You guys are missing out on the deep web- lots of ways to get passive income, both legally and illegally, and you can be a NEET.
Why work? You guys should do research into how to earn a passive income on the deep web.
You guys are missing out on the deep web- lots of ways to get passive income, both legally and illegally, and you can be a NEET.
Why work? You guys should do research into how to earn a passive income on the deep web.
How can I make an income on the deepweb?
Have you ever been on a deep webpage?
ye but would it be enough to live off
Yes. I have browsed some deepweb chans before.
If you have not, then there are several steps you will want to take. Also, do you want to make income legally, or illegally through the deep web?
Either way, you will want to make your browsing as private as possible. Download Tor Browser. Get a VPM, get a MAC changer, and go to public internet hubs with no cameras around. Also, download a secretive/private OS such as Ubuntu for Linux, OR if you prefer to use Windows or some other OS, look up Privacy protector for Windows, or whichever OS you use.
Then, type in "" into Tor Browser, and there will be many links to deep websites on this website. Browse through those websites to find more information. I can't be more specific than this without it possibly becoming illegal.
>Yes. I have browsed some deepweb chans before.
Ah ok, then disregard what I said... unless you were going onto the deep web without Tor and all those steps I suggested. When going on the deep web, this is what you will want to do, otherwise you have a high risk of getting caught if you're doing something illegal.
VPN, not "VPM", that was a typo.
But how do I make an income though? It seems I have nothing to offer.
>secretive/private OS such as Ubuntu for Linux, OR if you prefer to use Windows or some other OS, look up Privacy protector for Windows
lmao, Ubuntu has Amazon spyware built into it, and you'll never be safe on Windows, not even with all of this privacy shit. If you want to be secretive use tails, it's built for people under dictatorships and journalists to speak out, which makes it great for hiding
There are a number of things you can do, such as buy counterfeit currency, learn to hack, buy stolen credit cards/bank accounts, or buy stolen (old) money. The latter is possible due to the fact that national banks often shred currency that is 30+ years old, and there are people who "Acquire" said currency to sell it.(and it's legit currency, which is still usable) The reason they don't keep it for themselves is because large quantities of old currency is suspicious and will arouse suspicion of authorities, so they won't spend it all at once, and often they get too much of it to be able to do much with it since you can only spend it over time as $1000 or less.
Oh, yes, I use tails with ubuntu myself. I forgot to add Tails into it.
>Ubuntu on Linux
>implying Ubuntu isn't the Windows of linux
Nice one. Download arch.
> le ebin deep web my mom was a deep web hacker killer assassin from outerspace xDxDxD
Fuck off. That's how you sound.
The "deep web" isn't really that exciting. You know your bank's page past the sign-on? That's deep web, because it's not indexed. Yeah, shit like tor exists, but that "oh wow" infograph is dumb crap.
>old currency is suspicious
>oy vey why didn't you use my banks goyim
another translation
>my all seeing eye is forgetful, how dare you not be watched
The picture is a lie, "94 procent" of the webcontent isn't on the deepweb, 94 procent of the content accesable on the web requires a password, big fucking difference. The deepweb is just dozens of vpns.
besides scams that can get you in deep shit if you're not already super organized ways to make money are tedious as fuck and less efficiant than legit wageslaving, even if you have advanced programming knowledge it' nowhere near profitable enough, you make like 30 pennies a week.
The only way to make money off deepway was too get into bitcoins back when it had less value than dogshit, buy a shitload of it and try to cash it through drugs orders you resell irl,
You need some sorts of skills, does not matter where, does not matter whether it's legal or not.
I have no skills.
>Doesnt know difference between dark web and deep web
>your email is deep web, since its password protected
>Anything without public access is deep web, facebook is fucking deep web
>Dark web is small part of the internet, which requires Tor to access.
Seriously fuck off larping faggot.
What about gentoo
Do you actually think Tor is or ever was safe? Do you think its enough to stay hidden while also not attracting attention? I'm definitely kekkin', user...
isnt it disabled by default?
just did a quick search on google