The only person than can love you is you

The only person than can love you is you.

Attached: mirror_of_the_soul.jpg (1440x1080, 665K)

If I had an e-gf to watch dragon ball with you would be wrong

OK so I love myself, now what?

Start improving yourself slowly.

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What a crock of shit
Why do all normo's offer this same meaningless garbage

Why should I improve when I'm happy with how I am?

I can be your e-gf for watching dragon ball

I already watched the entirety of DB and DBZ a few months ago

Attached: [DBNL] Dragon Box Z (DBZ) - 248 - See You Later, Everybody!! Goku Returns to the Other World [x264]. (640x480, 60K)

The normies have gfs tho.

hhh12#4714 let's start at the original and just binge watch the whole series pls

Wrong, multiple people have told me they love me over the internet.

Attached: SataniaAnnoyed.png (798x448, 288K)

That's not true, the person that hates me the most is me.

> caring whether people love you or no

t.triggered romantic

>one chance at life
>be born a black female
You can love yourself but at the end of the day its about what others think of you.
>alarm goes off at 5am
>drive to work
>wage slave for 9 hours
>drive back to apartment
Every day. My life is pretty much the definition of loneliness. I had no friends growing up and I never talk to my family. I keep the tv on because it gets so quiet. And I dont want to hear the domestic abuse that goes on upstairs. Again you can love yourself blah blah blah but when no one loves you back and you are lonely 24 7 you get time to think about things.

Where do I find lonely black females? You sound perfect to me.

Im live in Germany.

you'll never know the heaven of cuddling just because you have high self esteem

>you will never have a mommy gf tell you she loves you

Oh I'm from the US. I guess it's more common in Europe for black females to be lonely then? Because all the ones I've met over here have been very normie.

Katrina? Sounds like a friend I knew long ago when I still have friends.

Germany is overall depressing. Race aside, there are depressed people here. And people are not as outgoing, rather they are cold.

Cause it is in human nature to always search for improvement and test our limits. If you're already stagnated, you have nothing to live for. You're just matter with no soul

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You can be my gf if you don't mind a robot NEET.