>took 1200mcs of acid two days ago >my mind dies >reborn as a speck of existence is indescribable euphoria >no thoughts no nothing >just perfect bliss >like your best orgasm x1000, all over your body >spend an eternity here >reborn >wake up face down in bed, covered in tears and snot >girlfriend comes over >we have sex >feels like absolute shit >why do i even do this
there are far better things in life my guys, dont get hung up on a single source of pleasure or meaning
>drug gives you a rush of neurochemicals >Post about sex on Jow Forums
You're a retarded fucking drug addict scum.
Gabriel Sanchez
>LSD >addict
Adrian Reed
pls explain how lsd addiction works senpai
Gabriel Murphy
lets parts of your brain communicate that normal can not without the chemical getting them too
Josiah Ward
Whatever. Have fun turning your brain to shit and seeing demons everywhere even when you're not on drugs.
Alexander Phillips
Most people don't have access to LSD and the neurochemical high from loving sex is pretty good in it's own right
Jack Thompson
>take LSD >want to take LSD >brain dies >take more LSD
Brody Parker
>he thinks this is what LSD is
my dude taking LSD on a hot summers day and going to the park and just watching people go about their daily lives was one of the best experiences of my entire life. you don't know what you're talking about and that's unfortunate.
Bentley Parker
>Most people don't have access to LSD If you have access to the internet, you have access to LSD
Jackson Bailey
Oh look, another guy that tripped on LSD that thinks he has all the answers now Cringe
Eli Robinson
Sex is lame and boring compared to peaking on a high-dose of acid.
Hunter Long
Thank you mister FBI
Logan Johnson
And you've never seen a retarded person that used to have a bright future but did too much LSD. You don't know what you're talking about and that's unfortunate.
Carson Sullivan
>free, comes at no inherent cost >inborn addiction that everyone will either have or fight all their lives >dumb monkey thoughts and pleasure derived from them are easy; path of least resistance >lots of people have never felt better from other circumstances
Logan Rogers
Brace yourselves, wall of text incoming. Addiction is the result of over-expression of the gene (delta)FosB in D1-type medium spiny neurons in the nucleus accumbens. Drugs that immediately affect the mesolimbic pathway in the brain result in this gene becoming over-expressed after long periods of exposure. This causes the brain's metabolism in the mesolimbic pathway to become increasingly ineffective, leading to reduced inhibition around substances of abuse and decreased ability to weigh long term consequences of drug-seeking behavior. Oddly enough, drugs that affect GABA and glutamate also seem to cause the same response in the nucleus accumbens despite their lack of dopaminergic activity.
Now, LSD and other psychedelics do not affect the nucleus accumbens in the way that classical drugs of abuse do. They work on the serotonin system, which has no effect on (delta)FosB. LSD does have dopaminergic action but I'm about to explain why it doesn't matter so don't try to one up me here faggot As if that wasn't enough of a reason, tolerance to psychedelics builds at an astonishing rate. If 100ug of LSD was taken on one day, the following day 200ug of LSD would be needed to achieve the same effect. Because addiction takes long periods of exposure to begin altering the epigenetics of an individual's (delta)FosB, drugs that build tolerance at such steep rates are simply unable to produce the levels of effect over the periods of time that are necessary. Very few people have the money and time to actually become addicted to the classical psychedelics and their analogues, and when doses are continuously raised the side effects often become unbearable to the point of self-regulation. No significant cognitive changes (read: impairments) have been recorded following psychedelic administration in the decades of study these drugs have been subjected to.
I mean this is some bullshit, but OP is an absolute faggot. Plowing a girl you love is still amazing (especially if you do it ON acid) and getting floored on LSD won't change this. OP is just, as per usual, a faggot. Nothing to see here folks
>addict LSD isn't addictive in any way, unless you consider doing something too much (which can happen with fucking anything, like videogames or food) to be addiction.
Cooper Ramirez
Although I will say this isn't wrong, mostly associated with people who take it at festivals/raves/etc (so most average users of it) I know more people than you might think who were foolish, tripped every weekend for years, now they're all fucking weird after like ten years of this shit
Nicholas Bell
>take LSD >forget you took it so you take more >think you got scammed and it dosent work so take some more >acend into godhood, then change between incoherent rambling and laying in fetus-position >wake up in ambulance with the devil as medic >ohh shit >devil brings you into the mental room where chick is straped onto the bed cause she tries to kill the nurses(they stole her kids she said) >still have to go to work the next day
Dont play around with LSD kids. Especially when mixing with stimulants and sleep deprivation.
Logan Williams
>I'm a big gigantic faggot with a burned out brain
Isaac Russell
>why do I even do this What? Being normie scum? Oh i dunno user.
Matthew Peterson
I'm not though, I haven't even tripped that much because I can handle it responsibly. Saying acid is bad because it fucks you up if you abuse it is stupid, because anything is bad when you abuse it. I guess we shouldn't eat food either because I know a guy that ate too much food and became a fatass.
Landon Flores
See how idiotic statements like ">I literally have no idea what acid does" are? See how making them doesn't make you seem like less of a burnout?
Mason Jones
Holy shit that's a lot of acid
Lmao that wasn't original
Jacob Lee
Yeah don't be a retard and mix speed and acid even weed and acid is some shit that's a bit much
I thought so, get the fuck off my fucking board you fucking normalfuck
Colton Mitchell
I haven't done drugs and I know full well you don't do psychedelics "recreationally" no more than you drink water or go to the gym "recreationally". Feel free to keep regurgitating drug scare arguments you inherited from uneducated boomers.
Carson Stewart
That's the only reason you take psychedelics, who gets perscribed LSD by their doctor? This entire thread is about how good it feels to take LSD compared to sex (which is something OP has had btw). Don't buy into these motherfucker's lies, they're not taking LSD to "reach enlightenment" or "become more spiritually aware" or "find truth", they're taking it because it feels good
Dominic Thomas
>Quints of truth Does this mean a new psychedelic revolution?
Brayden Garcia
If all the normalfags left, there would be no one left on Jow Forums
Cooper Hall
Nofap cuck
Anthony Young
I'd still be here though, and my fellow robots would start to come back to join me
Jayden Torres
Umm, no sweetie. I fap every day and I can actually enjoy it because I haven't fucked up my pleasure centers with chemical bullshit
Jayden Allen
Psychedelics are like a gourmet meal. Yes you eat it to enjoy the taste but a side effect is nourishment. You can also take psychedelics to have fun but a side effect is spiritual enlightenment
Anthony Thompson
avoiding things because they feel good is not much of an argument
Colton Foster
>pretty colors >nourishment I'm having my doubts
Blake Perry
lol, now you're not even trying
Brandon Sanchez
That's not what I was implying at all
Nicholas Bailey
Good vendor on a dnm that won't sell me Nbome?
Logan Baker
ive never bought off the net my boy, do you know any dealers in your area ?
Colton Lewis
yeah i didnt want to preach any metaphysical junk although i do have alot of thoughts on it.
my point is just that many things provide a greater sense of joy and pleasure than sex. sex between two deeply in love people is different but that is something that comes naturally so no use running after it