriend
The problem is I don't like myself very much and I basically want someone worth living for
And yes, I know this is incredibly unhealthy and will probably send me over the edge after some inevitable breakup
Speak for yourself dude I'm incredibly depraved and unpleasent to be around. I gotta put up social barriers left and right so people don't Find Out. They do anyway but it provides the illusion of control.
You will never be truly happy until you learn to accept yourself with all flaws included. Life may have not been kind to you in several ways, but life is simply unfair. I wish I could say otherwise but this is one of those things where, it is what it is. We only live a short time in this world might as well spend the majority of it being happy despite what life throws at us because I dont know about you but when I die I want to die with a big smile on a face
I'd like to die in some explosion cause those are cool as fuck
Anyway when your happiness as a human being is dependent upon connecting with others and being profoundly fucked up doesn't allow that to happen correctly, it's all over for you.
I'm alright though bud maybe I will explode some day, Michael Bay style.
Thanks, OP. How do i cope with seeing couples together? Every time i see couples, i just wanna go on a mass shooting. How do i alleviate this feeling? Also, i live next to a dude in my dorm complex who keeps fucking his girlfriend every now and then.
so basically just be myself?
But what if I want to wrap my arms around someone and feel her warmth and snuggle with her on a cold dark winter's night?
smell every rose, sing every song, dance like no ones watching
Only the dead can know rest from this pain.
Literally fucking meme advice. Oh yeah just be yourself oh but if that doesn't get you what you want then you just gotta accept yourself as if thats an easy thing to do. Oh and just go smell roses and sing songs. It's fucked man, you can't just flick a switch and be happy and say wow I accepted myself. That kind of thinking is also what sends people into poor health states or even prevents them from improving and possibly achieving their goals. Fight your fucking hardest to achieve your goals and if you still can't make it then you can at least say you gave it a shot.
user, all I can do is offer my advice. It's your choice to listen. Smell every rose, sing every song, dance like no ones watching. Your life is now
You might be able to delude yourself but some of us are frighteningly aware of how unlovable and incapable we are.
I was not made for this world. I am an outsider, too different in all the wrong ways. If you do not understand the pain that comes from being scorned and jeered at every turn, it's easy to bury your head in the sand and pretend you are happy.
When you have the constant reminder of your abnormality, your failings, echoed in your mind and then recycled by others and thrown in your face, it is unescapable.
The truth is always unescapable.
And my truths, they are ugly and complicated.
And despite all my differences, I still want what every normal person wants.
>accept that you're less intelligent, and uglier than almost all people around you
>accept that you have the maturity of a twelve year old and no one respects you or takes you seriously
Yeah thanks OP great advice, you should write a book and fill it with those original ideas of yours.
And as I said your advice is fucking garbage dude.
What does this mean. You can't copy and paste a line and not explain what it means, pretending to be retarded is not shitposting. I want you to fuck every dog, fist every horse, jack off like no ones watching. Your time is now!
You aren't as dumb as you think you are.Take up a skilled hobby and re-train your brain. Then you'll become smarter.
I want to be myself by my own, but my family wants me to be a man that aspires for more
The typical stuff: get a career, a well paid job, wife, kids, descendance, bills, divorce, all that shit.
I just want to live by my own, work a regular job (maybe study CS or something related, like Networking), and keep doing whatever the fuck I like without doing any harm to anyone: play vidya, drink some beers (actual beer, not that corporate pisswater), maybe not smoke, hell who knows?
I want to poison myself in peace, that's all. No wife, and specially no children, I hate children
Hurry up and kill yourself you weak faggot. If you can't be happy with yourself, then you don't deserve to live.
And right on cue the jaded delusional neckbeards show up trying to derail an user actually trying to help
>pretending to be retarded is not shitposting
that's literally what it is tho
>actually trying to help
>hasn't explained anything
And cue the retard who thinks copy pasting facebook quotes makes him enlightened.
Archives, /a/, 2009.
Shut up fag. Singing and dancing and smelling are for normies. Im a degenerate borderline homeless alky drug user who gets laid with some degree of regularity. I dont care about happiness or self acceptance. I know who I am and I am not ashamed. I tell girls about the way I am, even warn them that I lie and cheat and steal, they accept me too. They like me because I pretend to be sweet and caring and thoughtful. But they do not fulfill me. They never hold me the way I want to be held. I am better off alone with my booze and smokes. Fuck you. Liking yourself is a lie. Nobody can like anybody. We are just using people, even ourselves
>muh facebook boogeyman
You're hitting all the stops tonight aren't you
wow you sound really unpleasant
Again no one understands your quotes or your "insults". Come back when you have an argument or something worth while to say.
Wow, great advice OP, maybe I should just kill myself.
come back to the thread when you're not a bitter neckbeard
Come back when you're ready to receive advice
The following sentence is possibly deeper and holds more intrinsic value than the entirety of what OP has said:
Bwuauuuhhhh babbabooeebabbabooee bwuh bwuh bwuh duwwhhhhnnng bah bah bah ahhhh urrghhllllhhhh
Have you tried gambling?
Fuck I am so drunk I forgot my image
you ok buddy?
t. not singing, smelling the roses, living life
Yeah I always lose and im too broke to keep trying
ppppfffffftttttttttttt plllbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb beeeee ewooowoowoowwwww aaawggguuughhhhhhh
You wouldn't last a day in this life bucko and I've been living it for 22 years. The amount of rejection I experience in one 24 hour period would bring a weaker person to their fucking knees.
I am brutally aware of my shortcomings.
Seriously OP at least try to argue your point instead of spitting out the same line and then angrily calling your detractors neckbeards. How does one actually go about accepting themself? You make it sound like this step is as easy as breathing, but for many people here its near impossible.
aw does someone need his mommy? it's ok champ, come back when you're ready for a big boy thread
Yeah, this is all bullshlt advice.
Liking oneself isn't as easy as it is, and "smelling the roses and whatnot" is really not how things are. The world out there wants you to be on constant movement and to never stop for a second, because time is money
So, no, I'm not taking any of that bullshit
>hes still replying
alright Im bored of you, moving on
>say something to someone
>complain when they reply
my god, you really are far gone aren't you