Hey, Jow Forums here. If you're gonna anhero, stop using fucking guns...

Hey, Jow Forums here. If you're gonna anhero, stop using fucking guns. Your suicide statistics are added to national gun crime registries and used as arguments against private ownership of firearms. You're actively contributing to the disarmament of America by shooting yourselves, making you bigger shitstains than you already are.

APS underwater fishman fun for attention and board identification

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Can we still use rental trucks?

pew pew pew i shot ur gay ass thread

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>Telling us not to kill ourselves with guns
>Not giving us alternatives

Lazy thread OP. The important message is to not go Elliot Roger. That's what TPTB really want us to do

Give me one (1) good reason I should give a single fuck about you or your guns.

>thinking people commiting suicide give a shit about the future of gun ownership in america

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Exit bag, pills, antifreeze, not hard

None, but maybe we can dislodge that fedora you've got stuck on your noggin buckaroo

Helium tank method is cheaper, impossible to fuck up and become a vegetable, and painless.

It's an argument for private ownership of firearms imo.

Yes, because I have a personal vendetta with the rental truck industry

america needs common sense gun laws

Not in the eyes of the general public. They think you'll just live on if you don't have easy access to guns, ignoring bleach, pills, cars, literally anything you can kill yourself with

We had a single working common sense law, and then people like you kept adding restrictions to it

don't tell me how to use my god given right to bear arms. This is america goddammit!

There's also the fact that guns also allow you to kill someone else before ending your own life so a lot of spergs choose to take that route.

America definitely needs gun reform, people like OP are mentally ill.

If your usage of the 2nd will lead to further restrictions on the 2nd then it should be called out as stupid and short sighted as it is

Then get fucked
helium tanks have oxygen mixed in to prevent suicides. You are more likely to become a vegetable with a helium tank than just a shotgun to the head.

Alright then, tell me what we need to add to our already inflated gun laws? Tell me how a waiting period, or background check will stop someone who has no background and all the time they need? Tell me how a quarter of all gun crime in the US is performed in the four states with the most gun laws? Surely if they've regulated weapons they should be safer right?

Number 1: deport all crossboarders
Number 2: give them electroshock therapy until they are mo longer gay

Well, I say "none" but you're too caught up in being an internet badass that you forget the adage of the old man and the Apple tree, and this whole board is extremely selfish so i don't really expect you to understand the idea of leaving a better place for people who will outlive yoy

>implying they're not gonna take our guns no matter what we do

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Gee OP, it's almost like the ease of getting a gun + the ease with which one can kill themselves with it, is a motivator in sealing the deal. Get outta here with your normie "b-but think about the people you're hurting!" sentiment. Hell, yours is even worse because it's obvious you only care about your statist end results as opposed to someone's wellbeing. Suck off, cunt

Needs of the many versus the needs of people on a Croatian NEET circle jerk board, who do I pick

Allow the SDC to study gun crime

allow the Feds to take the guns of mentally ill individuals before going through due process

the latter alone would have prevented most recent school shootings

We SHOULD be making mental health assistance easier to acquire but fuck it. Who cares about those guys?

this. also

>implying the ease with which someone can get a gun + how easily one can kill themselves with it aren't motivators in sealing the deal in itself

>robots caring for the needs of the many when the many are why they're this far gone

Jesus Christ dude, it's obvious you're new here. Go back to your cum brownies and jacking each others' gun barrels off

>I say none
Then that's it. everything else means fuck all, so go back to your gay furry infested board. Nobody gives a shit about what you want.

What ease? If you have any criminal record you can't get one at all (no, there's no gun show loophole.), and if you got one through a private sale that just proves that the laws wouldn't stop anything anyway

>cum brownies
O i am kekkin

>go back to your gay furry infested board
>his boards known for a man who preys on young boys to turn them into traps and get nudes from them
>three threads about boy pussy already

most mass shooters are mentally ill

all the recent ones were giving off tons of red flags and engaging in disturbing behavior, if the FBI had the ability to confiscate their guns right then and there most shootings would probably have been prevented

I giggled ngl, but desu a lot of robots here seem to be inflicting themselves with more harm than was done to them. I've lurked a bit and I see more fuming and festering about issues than actively trying to resolve them

The FBI can already do that? As a matter of fact they've done if multiple times before, there's no reason they shouldn't have done it that time unless you listen to the conspiracy theories about the whole thing being set up

>no u
Lol. Except here it's less than a year olf and we told them to fuck off, wheres in Jow Forums it's old as fuck and celebreated to this day. HAHAHA SO EBIN OPERATING FURRIES ECKS DEEEE
where do you think "a magical place" comes from? Is it all the lead or all the cum that has given you beain damage?

>Only five states - Connecticut, Indiana, California, Oregon and Washington - currently have laws allowing civil gun seizure orders.


Why does it matter? I thought government would never take your guns anyway because it's full of epic based patriots and that even if they tried, you would easily defeat all of them.

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I've seen no furry threads on Jow Forums and I've been lurking for well over two years, I've been doing the same sparingly with Jow Forums and it's been the exact opposite

Death of a thousand cuts, who can fight back when none remember the skill of their hand? Slow burn towards a carbon copy of China, but the flag will have a bit more white and blue

>bitching about people killing themselves
Its my fucking gun and I can do whatever I want to with it, stop being such a fag and let me fucking die you nigger

>I'm a newfag but you should totally take my opinion seriously
hahahahahahaha oh man you really didn't think that through did you? Seriously do you mix in lead and gunpowder with your daily cum intake?

have u seen the bullets this gun uses?

