Just be confident, bro

>just be confident, bro
>worked for me

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>raised by parents who love me unconditionally
>end up here

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Is there any worse feel?
If your parents mistreated you at least you could blame them for your being here
All I got is myself

What about prenatal environment? I think people who got lots of testosterone before they were born generally have a higher self-esteem than those who only got a little. Men and feminists tend to be more confident than women and robots.

Yeah, that's important too. The main point is that all of this is predetermined and there's nothing you can do to fix it.

>tfw raised by raging alcoholic BPD single mom
>Dad didnt give a shit saw him 2 weeks out of the year

Good to know it was always going to be this way for me even if my parents had been great and actually cared

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well, that's a motive that they can prove almost anything in those soft sciences...they just get a group of people, ask questions and them separate by what they want to prove...so not only their division is completely arbitrary and the questions only exist to show that context but the people answering only have their vague perceptions of what really happened.

It's like saying genetics exist by asking people on a maternity if a newborn nose look like their parents nose...everyone will say yes even when it clearly doesn't

Some folks are just born wrong.

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>have "conservative" father who constantly went on about work ethic, how you don't get something for nothing, how nothing is free, "the value of money"
>He often had autistic rages about this
>Absolutely shit time at school from being isolated
>Now have absolutely no self worth, feel guilty for any money I earn like it's too much, regardless of how much I work, just want to have as little as possible so as not to be a financial burden
>Have no desire to work or earn money

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cute boi

people in abusive relationships don't believe they are in abusive relationships at first. time to do some digging user.

I had an emotionally distant father that still never talks to me and an overprotective mother that still treats me like a 6 year old.

>I had an emotionally distant father that still never talks to me and an overprotective mother that still treats me like a 6 year old.
Are you me?

My parents both loved me. My mom was kinda crazy and a shy artistic woman. My dad was a musician and full of himself. Both of them hoped i would grow up happy and normal...

>actually had a great childhood
>parents did their best to encourage me
>made huge sacrifices for my sake
>got an ivy league stem degree and a m7 mba
>worked on wall street and in silicon valley now
>too bad I'm a short, ugly, autistic asian-american with slit eyes and a pig snout nose
>can't even get a mail order bride due to my lack of height
>all my effort dismissed as compensating, try-hard Napoleon complex

such is life

I had a great childhood and my parents were nothing but supportive good people to me.

My problems are my fault

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I would say most robots had common childhood experiences.

Nobody gets to choose their own personality and nature though. Blaming yourself for something that is objectively not your fault is pointless.

>studies show that upbringing may affect your life
>studies also show that amount of food eaten my affect weight


>Study suggests that past experiences can help shape future ones

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>people in abusive relationships don't believe they are in abusive relationships at first. time to do some digging user.

A few days ago there was a footfag thread, and one of the posts reminded me of how my mother used to make me massage her feet when I was like 9 which I absolutely hated. I mean, I did remember a lot of other MUCH worse things she did over the years, but I had repressed the foot thing so deeply I couldn't even remember it until that one post in the footfag thread.

>raised in a supportive and loving family
>becomes class leader at elementary school
>be a teacher's pet
>kinda shy but still makes a good ton of friends (at least they still are although somewhat distant)
>becomes an introvert dumb fat fuck

I take it you guys have never suggested a robot should change his personality to be more attractive, right?

Of course I do. Stagnation is dumb
You can give all the self help you want to someone, but unless they're willing to change , nothing will happen