Has anyone here come to terms with the fact that they're gonna die alone?
Not only are the odds stacked against us physically and psychologically but also we have to deal with this sexual revolution bullshit that only decreases the chances of ever finding someone.
On top of the fact the naturally we would have a hard time finding a mate because of appearance women now don't even want to be in a relationship anymore, even less with a bottom of the barrel spouse. I used to keep going by watching and reading romantic stuff but nowadays I can't watch it without thinking that this is never going to happen.
How do you move on from knowing that one of your basic natural goals and functions will never be achieved? I'm tired, I just want to be free and live my life.
I havne't I plan to become a heroin addict and die in pleasure.
Gabriel Collins
Not trying to be drugs lmao, but I get drunk and high everyday. That helps me forget all of my troubles, including the fact that I will die alone. I'm drunk right now and I couldn't give less of a shit.
Christopher Williams
Stop giving a fuck, OP.
Liam Perez
You don't understand. Heroin will cure your inceldom.
I've been reading up on it and re wires your receptor to chase its high.
I'd rather be a junkie on clean opiates than have my inceldom haunt me for the rest of my life.
I made the other post about crying, I am crying right now.
I cant' take it.
I'd rather die than live to 80.
What's the point?
I already know there's no hope.
I already know.
I already know it's too late.
Adrian King
I just look forward to the day I can live on an isolated plot of land after the fall of civilization and be able to shoot anyone who wanders onto my property who doesn't get the message to fuck off.
Jose Fisher
Hope you get your island user.
Bentley Nguyen
get gay
Pros: Not only do you fit their leftist narriatives, but you won't die alone.
cons: You're gay.
Juan Peterson
Fuck junk, you have got to get a hold of a teensy weensy bit of that weedle-dee-deed! That WEEDLE-DEE-DEED haha oh my goddddddddd user haha Jesus man Jesus! I'm high as FUCK right now holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! Man you gotta get high and jack off!
About 75% of the board is younger than 21. I don't think they can have a solid answer to your question.
Grayson Young
Sorry not gay
Logan Bailey
Women only are whores for chad tho
Bentley Williams
>I plan to become a heroin addict and die in pleasure.
>heroin addict >die in pleasure choose at most one
Colton Clark
I am rich enough to afford enough heroin to funnel a habit for the rest of my life. I am also a chemsitry major so I will probably synthesize stronger and stronger morphine derivatives till I OD and die.
Those things give you intense pleasure. Fentanil derivatives especially.
Daniel Parker
And a Chad is defined by his masculinity and personality. A Chad is literally a man who's come to terms with himself and the world. Just a real man. Become one, friend, and women (not only hoes) will love you.
Noah Walker
Yeah, long time ago. 33 now. Pretty much just waiting for my mom to pass and then I can leave it all behind.
Oliver Watson
>girls are having more sex than ever with more guys than ever >it's harder for guys to get sex than ever I've never understood the mental gymnastics that you have to use in order to believe such a cognitive dissonance.
Jordan Jones
For their Chad. Every girl has different tastes. It's the 20/80 rule, for any male, only 20% of girls will want to fuck him, the other 80% don't. And it's a different 20/80 bunch for every guy.
Logan Wilson
No, he is defined by multiple genetic traits including but not limited to, jaw size, hairline, clavicle length, and the shape of his occipital bone
Dylan Watson
A small percentage of guys are having the majority of the sex. It's not rocket science.
Christian Green
20% of women will find the guy on the right attractive? Yeah no sorry. Some men are doomed to die alone.
well i am only 21 so i am not really seen as a "lost cause" by people I have experienced that many people die alone, if they are single or not. the partner dies sooner of old age, an accident, children (especially grandchildren) not giving a shit, etc are all contributing factors to that Everything ends eventually, the most depressing and simultaneously optimistic thing you can do is what you have now and take enjoy them while they last momento mori, OP. I hope you can find a conclusion to live out your days in content
Juan Murphy
Have you seen was heroes with medals? They don't look like male models, yet they are the real men. Women like cute dudes, that's true, but if they are superficial and empty like stereotypical millennials, they are just toys for sex. Women drool all over real men, not lucky boys who only look good.
Ryan Wood
But that's not true? Every statistic out there shows males and females having a roughly equal number of sexual partners.
Jeremiah Perry
He's not that bad actually. Most women would probably pick him over the left one if they had to. Neither is a looked, but the guy on the left is particularly ugly. The guy on the right could fix himself a bit by lifting.
Levi Jones
That does not contradict what I said.
Kevin Richardson
A small percentage of guys have way more sex than others. A small percentage of girls have way more sex than others. Pretty normal, no?
Luke Nelson
Not as straightforwards, girls on average have the same amoutn of sexual partners whether they are in the bottom 20% or top 80% of women, but for guys the distribution is different.
The top 1% of guys have more sex than the bottom 30-40% of guys combined.
Think of it as sexual inequality.
Joshua Reed
all the girls from the 40th to 80th-90th percentile fuck guys in the top 20%.
that's the issue
bottom barrel girls get with average guys
Think of it as this:
Chad fucks 4 diff girls , but those 4 diff girls remain loyal to chad.
This would mean on MEDIAN and AVERAGE men/women have same amt of sexual partners. (1) if the median guy is going for the lowest tier fmelaes.
Obviously, this means nothing since the bottom 30-40% of guys remain incel.
Elijah Bennett
You mean live alone? Because we'll all be alone in death and on the day of judgement
Nathaniel Perry
Let's see a source for those figures. Oh wait, you're making shit up. Why are you lying on a Mongolian horse riding forum?
James Wood
What does that even mean? How can you put people into percentile? Based on what exactly? You sound like one of those tranny psyops spammers.
>you can't get girls don't even try >so become a girl
Luis Bell
>incels >30-40% Lel. That's the most retarded thing I have ever read. So-called incels are far less than 0.1% of the population.
Yeah. Probably for different reasons than you, though. Every time I have tried to have sexual contact with anyone I have just ended up feeling disgusted. It doesn't appeal to me, I understand that it's part of my function as an animal to pass on my genes, but I think I'm going to just pay some bitch and rent out her uterus, then be a single dad and raise my child with my own morals and see if I can start a strong family line.
Xavier Young
Girl has got to have some kind of goals, surprisingly seems to restrict the dating to my workplace, being a tech center, it's pretty slim.
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