
Reminder that today marks the beginning of the month of Ramadan, the day in which the archangel Gabriel gave the Prophet Mohammed the Quranic scripture atop the mountain Jabal An-Nour. So robots, make sure you eat plenty of tendies for the Iftar and show your devotion to Allah by abstaining from alcohol, tobacco, porn, and violence for the month as well as go on the fast. If you do, Inshallah, Allah will surely bless you with a gf.

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I got all that but tobacco...
The habit is a mothertrucker.

Mashallah brother!

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Fuck you durka durka cunt.

I fast only because my family pressures me to. I love the pain I get in my stomach from not eating, just reminds me of how much of a worthless cunt I am.

>the day in which the archangel Gabriel gave the Prophet Mohammed the Quranic scripture atop the mountain Jabal An-Nour.

Got any proof of that?

The Hadith


I already have a gf without having to beg some moon demon for one. Once Ramadan is over, I will still have one, and you will still not. Don't place your faith in false idols, just be yourself bud. That's all it takes.

Why do you consider Hadith a reliable source?

How did you get her? I'm too depressed for girls, girls get turned off by me.

Allahu snackbar you god damn sandmonkey, we worship Christ 'round these parts.

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Common interests. Join a club or group where you will have something to talk about enthusiastically with others. This will allow you to make friends and also find a gf, since enthusiasm leads to confidence. This club can include an Islamic Society if you're at university.

fucking sandnigger, Ill watch double porn, finger my girl every night, drink as much beer as humanly posible and fucken choke on pork... fuck you and Deus Vult

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No user.
Sexual liberalism is not ok.
I dont care if i got a sexually liberal gf tomorrow.
We will end this once and for all.
Also allah will give me good things.

Yeah a 9 year old girlfriend.

>All these assblasted kuffars

>I dont care if i got a sexually liberal gf tomorrow.
Don't worry, you won't. Also, my gf was a virgin when we met and we've been in a committed and mutually exclusive relationship for ten years.

>Abstaining from alcohol
You wut mate?

At least I don't have sand in my ass crack from fucking donkeys, kek

>assblasted kuffars
>Proud Kuffars*

go fuck a goat

Bestiality is punishable by death.
Meanwhile it's legal in Canada a western country

You say gf and not your wife?
You have had sex without marriage?

Islam shall triumph over the west inshallah

Go attend a fag pride parade

it's tomorrow here. rip. not looking forward to it

I don't believe in marriage. To each their own, I can respect those with traditional values and all that, but with marriage being what it is now, why bother? It's just an expensive contract to get cucked out of your life savings and your house.

>Islam shall triumph
kek, fucking barbarian

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Go pray to Mecca while Ahmed prays in front of you and BRAPs in your face, kek

Im actually antifag

>Believes in a religion which allows fags to prosper

So what are you robots eating for the Iftar? Dates and figs here, dessert after falafel and pita with lamb. Pretty comfy desu senpai

the fact that we have a cucked Pope doesn't mean that our doctrine condones fags

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>Do as we say not as we do

shut the fuck up nigger kike

there isn't much left till you shit nigger skins will suck on your own shit.

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>I don't believe in marriage

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Hopefully soon brother. Inshallah!

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I dont know id just have a big breakfast of eggs and turkey ham and bread and cereal and not eat for the rest of the day.
Thats how you do it right?

Im talking from the perspective of what "I" do, so I have the right to talk for myself as a christian about what christianity says.

Mohammed was a false profit as with every other sand nigger

I hate religion but muslims are a lot cooler than christards in my experience.

>My beliefs don't line up with those from a religion to which I do not subscribe
Imagine my shock

>Tfw no one to enjoy iftar with

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>tfw spend the night wanking to femdom and trap doujins
What a great way to start my relationship with god this year

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It's gonna be hard not thinking of traps all month.

Islam is a destructive force that kills more muslims than the goddamn missiles do.

Islam is a cancer in the east that kills it's own people every fucking day for not being pure enough. It's as bad as the christians.

> profit
Inshallahaallah ah! ah! Infidel! You are illiterate.

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Britbong here, how do I get an arab gf? I see them all the time and they look so much better than the white ones. But I'm scared of talking to them cuz they wear burkas and hijabs. Am I even allowed to talk to them? How do I get Middle East gf?

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I'd stay away for her safety, m8. Either that or find a non-Muslim/ ex-Muslim arab gf.

>the archangel Gabriel gave the Prophet Mohammed the Quranic scripture atop the mountain Jabal An-Nour.
Kek is this seriously what Mudslimes believe? The B-movie version of the B-movie that is Judaism?

Hi , ramadan isnafter tommorow.
what a great and comfy month.

Great food.

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soon brother may all of you gain Allah's favor and stay away from shirk(sin)