Bisexual edition
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Bisexual edition
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nth for pictures that will never ever be you
you're not the real jevin
Old thread HASN'T hit bump limit.
post there!!!
>bisexual edition
just found a literal *holds up spork* on grindr and hes kind of fuckable as well
might just meet him and hate fuck him
ofc he isn't. everyone knows the real jevin loves him some thick ropey nigger dick
tfw boipuccy is better than real pussy but cuddling girls is comfier
what is a *holds up spork*
Redpill me on how to have a prostate orgasm. Will prostate stimulating while on drugs make it easier?
How do those kids still exist in 2018
There's this twink who I really want to fugg, he's so pretty. I've never felt this way about a boy before. Am I gay?
>have chastity fetish
>be muscular and hairy
tfw everyone just wants a little girly boy to lock up instead of me
big bara dummy
lolsorandom emo /scene kid
How do I get my penis to be in his butt?
If you'd stick your tongue in his anus and enjoy doing so you're gay
Bigger subs are CUTE
The previous thread is past 400 posts, so while I don't blame you for being picky about bump limits, only a true faggot would care as much as you've demonstrated. Also,
>implying the people who come into these threads aren't all just confused """straight""" dickheads
>only a true faggot
yeah, that's the point.
How big is the underlying discord scene surrounding this general? I kinda get the feeling the actual thread is only the tip of the iceberg
You force it in use lube if you have to
origeno jej
I haven't actually seen it but if it's round and smooth then yes definitely
Yes please, I have a big fetish for teasing and orgasm denial, being made all pent up.
I'm not very tall, just really well endowed and fit
or they're homos who don't want to deal with lgbt's bullshit
Ok you might actually be gay, you should watch porn or something for more research
No I'm not gay he's just really pretty and I think he'd look cute blushing while someone eats his booty, that's not gay right
>still no qt to edate
why even die?
what goes on in an e date? just full of talk?
great. now i have pent up anger on top of being horny. thanks guys.
That's a possibility too. I don't understand how /lgbt/ can be such a toxic shithole given that most fags (that I've known anyway) are really sensitive with each other in real life; why is 4ch*n an exception?
chatting/flirting, vc, playing games together or just at the same time, watching things together, trading lewds
any good r9gay discords? Have not been in any for a long while.
remember if it has more than 25 members its cancer
also watch out for roles
>why is Jow Forums full of angry toxic people
You seriously asking that question?
avoid any servers with silmaryl and kero in them
>if people had been as active in other thread as this one it would've been on death's door by now
i am an american and i am in trouble
That's the obvious answer, which I addressed. Just thought fags were fags
Why aren't you guys in the board dedicated to you?
but user, we are
back to /b/ kiddo, sperg out about gays elsewhere loser
I just don't understand why there's at least two threads of this up here when you have whole board to yourself what's so different here that you'd rather post here than your board?
>know for a fact that he's off of work by now
>still no message
it's a blue board and full of fucking normies
>bisexual edition
yeah lets make a heterosexual edition next
>I just don't understand why there's at least two threads of this up
i am also confused but this is the way things are apparently
i played a game that made me want to cuddle with a cute boy. i think i might be de-straightening. what the fffuuuuccckk, i don't want this to happen. should i just embrace it?
Suppress while you still can
i think i'm just so deprived of human contact i'm willing to cuddle with literally anything.
>be 6' sub
>fell for the height meme long time ago
>was sure almost everyone I talk to would be taller than me
>mfw either one of us isn't okay with the others height 90% of the time
fuck this
why wont you message me instead?
i understand not wanting to mingle with small people, but maybe it's time to let go
That's a real travesty. As if there wasn't enough annoying gay shit on here. Oh well carry on knowing that I am absolutely SEETHING. At least my irrational rage and hatred can be used as amusement for you guys
as a bi person i am constantly in a state of anger and frustration so i couldn't make fun of you.
Name the game senpai
Does this mean you're not into small guys?
See Additionally, neck yourself
Masc sub life is hell here
He said he felt sorry for me and that he'd give me money today. I didn't ask for it. He said he liked me and that he wanted to help. I just had to wait until today. Now he's not coming online and he's ignored me for over 24 hours now. I got my hopes up that something good was happening for once. Now he's tormenting me by ignoring me but not deleting, keeping me completely in the unknown. My mind is so fucking broken. I have half a mind to delete my discord, my steam, and never talk to anyone again. Better still, I have half a mind to go in the kitchen and slit my own throat with a knife. I hate feeling like this. I hate feeling helpless with my own life, I hate feeling helpless when someone else enters it, and I hate feeling helpless when someone else decides to fuck with it. I've screwed up my life beyond hope and I can't take it anymore. So if you're reading this, and you've gotten some enjoyment out of watching me squirm while you see me messaging you while you're hiding offline, congratulations. You got what you want. Goodbye.
you say "here" you mean in these threads? or wherever you live?
