Why were people disappointed upon Crispy's new Youtube channel when we already knew what she looked like without editing

Why were people disappointed upon Crispy's new Youtube channel when we already knew what she looked like without editing

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The right picture still looks the same.

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Still cute. What is the issue

That's what I'm saying, user. No one likes her anymore because she doesn't look exactly like her Instagram pictures, but we already knew she didn't.

Still cute.
Reminds me of Bellatrix.

now she looks even more like the girl I sat next to in art class.

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Don't know. I thought it was quite ridiculous. Poor Crispy, I still love her.

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>Reminds you of Bellatrix
I never saw it.

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I moved on from her.

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Muffy is a true qt, user! Supreme taste.

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Muffy is going to age poorly.

What's her JewTube channel?


it's because it's the irl anime aesthetic, except 3d women will never achieve the beauty in motion that Anime girls have. Crispy in the photos resembles that perfect anime waifu.
The fact of the matter is even the prettiest women can look unflattering depending on the lighting, angle, and her expression in the photo.

She looks worse

What's your reasoning behind that user?

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there is nothing attractive about this girl other than her pale skin, hair and eyes.
>nose shit-tier
>lips mediocre
It's an user falling for the anime aesthetic again.

She is perfect to me and has more to offer than her looks

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Nope. You're wrong, and Muffy is perfect..!

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Gtfo out my board you dingleberries

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>more to offer than her looks
what being an attention whore who wants betas to compliment her online?

maybe you just haven't accepted the fact you're into traps yet. that face is boyish as fuck. its that big stupid nose. and those thin lips.

She's really nice to talk to and we share similar interests.

But she clearly looks feminine? She dresses femininely and has feminine hair.

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No she's the cutest.

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yeah well i thought the same about cripsy in the summer of 2016 before she ghosted me.
>we talked for several months sometimes for hours
>rabbited together
>still ghosted
Don't orbit a girl with 2,000 options(orbiters) around her.

That's depressing user, I'm sorry you had to go through that.

wow nice job posting a pic that makes her look like a 6'5 tranny.

Crispy seems extremely shallow to me.

all of these girls are. there entire fucking hobby is taking cute selfies and trying to look pretty for attention.

I meant in terms of her interests.

wait wait where did this one come from???

>taller than me
This triggers my inferiority complex

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She is only 5'4"

Thats a really weird angle then

I believe she's 5'4! Its just the boots!

She looks like Steven Crowder.

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The camera seems to be pointing upwards, so of course it makes her look tall.

..I don't see the correlation, user.

You're a clever one.

her interests are mostly selfies? Any interest in anime or film are shallow interests.
there are 1000s of girls who like the same anime you do, but you're gravitating to this girl because she is pale, black haired, and has blue eyes. thats basically the Jow Forums /a/ kryptonite.

she's not perfect. far from it. any girl who would focus that much on their appearance has deep seated issues. imagine a girl who looked as "pretty" as she did and she didn't pay any mind to showing off her looks, she just focused on the hobby she loved, like drawing, or music.

She's an incredibly talented artist and we've had pretty extensive conversations on literature, conspiracy, occultism, and music. Besides, almost every girl takes pictures of themselves. I won't argue with you though because you've clearly never spoken to her.

She has big cute eyes

I think muffy is a qt, but this picture always gets me, that fuckin fake nail has run it's course and it's crippled and hanging on by a thread hahahha

the rest of the nails are too but man the pinky.

I also hate anything other than natural short nails on girls so there is an emphasis on how ridiculous this is for me

I think it's just chipped nail polish.

>an incredibly talented artist
Being able to create good art doesn't make you incredibly talented. You are acting like she's fucking DaVinchi.
It's your cocklust that's blinding you, realize your appreciation for her art comes from your attraction to her.

The hobby she loves is clearly taking selfies, which is what i see people post. Post her art or music then.

I'm sure you know her better than I do considering you talk to her a lot.

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She knows exactly what she is doing.

this shit is okay at best. like seriou sly? tis is what impresses you. this is like a slightly above mediocre piece of work.
she hasn't got the proportions right on the arms, neck, or even the concept of how to use shading well.

the subject matierial is also just plain whorish. a nude nun?

And worse of all you're on here mentioning it and worshipping her like she's heaven sent. You dont think that attention whore is going to see this at some point. Stop while you're still ahead. Feign aloofness and vague disinterest while you're still ahead.
Crispy knew when i was posting anonymously about my experiences with her online. maybe this is why she ghosted me. I was bragging about it on Jow Forums like an idiot.

who the fuck is this
who the fuck is that
who the fuck is this

she is 5'9 in that pic

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She was a 10/10 in some of her pics. Real life is always a disappointment. What's the point of going on anymore?

She reminds me of the I like you girl from VHS. Fuck that.

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So.... crispy's a trap right? I'm not to caught up on "her", but fucking hell that voice.

Autists who claim every cute girl is a trap need to be gassed