Thoughts on this pinguin robots?

thoughts on this pinguin robots?

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it makes me sad, as a vegan.

Where is the wound? It just looks like it's missing feathers.

Thread derailed, fpwp. Newsflash faggot, animals kill each other all the time. Brutally. I'm not advocating factory farming, as it's heinous slaughter, but you need to understand that violence and suffering is a part of nature.

Hellish existence

stop being so right win in the animal world

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him sleepy

you're assuming i don't already know that. it is still possible to have sympathy for the poor penguin, however.

Looks neato burrito.

veganism is really fun

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This. I'm glad I'm not a penguin lol

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95% of male seals never reproduce, so they have to fuck penguins instead. Nature is truly fucked up.

>but you need to understand that violence and suffering is a part of nature.
pretty sure no one, including vegans, are saying suffering isn't natural.

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>ywn be a penguin
feels good

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Nature and natural isn't inherently good. It may be a part of it but that doesn't mean anyone has to like it.

penguis are socially creatures . i wonder if they get rejected if looking like that .

>that doesn't mean anyone has to like it.
just like some people have down syndrome

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They probably do. Kind of like chicken kill each other when they get wounded.

Milking animals has existed much longer than cereal.

What a waste of energy

I wonder what penguins taste like
wouldn't mind trying one

It also makes me sad, as a non-vegan.

yeah, us non vegans feel nothing, thats how it works.

what exactly happened to it?

someone plucked its feathers?

i think its like stress preening, so much that it drew blood

Pete Nooo !
He supposed to kill me !

most likely a shark/orca

Have you ever seen that penguin being cucked then getting the shit beaten out of it?
Nature is messed up.

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Birds have crops in the front there, where they store food after the gizzard mashes it up, it got torn open, as they can easily. The gizzard is where they chew, in their throat, as they have no teeth of course and relatively weak acids for digestion. They basically have stomachs on the outside where the collar bone is.

Pretty sure those two things apply to all birds. I used to see baby birds get hand fed, they crop blows up like a balloon. The bird probably over fed then got slashed by something. Also, I saw a chicken claw open the crop of another chicken, and the chickens stated eating that chicken's flesh. It would drink, and water would pour out of it's neck, as the other chickens drank and pecked at it's oozing crop.

I've been around alot of birds.


as a non vegan it makes me really sad :(

Looked it up, penguins have no crop.

I wonder why....

this makes me sad penguins are so cute and pure :(

Why if you eat animals anyway, same as supporting cp. You put money into the demand for their suffering. There are cows raised in pins, and worse that you personally cause by paying for meats. If cp is wrong then so is eating meat.

alls I'm saying is, personally as a non vegan, it makes me really sad ;_;

roasties are roasties, doesn't matter the species

*plucks your eyes out*

a penguin wouldn't survive the climate of my country. still if he did and puclked my eye out, oh well, that's just nature's way and how God intended

But you don't have a right to be.

Please don't tell me my rights, ok? I'm just saying it makes me really sad, why are you being so mean :(

>tfw this dude is obsessed with the part of artificial insemination where a farmer needs to guide the equipment through the vaginal canal of the cow and because there's equipment in her twat the only access point is through the rectum
I get that it's gross for the farmer, but I'm pretty sure it's a lot safer than just letting a bull have at it. It's not a fetish thing, it's the most humane and efficient way to approach that particular aspect of animal husbandry.

The life of a male perfectly illustrated by penguins

>meat eating humans that could live off of nothing but s o y having the right to feel sorry for their prey

>tfw can't even feel sad without an autist jumping down my throat

stahp ;(

>If cp is wrong then so is eating meat.
Submit an actual argument, you didn't compare the ethics of cp and eating meat, you instead compared their two support routes.
Most goods and services, legal and illegal need routes of support- if this making everything cp tier than being "as bad as cp" is meaningless.

haHAA xXx_teh penguin of DoOm_xXx

What the origimali actual fuck

Probably this + sliding and swimming keeping it from healing, hence the blood streaks down its front

This thread makes me really sad.
I just wanted to see cute happy penguins, not see them suffering. :(

Sad you can't get that tasty Penguin meat

as a vegan this makes me feel really bad for that penguin

>happy penguins

Penguins are known to suffer from depression easily and commit suicide.

glad for him the sufferings will end soon

I'm curious how do they commit suicide?

>I'm curious how do they commit suicide?

hand grenade

This is how.
Hug me.

It's getting worse.

He got fucked up but he's still that nigga. Just like all of you guys.

That first one was really sad up till the group were like no you can't steal that then i started laughing. i dont know why that was funny.

They are fighting for the baby, meanwhile he is like, Jesus this people are crazy.

aw fuck why did i watch the second one. it was sad, then it started getting funny, and then it got sad again. fucking penguins.
I don't want this.

There is always a bright side.

Animal abuse to raise them to eat, causes them anguish but to live longer.

Applying the same thing to children raised in basements and groomed to like sex, makes the actual sex victims more lucky than the cattle.

That's how evil you are.

>chicken kill each other when they get wounded.
never knew this, fascinating shit. didn't know chickens have some crazy pack-mentality like wolves, except more extreme. If the other chickens figure out one is injured or sick, they'll just peck it to death

I understand darwin's struggle in coming to terms with the beauty/brutality of nature

>Ywn join a cuddle puddle

That is an alpha penguin that has defeated a formidable foe. It is the only explanation.

>Ywn cuddle.

Sounds like you think farmer bob is worse than mr it puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again. you can just say its bad. You dont have to lie.

he looks like he has killed millions

vegan here, this is a saddie

>most sex offenders of children are sociopaths/psychopaths
That's where you're a dummy. In contrast, most cattle are treated like shit, especially when mass produced.

There's that, and then there's sex.

>95% of male seals never reproduce
Kinda like Jow Forums. So you're saying even seals have alphas and betas to the point where only the 5% chad seals get to fuck the female seals? Fuck this existence.

>only 5.88 approx percent of males naturally produce in hypergamy so they have to fap instead??

XD le ol' one in seventeen XD

my family has some chickens
they're disgusting animals