Probably gonna die without ever getting close to one. Whats it like bros? Porn and normies make it look like the best thing in the world
What does vagina smell and taste like?
Like a coin
metallic with a hint of fish
Mins doesn't smell like anything right now, but sometimes I get a whiff of rotten onions whenever I don't shower for a couple days,
copper bags of canadian salt milk
raw egg & ethanol
vagina tastes like fishe lel
Bad. One roastie I had literally smelled like a combination of ass sweat and hamburgers. Another smelled like that musky smell that comes after you sneeze also mixed with ass sweat and a stanky smell I cant really compare to anything else. Never hook up with a female after the club, a concert or any situation where she has been sweating for a long time
Depends on how clean she is and whether she's on her period or close to it. If she's clean it tastes slightly sweet but otherwise like nothing, if she's sweaty it tastes sweaty, if she recently pissed it tastes like that, if she's near or on her period it tastes metallic. Pussy juice tastes good imo but it's probably mostly psychological.
If she isn't clean it can really stink just like your cock does in which case I always make the bitch go wash herself.
like bags of sand and dirty pennies