When will you stop falling for the monogamy meme and become a player?
When will you stop falling for the monogamy meme and become a player?
Jose Robinson
Ethan Diaz
James Jenkins
>I'm sad
>I miss you
>I just wanna hear your voice
Literally deserves it for being a sentimental pussy.
Isaac Powell
Parker Baker
You see enough of this stuff, you stop being a player. Or you're actually a psychopath and not just larping as one.
Angel Williams
>tfw 28 year old virgin
Only 2 years until I am a wizard.
Andrew Long
Just two more years user and you will attain enlightenment, don’t fall for the vagina jew
Connor Scott
What's psychopathic about not commiting to a woman?
Evan Gutierrez
you and me both brother
Camden Perry
Was about to say the same. Have some pride dude, hot chicks don't dig pussy's.