Tell me your best birthday story
Tell me your best birthday story
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are they trying to play a joke on this kid or waterboard him
>be 15
>convince my mom to buy me gaming pc
>didnt know what i was doing so order terrible linux from best buy
>it was fucking terrible, didnt even run minecraft
>convince mom to spend another 500 dollars to buy another one
>my fucking chad mom does it
>was happy and had gaming pc
>my mom is the best
Poor kid, them niggers are vicious
From the looks of it they are trying to waterboard his very soul.
is that kid dead?
Future robot made within a mere 28 seconds.
>that moment when he picks the knife back up and keeps trying to cut the cake
>that transition to when he goes completely catatonic
It's not often that you can document the very second someone's soul breaks.
Only on the inside.
I got a doggo for my 15th birthday... cute great dane, sweet personality, warm tight cunt...
I lost my virginity to her later that year.
I don't even really remember.
Holy shit.
In 26 birthdays my family only remembered 9 of them.
Fucking brown people...
One birthday, back when I was 15, I got a birthday cake that had ice cream in the middle and topped with freshly whipped cream
It was an amazing birthday moment
God I fucking hate niggers. They are not human.
I have never felt so soul crushed before.... fucking niggers man... soulless
This is something unique to spics, actually. I don't know why exactly
t. Spic
He is going to kill every single one of them some day. I guarantee it.
It's webms like this that make me want to kill niggers.
Have you lads actually never heard of a pastelazo??? Here have another video. It's a spic tradition!
Friends 13th birthday
>go to lazer quest
>a bunch of other friends bought him the same beast wars transformers
>I bought him one he didn't have
>pizza party at his house later
>we all play hide n seek
>his mom calls us in when food arrives
>realize we left one kid out there still
>lol he'll get the idea and come back
>knock on the door 45 minutes later
>he's in tears crying that we ditched him
>calls his mom to pick him up
>spend rest of night watching soft core porn and playing gretkzy 3D hockey on n64
You were fuckin rad, David, and your mom could build a mean fort.
>this is what spics consider culture
Spics are subhuman
Poor kid thought he was going to have cake.
>7 day before my Birthday
>Get hit by a fucking Taxi while crossing the road
>I should have not survived
>Half of my body is anihilated
>Cant moove
>Ambulance gets me
>I scream as a little bitch
>get to the Hospital
>Doctor is astonished by the number of bones I got rekt
>My other gets to the hospital as a Flash
>One single friend gets to the hospial every sinlge day for the month im in it
>Birthday, just my Mom and my single good friend
>unironically the best fucking Birthday of my life
>My Mother gets to the hospital as a Flash*
well.... there is one more
>Be me
>years have passed
>No one even remembers my birthday cuz its futile
>just my Mom hugs me every birthday while getting up from bed
>I don't even mind myself
>get to a party one day before
>My brother forces me to go anyways
>Get to the party first cuz we friends of the host
>First girls get to the party
>one of them with pink hair, shy qt 10/10
>she is Autistic as fuck
>We go to the corner of the house to be autistc together
>We both like art
>We both are artists
>We both autistic as shit
>My brother takes her number for me cuz i can't even do that
>Start texting her the next day
>She asks when is my birthday
>"i.... its today actually"
>Im in love with her since the first second my eyes touched fotones emanating from her molecules
>"Really user? WoW!"
>She sends emoji gifts
>mfw The best birthday
>mfw She is my girlfriend now
>mfw she is my life
I wish I could give that kid a hug. And a second cake.
And also a bath
I had three birthday parties in a row that no one came. I stopped trying to have parties after that
what goes in the head of those niggers? making fun of a kid on the happiest day of his year
seriously, I want to murder every single one of those fuckers. slowly and painfully
god fucking damnit I'm mad
What the actual fuck man. Shoving their face into the cake is one thing but they are straight up beating the shit out of him.
I used to have happy birthday parts when i was a child
I've seen executions of children, but nothing compares to the sadness this gives me.
glad things are going good for you user
thanks m8, I hope you can get your own autistic qt