These threads, at least how it feels the little time I have been browsing here.
It's a tranny board with another thread here and there at this point, and this is a board of "original" discussions.
get help and don't kill yourself
i imagine the doms who are into masc guys aren't as obnoxious about it as people who are into traps/feminine subs.
>tfw no twink bf to dress up in maid outfits and cook me food
>tfw no bf to feel me up as I cook for him
Why does it feel like 99% of gays just want hookups and to share pics. Are they even capable of ever settling down? Where does one even meet those who want long-term relationships. Maybe I'm just blinded by online gay culture, I don't know many guys irl.
>Maybe I'm just blinded by online gay culture,
that's clear. and i guess wherever you look for straight long term relationships.
i don't get it, are you like trying to get random guys to give you money or something
>wherever you look for straight long term relationships
So you mean irl? Where do you meet guys irl? I 'know' 4 gay guys, 3 of them are uggos and the other is a slut who only wants hookups because he refuses to come out.
oh, i just meant how straight people can meet at clubs or at work or class, etc. and have a long term relationship grow out of that. it's harder, yeah, but i know that the same can happen for gay guys.
without using an app i don't know any gay bat signals though.
I do not mind if he's 1-2 inches shorter than me, but he'd have to compensate in vertical size, I'd even accept a chubby
I'm not into guys noticeably smaller than me, yes
>I do not mind if he's 1-2 inches shorter than me, but he'd have to compensate in vertical size
i'm not sure what this means tbdesu ne
>tfw youre an uggo
I'm 6' and skinny, if he's shorter he'd have to be buff and stronger
anyone wanna take care of a small intersex girl?
So long as you let me princess carry you everywhere to show off my muscles, sure.
>tfw maid twink but still can't cook properly
I'm 5'11 with an extremely broad frame. I'm on the heavier side too but even if I were underweight, my shoulder span is way bigger than average.
so, question.
do sub and bottom go hand in hand? how would a dom sub work? when people say sub do they just mean that they're a bottom? it's safe to assume that right?
That depends on if you like muscular guys or lil twinkies.
Where do I get a short, blonde, slightly girly bf who's into loving and mutually supportive and encouraging relationships.
I'll cook but you'll have to do all the chores.
w-wow wait really please.....
how tall are you?
ill be easy to carry im around 50kg
either or! as long as they wanna love and take care of me
Cute, I could even overhead press you at that weight. I'm 180cm, how about you?
I would imagine a dominate bottom would be someone who would restrain and tease a submissive top, play with his nipples, suck his cock right up until the edge of release, ect. Hold him down and ride him, not letting him cum. Even if he does cum a dominate bottom would probably keep riding him through the submissive top's orgasm. He'd probably keep going despite the top begging him to stop because his cock is too sensitive.
Y'know, stuff like that.
Sure but only if you live in Ireland
>I would imagine a dominate bottom would be someone who would restrain and tease a submissive top, play with his nipples, suck his cock right up until the edge of release, ect. Hold him down and ride him, not letting him cum. Even if he does cum a dominate bottom would probably keep riding him through the submissive top's orgasm. He'd probably keep going despite the top begging him to stop because his cock is too sensitive.
This is literally me. I'm a muscular bottom who just wants to wrestle, tease and go at it forever!
East coast U.S. here. Sounds good to me, especially if you're passable.
Muscular doesn't mean dominate. Muscular bottoms are disgusting.
Now that sounds ideal
And you're prison gay.
about 160 last i checked at the better at doing height in feet
save me from canada
canada here and people tell me i pass i guess, its a weird thing to say though since im intersex im not just a tranner or whatever
but that's just for people who are into the dom/sub thing right?
not every relation needs to have or the other, right?
I'm prison gay because I don't like muscular guys? Pft. I like skinny guys, feminine guys, even fat guys, I just don't like muscular guys.I especially don't like muscular guys who are bottoms. Has nothing to do with being prison gay.
Why do switches seem so rare? I'm a switch who wants to be abused & dish out some abuse in equal part. There's fun to be had on both sides, and power play makes things more interesting.
how are uggu people supposed to find love
No, most relationships don't have a sub/dom dynamic at all, or only a slight one that can swing either way. It's a online obsession to have to be sub or dom, and it's really weird.
Switch as well. My mood determines if I want to sub or dom, and it's really fun wrestling for dominance in ways.