Should you kill yourself if you've been deepfaked?

Should you kill yourself if you've been deepfaked?

Attached: 2C9959A3-204A-402D-8FE5-830EFB10FB42.jpg (480x480, 35K)

believe me she's more than fine

How the fuck do people think this kike is attractive? Are you all that desperate and ugly?

>Should you kill yourself if you've been deepfaked?

why the fuck would you do that?

it's the start of a new life! no longer must you fear leaked nudes or revenge porn, because you've got plausible deniability for everything.

anyone can get deepfaked in just a couple of minutes, so no..

who's the girl?

Yeah, it's crazy how nude pictures of you just end up everywhere for some reason. That's totally a reasonable fear to have.

yea anything less than Victoria's Secret models is trash

Do you have autism? She's a 4/10. Maybe a 5/10 if you don't have to hear her stupid voice or see her ugly ass make up. She's also hairy as fuck and has a mustache she has to shave. Stop being a thirsty incel

>She's also hairy as fuck
How is that bad?

No but you should kill yourself if you make deepfakes because they're creepy and unsettling to look at and think about.