There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet

There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet.

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>There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet.

I beg to differ

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>Muhammed is his prophet
Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

Was Muhammad the ultimate Chad?

>Got people to fight and die for him
>Had harem of wives and was considered generous for letting them marry him
>Got to smack his wife and declare wars and still be hailed a holy man
>Destroyed his enemies and conquered the Arabian peninsula before he died
>Years later the entire Middle East worships him
>Baited the entire world by calling his religion a "Religion of peace" when you spread it by force from the beginning.

Alpha as fuck

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religious retards should be banned from Jow Forums

hell just ban them from using the internet period

why so grumpy? your fedora getting a little tight in your fat head?


all the neckbeards moved onto being religious conservatives, quit being stuck in 2013

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>the virgin Son of God vs. the Chad false prophet

Sleep tight mudhammad

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All Gods are God. He acts through us in the way he chooses. Who are you to tell God how people should worship him?

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45397705 allauh bu akbur

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>go to mosque
>ask imam to make a general on Jow Forums about converting to Islam
>have a /muslim/ general on r9k
Holy shit, one of you faggots need to leave your basements and totally do this!

Ramadan is coming in 2-3 days so I'm game

This times a million.

But, to take it to another level religion needs to be banned all together.


1488 1488 !!!!!!1


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Why do autists get so fucking angry over one shitpost? Oh right, because they're autistic manchildren who poop in grocery bags

>He acts through us in the way he chooses.
Interesting tell me more

Reminder under islam all males receive 72 virgins who are eternally young and described as being similar to 2d women aesthetics and theyre 90ft tall giantesses

No reason not to convert to islam if your not a male. Lots of r9k topics I see of robots feeling alienated with normie obsession with alcohol and redditards and their obsession with bacon so I reckon islam would be comfy for robot

third post wasn't mine

I just hate religious retards because they've been aggressively invading the internet lately and trying to brainwash people

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Do you have the original video of this?

It's interesting how back in the early 2010s religion was seen as basically a joke or at least a relic of the past and now suddenly it's the hot new trend.

But Allah is the Christian God.

Muhammad basically just took Christianity and "perfected" it.

Also the Jewish god.

If you are so sad about this, why not just convert to Islam and be part of the fastest growing robot religion in the world? It brings the community together to a higher purpose of being, and has a strong tradition of fighting the degeneracies of society with personal regulations that make people happy (no drinking, no pork, nofap)

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God is a pepper corn


Because of these fucking idiotic reactionaries enabling people like Jordan Peterson and white nationalists to come in and just claim the high ground and start brainwashing. If you don't like something, don't take the polar opposite stance just because it makes you feel good at that moment in time. Fucking idiots.

I would convert to islam if it let me daytrade, but it doesnt. Sad!

Holy shit user, some dank quints

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Looks like you're the queen, buddy.

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With numbers like that how can you be wrong?

Congrats my man

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This post makes me super happy user.

It's true. People instinctively take sides, if one goes left the other right, and no one is a level headed gray hat anymore.

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>Islam does not let me day trade

When you invest stock in a company, you stake a claim in its ownership. This is not Haram, and many mutual funds vetted by Islamic scholars such as Amana Funds. Staking claims in banks which make their money off of lending however, is haram. Do not speculate as a gamble for your stocks (which you should not be doing anyway) and do not give Israel any more of your money by investing in central banks, and you will fall within Quranic law

The only two state solution is west and east Israel.

wasted digits on a retard who thinks jordan peterson is the same as white nationalists

Sounds boring as fiefk

If Islam wasn't filled with brown smelly men with disgusting accents I might give it a shot

>never hearing about the Balkans, Caucuses, or Caspian Sea
>thinking only Middle Easterns into Islam

Not the same in terms of belief, just the same in terms of trying to taking advantage and trying to push an agenda.

>centuries later people get bomb threats if they speak ill of his name
Alpha af

I know there are other muslims from other parts of the world but the only muslims near me are always pakistani

how's my brothers today I'm comfy is fork sitting here witnessing this thread

I dont like islam because youre required to pray 5 times a day and starve yourself for a month.

Not that i do any of those.

Wrong, I am your God, the God of Jow Forums

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Yes, peace be upon him.

inshallah, maybe one day the infidels will have a thread worthy of ours.

Kneal to the God of Jow Forums
I have received quips

Givith unto me all your hard earned NEETbucks

I'm mounted and ready

People confuse culture and man made sociatal norms to be the will of God. There was a point where your religion of choice didn't exist and there will be a point where it becomes irrelavant. God has existed all through out and he will continue to do so. Worship him as he tells you to.

Ive stopped drinking and stopped eating pork.
Did i do good muslim senpai?

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>no God but Allah
The Bible clearly implies that there are multiple gods

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Yawhee is the God of war.
But hes the best God.
Unlike baal the God of degeneracy.

allah (piss be upon him) is a false god. his symbol is the moon for pete's sake. The moon generates no light of it's own, only reflects the true source of light.

Turn away from your false god.

He's not even the best god, he was just the god that was convenient to worship at the time because the tribe that had him in their pantheon was going through a war.

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>God has existed all through out and he will continue to do so. Worship him as he tells you to.
How does he tell us to worship him and how do we know he said it?

Were always at war of some sort.
Your lives struggle is a war.
Thats the meaning of jihad.

He tells us to worship him how we know him best. In our hearts. Because whatever it is, it draws us closer to him and gives us fullfilment. You'll know God wills it because you'll feel his presence.

It's the meaning of no fun allowed, and the point of abrahamic religion is no fun allowed to begin with.

It's convenient to go to war to steal when you live in middle eastern shitholes back in the day. No one else has any business being abrahamic anymore. Whites NEVER should have been, we should be pagan.

It doesnt matter how much you try.
You will never be able to convince yourself those comic book gods are real.
And if you do youll end up in prison or dead.

No one gave a shit back then, it was like the easter bunny, you grew the fuck up.

That, is why paganism died, and why christianity will once Islam takes over because you let that faggoty cat out of the box. We should have grown away from religious bullshit not into new ones.

If fucking little boys in the ass is "alpha" to you then yeah sure, faggot

Your post is full of contradictions
Start making sense

I will never convert to this heathen religion.

But I will enjoy watching it's murderous subjugation of the fat lesbian tranny that is Western Civilization

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peace be upon him
dios mio
jesus christ
oy vey
golden buddha
oh my god

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Why are you getting so upset over shitposts? You're pathetic.

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lmao the muslim woman helping him out