Get to work at shitty indie dev job

>get to work at shitty indie dev job
>log onto plebbit
>check r/programerhumour
>have a chuckle
>"this guy coded in python B+ hahahaha"
>wife's bf calls
>he asks me to pick up his son after work
>not a problem
>hop on to r/blackpeolpletwitter
>"this nigga just dabbed on his exam, got into Harvard university"
>comment how I'm proud of my black brotha
>21,000 karma 11xgold
>almost been 5 hours at work still scrolling through r/politics
>decide to go on quick break, feeling I need a good laugh and check r/videos
>see Childish Niggino video mixed to Call Me Maybe
>only 2k karma 1 hr ago
>watch video
>when (((glover))) turns around call me maybe starts
>can't stop laughing actually
>start holding fat neck, can't support body from laughing
>fall to floor
>before passing out give up vote
>die lying on the break room floor
>mfw no one will pick up my wife's bfs son from school
>this is problematic

Attached: 1526417375877.jpg (750x716, 106K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That vid was actually funny though, wh*tey. Still overall solid greentext

Damn, normies on here too. That video is unironically the worst thing I've ever seen

>white people love Donald Glover until he makes a video calling them out
>same thing with Eminem
Almost like white people are afraid of confronting the truth. Hmmmmmm.

>implying its worse than original
Hehehe Jow Forums is fun! I said implying!

let me see how shit it is,

Attached: you better link that shit nigga.png (182x182, 58K)

>link funy video

Attached: 24BB5F6C-0A22-45CF-B054-DC884C12DF4E.png (320x384, 67K)

>this is problematic
alright I laughed

I didn't even know who Donald Glover was until this whole dumb shit started.

you can't just talk about how shit a video is without showing it to us, come on, link it on hooktube so i don't give views to it

>white people baka

What's with niggers and trying to sum up the most complex ethnic group but always failing? It must fucking suck to have to resort to calling white people's chicken "bland" because that's all you have when your pissed off or other equally weak shit. A large amount of White people enjoy Childish Gambino and that video regardless of whatever it's purpose is because it's well done hip-hop and nobody gives a fuck about the meaning of music anyway. Eminem just sounded pathetic and he's been obviously off-base for a decade.

Not OP but also not retarded

if you like this know you may be retarded

how do i watch without giving a view,

search for it on hooktube
not worth the effort though its crap

go on incognito unironically

I tried linking the plabbit post but the link is like 5 lines

not gonna lie, i would have laughed at shit like this in 2012

I don't laugh at almost anything but that vid kinda made me want to listen to call me maybe, has some nice orchestra souding DUN DUNS

I had a similar day.
>get up at 7 am
>grab my bicycle and grab my onions latte on way to work
>everyone looks annoyed
>looks like someone has a case of the mondays
>everyone smiles and laughs
>go on the internet
>boy I sure do love memes
>memes memes memes memes memes memes
>memes lol lol memes lol
>i'm pretty hip to say the least
>wife texts me
>she's meeting her ex boyfriend for dinner tonight but she is allowing me to eat hot pockets
>my mouth opens in excitement
>send a picture of this to my twitter followers
>finally get to go home at 2 pm
>its been a long day
>feed my wifes son microwave burritos
>go on the internet
>oh boy better watch some memes
>go to youtube
>ear rape
>hahahahahaha get it, so random xd
>time to go to bed
>wifes still not home
>watch some ASMR

There's so much depth and nuance to this video that it's easy to ignore that it's a black guy gunning down a bunch of other blacks while saying he's calling out white people

Don't make fun of ASMR! Only roleplay shit is for fags, robots listen to asmr because they have crippling insomnia from watching a computer screen the whole day.. l-like me

Attached: 1526148171472.jpg (500x401, 86K)

good greentext, a little loose with its narrative, also the ASMR is kind of out of place since is more like a robot thing, you could replace it with fortnite gameplay or a nintendo direct reactions compilation. But still manages to be fun to read while criticizing the state of masculinity in our society. I rate it a 7,5/10

Solid greentext, well done user.

>Would read again/10

Attached: celebrate.gif (200x162, 625K)

thankyou user. Means a lot


Attached: z.jpg (387x328, 24K)

Moron. It's not well done. Nobody gives a fuck about the music. It's all about the video. Retard.

leddit is so insufferable.