what about you femanons?
I'm not even an incel and that fucking disgusts me. Both of them should be shot.
what's so bad about it t b h?
It's really just gross, that's all. Very gross. She ate a fetus. That's cannibalism.
>... I don't work there anymore
>what is bad about eating a fetus after being a degenerate waste of space whore?
And people wonder why humanity is a sewer.
Jesus fucking christ.
I'm a femanon, but I just lost all hope for humanity after reading that. I don't know if I should hate men, or if I should hate women. What a fucking repulsive, disgusting, repugnant cesspool of a species we are.
Poor girl. I'd cry if I'll eat my own child. Some people like to be treated like dogs?
>I'm a femanon,
my favorite meme
>just lost all hope for humanity
First day here?