>took 1200mcs of acid two days ago >my mind dies >reborn as a speck of existence is indescribable euphoria >no thoughts no nothing >just perfect bliss >like your best orgasm x1000, all over your body >spend an eternity here >reborn >wake up face down in bed, covered in tears and snot >girlfriend comes over >we have sex >feels like absolute shit >why do i even do this
there are far better things in life my guys, dont get hung up on a single source of pleasure or meaning
>drug gives you a rush of neurochemicals >Post about sex on Jow Forums
You're a retarded fucking drug addict scum.
Gabriel Sanchez
>LSD >addict
Adrian Reed
pls explain how lsd addiction works senpai
Gabriel Murphy
lets parts of your brain communicate that normal can not without the chemical getting them too
Josiah Ward
Whatever. Have fun turning your brain to shit and seeing demons everywhere even when you're not on drugs.
Alexander Phillips
Most people don't have access to LSD and the neurochemical high from loving sex is pretty good in it's own right
Jack Thompson
>take LSD >want to take LSD >brain dies >take more LSD
Brody Parker
>he thinks this is what LSD is
my dude taking LSD on a hot summers day and going to the park and just watching people go about their daily lives was one of the best experiences of my entire life. you don't know what you're talking about and that's unfortunate.
Bentley Parker
>Most people don't have access to LSD If you have access to the internet, you have access to LSD