Every firearm forum I've visited always says there's way too many good ol boys in the old U-S of A for that to ever happen, in which case gun suicides are a non-issue. Let us robots die in peace.

You've said that exact thing twice, this isn't a competition dude you can chill out

The FBI doesn't give a shit about state law

Yes they're fucking horrifying looking and I love them

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Refer to this comment, 45422762

fine, then apply civil sizures in more states and allow local law enforcement to handle it

The FBI seems to have a ton of problems on their own when it comes to seizing guns from dangerous individual

>having severe enough criminal records to disallow them from buying guns

Don't you need to be an outright felon for that to happen? Like, wife beaters that've been arrested for DV multiple times can usually still get guns. You're severely misunderstanding what sort of person a suicidal robot is. I got mine from a pawn shop, and the hardest part was talking to the clerk and not dropping spaghetti. It was the first time I left my house in a month and a half

>say dumbass shit
>get btfo
>dude chillax this isnt a competition
absolutely pathetic, fuck off back to your board now.

I think any crime above misdemeanor stops you from buying one in certain states, drug stuff or other shit

The FBI don't do fuck all apart from accidentally blow up houses and sell guns to cartels
And you can fuck off with your civil seizures as well you bloody bootlicker

Also, this would again prove that gun laws wouldn't work to prevent robot suicides. You guys very rarely try to get help, and wouldn't be on a list as such.

calm down you inbred sperg

it's a totally rational law that would have prevented a ton of deaths with minimal restriction to freedom if applied and enforced correctly

My plan has always been to either
A)rent a cool car and drive it off a clif while doing heroin at the same time

B)Offer to dogwatch someone's pitbull and dress up like a toddler.

Either way I'm going to carve "DINDU NUFFIN" into all my guns

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Exactly, the crimes above misdemeanors are called felonies, and there's multiple degrees of both. You gotta try pretty hard or be pretty dumb/unlucky to get a felony

I never argued for or against gun laws either way, i don't know why you're bringing them up at all. I'm only talking in reference to the OP having the gall to ask robots to give up an easy-out just because the numbers will look bad for them. It's about the principal of asking someone that's given up all else, to give up the one final hope that they plan to use to find peace

Alright I'll let this one slide because I can only imagine the news' confusion

if i kill myself i'd do it with a gun just to spite you

There's multiple different ways to kill yourself that don't involve guns though, and are almost all either less painful, have less chance of fucking you up if you fumble, or are cheaper.

i see u are a man of culture aswell

I'm perfectly calm john this is just the way I type
But I'm gonna say this, how exactly would the LLC enforce this seizure with minimal restriction to freedom? Because it sounds to me like it'll either be totally ineffective, essentially just a bone to throw to the antis, or a case of ring up the PD and get someone's guns snatched
Because with the psychiatric care sysytem like it is, you're fucked if you're getting an accurate diagnosis more than 50% of the time

nobody gives a fuck about your freedumbs you retard, and certainly not one who wants to die, you fucking subhuman idiot.

I'm going to sleep, but anti gun type folk can go back to England or stop whinging

>i don't really expect you to understand the idea of leaving a better place for people who will outlive yoy
virtue signalling guncuck

Nikolas Cruz was literally cutting up dogs and had the cops called on him like 30 times. The sovereign citizen shooter was trying to break into the white house with his gun. A lot of them had a history of doing absolutely insane and dangerous things. I don't thinks it's as complicated as you make it sound. You have absolutely insane people with guns doing totally unhinged things, it's probably likely they're gonna move onto violence.

>are almost all either less painful

You what? I'm talking gunshot to the head. The meat of the brain. Not some edgy Sparklehorse shit where dude shot himself in the chest in his friend's yard. It's like an on-off switch. Stuff like gas inhalation is probably easier, but that requires deliberation, time, and has a good chance of being foiled. By buying the gun, all that's left is to literally pull the trigger. Sure there's a much greater chance of being fucked up, if you fuck up, but I'd rather roll the dice for getting it right the first time vs try once, or even twice or more, and endure pity and suspicion from all of those that know. Anecdotally, I know 4 people that've tried to off themselves with guns, and all 4 were successful. Meanwhile, I've known about 15 people that have tried wrist slitting, pill overdosing, car fume suffocation, and jumping, and only one of them were successful. A few of those folks have tried multiple times too.

Besides, I think you're forgetting the most important part. Having a gun is fairly enjoyable in itself. I can't exactly take an exit bag or some razors to the field for shooting cans or some other dumb shit.

What is this gun called? I've never been interested in firearms but those bullets are intriguing enough that I might just look into it.

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Bitch looks like it has a kalishnakov upper

We need to build suicide booths already. That way the beta males can off themselves without making a fuss.

don't remember the actual name but its used by the soviets for underwater misions
it can also work outside water but this will eventually break the gun and the range will be really short

we know, Jow Forums. I want people to stop using guns to take their lives as well. There are so many better ways to go, but they want to be edgy and leave a mess everywhere. Someone who wants to kill themselves don't care about any of it anyway.

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Ok, yeah, looked into the gun, it is of soviet production

Quit being selfish you faggot. Nobody gives a shit about your statistics. Homicides matter more for antigunners than suicide.

GO FUCK yourself you normie scum. I hope more incels use guns in killings and take your boomsticks away.

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