Just bought plane tickets to see my oneitis unannounced. I hope it goes okay

Just bought plane tickets to see my oneitis unannounced. I hope it goes okay.

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You're an idiot OP. This will go very poorly.

you will walk on her taking that sweet BBC

This. Your best option is to message her while you're there and let her know you're in the city, then give her some time and tell her you can hang out if she feels like it.

Lol enjoy spending time without her. Maybe you'll get lucky and meet someone while you're walking alone.

>OP ten minutes after the plane lands and he realizes just how stupid this idea was

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Oh well, I don't have much lose I think. There's a chance it will be great.

This will end terribly, that's some femanon advice for you
I hope you like sightseeing alone

I saw one femanon said she would like it. That gives me some hope.

Lmao OP your bitch is gonna be choking on Tyrone when you arrive. Hope you like getting cucked out of your time and money, asslord.

I believe in you OP, hope all goes well

It's more likely to be Juan

Ok, gonna need some background info to know if this was a terrible idea, or just a bad one. How well do you know her? How well does she know you? Does she know you have feelings for her? How does she feel about it, if so? Does she feel the same, and you just can't be together because of distance?

Unless you two share a very deep connection, and you are 100% certain that none of it is false; then I wish you luck. She might be pleased.
But I hope you booked a hotel to stay at, if it's a bad time to visit, you don't want to go hunting down motels or hostels to book in at

holy shit this is another level. does she know who you are? are you at least friends?

Step 1 in the recipe for disaster right there.

I was just going to sleep in the car I'll rent. It seems cheaper.

the full details are too pathetic to list... I've known her for 3.5 years, we were sort of together for a very short time before she moved. But, she had said once she would like me to come see her.

thanks, I might post an update later in the week under this name if you want to see how it goes

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I hope you have a motherfucking bulletproof cover story as to why you're in the area. If she even thinks for a second you spent all this time and money to come visit unannounced purely for her, her birth canal will be drier than mars.

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Oh, I didn't think an excuse would be that important. I will look for events in the area. Good thing it's a major city.

>wasting your time and money just to embarass yourself. Trust me dont do it

tickets are non-refundable

OP you're gonna be fine. I promise. Don't give up.

>inb4 user gets arrested on charges of harraasment

This stings
Probably right

Greentext what happens once it happens


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just crash it

make sure to bring a speaker and blast some sick romantic mumble trap music at her window while you're at it. That will please tyrone and boost morale as he pounds her sweet young oneitis hole

You're too stupid to breath OP. Would love to hear the aftermath. I foresee many tears shed alone at night in a cold dirty rented car.

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well we'Il see.

good night-thread

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