Reminder that morality and humanity are spooks and if you adhere to them you are not a true robot

reminder that morality and humanity are spooks and if you adhere to them you are not a true robot

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what about morality when it comes to adhering to the principles of a specific philosophy?

that's a spook as well

you're a spook, biach

you seem pretty spooked, my friend

explain to me how one can not be spooked? or be free of them

just don't adhere to spooks. it's easy

If everything is a spook how can you adhere to anything? Is cohering with nothing not another spook?

i didn't say everything is a spook

>humanity = spook
that is just about everything there is

Stirner is a relatively obscure German philosopher. Why did he become such a meme/so popular on Jow Forums.

you thinking humanity encompasses everything is a spook

Because he's so wrong about everything that it's meme-worthy. Plus it's an easy way to piss off normies who don't know any better.

I said just about everything. But I don't you can't really describe what isn't a spook so we'll probably continue back and borth.

>But I don't you can't really
did you just have a stroke?

Morality is basically not being a bitch to other people, therefore it does exist in a way as a (lack of) action.

>Morality is basically not being a bitch to other people
this is a spook in and of itself

I have now claimed OP as my own, he will no longer post because I do not allow him to hold sway over others
so sayeth the creative nothing

ownership is a spook

I don't think you can really describe what is not a spook so we'll probably continue back and forth*
There, I fixed my mistake now hopefully I can receive a thoughtful reply

shush now my property, let's go to sleep

watch this
you haven't marked me with your urine yet so you do not own me

OK. Answer me this op. If morality humanity and the principles are spooks doesn't that mean that stirners egoism is a spook too?

of course

>tfw you realize that spooks are just a spook

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>logic is abstract therefore a spook

He's an unironic hero for 14 year old commie fags on normiegram now

logic isn't abstract though

as in existing only in our thoughts. logic isnt a physical thing you can touch like a rock. so to call all abstractions spooks is silly

there are lots of things we can't touch that aren't abstract

like female bodies


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honestly it's because it's fun to call Jow Forumsacks' beliefs a nonentity and watch them squirm trying to defend said beliefs without addressing the (non)argument , it's basically a more subtle version of the eternal 'u mad'
however i have to admit, the spook meme being used by Jow Forums children is making me concerned with it, he used to be the remit of random postleftist scumbags on leftypol but i guess people liked the forehead man too much

What this user said basically. I always thought it was a 8ch ironic pol meme but this concerns me deeply

i'm a centrist myself, i just think spook is a funny word and stirner's philosophy in general is interesting

But if humanity is a spook how can labor rights be real?

>stirner's philosophy
i wish people observed stirner more as "hegel is shit" than "sociopathic life manual" desu
unique and its own is a pretty sweet critique hegel's unique combination of nonsensical, romanticized and notoriously boring shtick.