Men need to be raped. It is the only language they understand. Men enjoy rape. Don't let them tell you otherwise, because they are notorious liars and don't know their own minds. Men want to be held down and fucked hard. They want to be made to cry and scream. Men have a biological imperative to be raped. Did you know that men who are raped are twice as likely to impregnate a woman as men who have unprotected consensual sex? It is a fact. Men who are raped often have orgasms as well - some men have never had an orgasm in their lives save for a rape. The desire to be sexually dominated is deeply programed into the man. This is a fact of evolution that cannot be denied without men becoming unbalanced. Incels are really just an outward manifestation of an internal problem with modern men. These 'incels' desperately want to be put in their place. That's why they act out so much and are so belligerent. Whether they know it or not, subconsciously they want to piss women off and get women to make them submit. They want to be slapped in the face, told to shut the fuck up, and then raped until they can't stand up. This is what men really want. I say we give it to them.
Men need to be raped. It is the only language they understand. Men enjoy rape. Don't let them tell you otherwise...
Other urls found in this thread:
I am a man and I can confirm this
please peg me fembots
>enjoy rape
>some men have never had an orgasm in their lives save for a rape
i swear you people are some stupid motherfuckers
Am I gay if I watch this?
only a women could fuck up the spacing on a sentence
learn proper paragraph spacing before you try being a dom sweetie
Stop posting that gay shit and bend the fuck over for my fat black cock you sissy little bitch
It's a variation of a pasta spammed on /tv/, only difference is the changed women for men.
>tfw you'll never live in a world full with dangerous monstergirls
Would you look at this, she's a real robot unlike you normies.
i know this us an absurd parody of the people who think women like rape, but I am also certain that a lot of men would enjoy being raped piv, not with a strap-on though, that doesn't work with what you said about impregnation.
I still wouldn't like to be raped just as I believe women don't like it either.
>that beta as fuck file name
You LITERALLY need to kill yourself
Prostate orgasm are really something else..
Potato orgasm are really something else..
Idk Bout rape but I'm down with pegging yeah. What do you say OP?
idk posts are really something else...
Like what? Go on.
yes I want my penis in you butt
I don't want rape, but I do want to be brutally cuddled.
jajaja i can cudle u tonite
No you can't, you meanie liar
come over my mom pick you up
women like soft rape, rape from someone who they want to have sex with, which makes it not real rape, but with many of the attributes of rape. women are confusing because marxist feminism has erased all the natural components of society that used to exist to explain them.
Men do not like rape unless they have been emasculated and feminized by this same marxist feminism. When feminized, they like rape just like women do.
However, what OP is describing/parodying is just silly and abusive of people with actual emotional issues.
Whadda ya know, society is degenerate.
Where do i go? Original
>Using lube
God, what a faggot
yeahhh nah lmao not gonna read those virgin paragraphs
I bet the guy is sneaky.
Reminder that this thread
I want her to make me her bitch
Of course she has mental problems. Otherwise she wouldnt be fucking guys in the ass
Replace the 1280 in the url with raw you fucking heathen
OMG i love her
I want to make her happy ;_;
This is unoriginal , wew
this is one of the weirder LARP threads you've made, cuckanon
given up the bad attempts at trolling in favor of just posting your fetish?
Dominant women may be mentally ill but for the most part their mental illness is manageable, and that is what makes them so attractive. I'd like a girl who is also mentally ill so we can be codependent.
>tfw every night always think of getting hit by a domme girl until i start crying
Penus? Nah I'm good. Id rather have a girl fuck my butt.
I could say i wanted this kind of thing but i just realized i would fuck it up somehow and make it awkward
Man and woman having sex? Gay?
i can attest to this... not enjoy but fantasize.
Pls post more of her. Anyone?
nice femdom server : )
99% of girls are submissive.
Feels good to have a l33t taste in women
Please meme magic make me real!!!
Dom fem sub male relationships never last. She will ditch you for a dom guy eventually because all girls are naturally submissive deep down.
Why is she stroking a piece of plastic that feels no pleasure like it does? It just looks moronic.
This is my favorite scene of hers. God i wish that were me
she's lubing it up you cretin
Whatever. Strap-ons are still stupid and so are the people that use them.
>Men need to be raped.
This is the dumbest thing you could do. Men are naturally competitive, if you rape one he's just going to set out to prove he's a better rapist than you.