Have any of you faggots spent any time around ballet dancers?

Have any of you faggots spent any time around ballet dancers?

Let's hear about it.

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I guess we don't have that much experience with ballet dancers

I dated an interpretive dancer. still pretty dense leg and core muscle, was cool.

exgf and current girl im dating are ballett dancers.
Ive yet to meet one that doesnt have an eating disorder or other mental illnesses though.

Was in a relationship with. an ex-dancer who quit because the dancing fucked up her knees (i.e she had to stop).
Basically she was doomed to pain for the rest of her life.

Made sex difficult (she was not a masochist - standing up hurt, being on her knees hurt, having knees bent hurt...) and left her with some emotional problems (she was super passionate about dancing).

Other than that she was extremely attractive a very very good partner, but always in physical pain.

thankfully i was Jow Forums enough to carry her up the stairs at home :^)

The guys are looking like twinks, but are super fucking strong and tough. Pain doesn't mean anything to them and they spend their day OHPing girls.

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And of course they are hilariously flexible in anything they do.

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They have super hard kicks, harder than Muay Thai guys, even without any martial arts training. And, of course, top tier footwork from dancing. They even get into fights a lot more than you'd think.

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Basically, what gymnastics is for upper body, ballet is for lower body. I think the weirdest thing is that they are fucking immune to pain though. They pride themselves on training like in the Middle Ages without modern sports science "dirtying" their methology (look it up).

/end rant and drop

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Dancers all have mental problems and eating disorders.

But the good ones are all addicted to anal sex.

>They have super hard kicks, harder than Muay Thai guys, even without any martial arts training.

just shut the fuck up you delusional donkey

Female friend of mine is a ballerina, really strong legs, extremely flexible, amazing ass, and a ridiculous pain tolerance. She also broke a guys windshield with her toes on accident.

maybe not a Muay Thai but potentially a good ballet dancer could be a decent level Taekwondo fighter

I know one, she goes to my uni and we talk sometimes
She's very petite but her body doesn't look that good.

>tfw when the one that got away was a ballet dancer

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I did. We are in russia and I was 17 and she was 16 yo ballet grill. Very qt, slim and tall. We could have hit it off if she wasn't that much taller than me maybe. Maybe not. She deservedly took pride in her work and looked like there was a small chance of having a mental disorder. One of the most beautiful grills senpais.

>read more at blogspot.com

call her and tell her about stem cells in Panama

the rest are girls

What? People that want to dress like a swan the biggest cunts of the animal kingdom and dance in front of people are mentally unstable?

You must surely be joking right?

They're bendy.

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I was talking about the girls.

>Ms. Bentley has saved the detritus of her anal lovemaking (with a fellow known simply as A-Man) in a beautiful, tall, round, hand-painted, Chinese lacquered box. Hundreds of used condoms and K-Y: My treasure, coos the narrator.

Okay that sounds like some mental issues.