I don't understand why anyone shills their discord server, every time I've joined one that was shilled everyone already knows each other and it's all inside jokes and conversations. Why do they even want new people when they aren't really inclusive to newcomer? What is the point of advertising?
I don't understand why anyone shills their discord server...
>Why do they even want new people when they aren't really inclusive to newcomer?
That is the question. I honestly am still puzzled what they are hoping to achieve with it. Maybe they get off on denying others access to their group? Maybe just attentionwhoring?
Since they have already established a group complete with inside jokes and their own internal social hierarchy, they must keep a steady flow of newcomers in which to ostracize and make fun of.
Y'know, typical normie shit.
It makes me very sad, like I'm not even included online. It feels like that everywhere. Everyone is already grouped up and there's no way you can get in. I'm starting to feel like it's hopeless if I can't even practice socializing online. I always feel like this weirdo on the outside watching their group on all these servers that are shilled.
In theory robots who are desperately lonely should be able to group up and become each other friends, why doesn't this happen? Why are we all alone together?
You'll feel like that until you just forcibly participate in a shitty community for years and you become a part of the drama and circlejerking. It does give you purpose. After I left my little community behind, I got pretty bored. Still am bored, actually. So I went back to browsing Jow Forums and enjoy it.
Meeting people and getting to know them is a lot of fun. It does take a while to integrate but eventually you become a part of a community.
Social hierarchies exist everywhere. Once you go from anonymous messaging to identities hierarchies will form. Some people will become popular and others will become outcasts again. The popular ones will then leverage that position to gain more popularity, in time once that's not enough you'll see some of the outcast/less popular members being ostracized and made fun of for the popular ones to get even more popular. People are thirsty enough for validation that they will forget all their values and principles for it. Robots are no different.
I only use discord to talk shit to cunts.
How the heck do you get your foot in the door? Every single one of these servers they are all spouting inside jokes and conversations, I don't know at all what they are talking about. And everything I say gets ignored. I feel like a disturbance to them, like there's this attitude they have "why are they still here? who even are they?" Like some annoying little kid who follows them.
You need to think beforehand what you want out of a social discord server. If there is no glue which binds the server together such as a hobby/video game it's only bound by a single clique of friends with several orbiters. You either assimilate into that clique or if you don't fit in you leave until you find a server which fits your humour or find like-minded people in these servers and create your own clique
Prestige mostly, that and overtime servers do slow and die.
There is no secret. You have to lurk a bit to pick up on the conversation and inside jokes and then try to participate. You'll inevitably get fucked with and shat on, it's just the way it is with these groups. You just have to be to handle it. Don't just take it like a bitch but don't flip out either. If it's banter banter back. However if it's someone who is geniunely trying to shit on you then hit back and call him out for being an asshole for no reason (don't get sucked into a pissing contest of insulting). Basically just act like how you would in a normal situation, don't try too hard or force things.
Post your discord now and add each other this is like the 10th fucking discord thread I have seen today . Don't want to join in on discord groups say.
Discord is xxx no group/group
Then why the fuck do they advertise their server if it's their personal friend group? You don't see normies in real life putting posters up for strangers to "join" their close knit friend group.
Because a personal friend group isn't a static thing, you need new friends to keep conversations fresh and the way to do that is try and recruit potential friends and if they enjoy the in-jokes they can join the group, real life normies do the exact same thing with socializing with friends of friends to create a larger friend group and push out the lamer people from the current group of friends.
pretty much every server
Especially when roasties are involved
Real robots don't use discord
Then why don't they do anything to try to include people after they advertise? They want new people but yet they don't act like they want new people when they join. They don't at all attempt to be welcoming, they shill and then they exclude you. What is the point?
They need a steady supply of fresh blood, they don't care if you sink or swim within their social hierarchy.
This is shit is why I just don't even bother, it's all so tiresome.
Because people should synergize naturally into group, if you don't understand an in-joke no ones going to take the piss out of you because they'd know you wouldn't understand. If they mock you for not being like them just leave and move on, if you're being excluded they don't want someone like you just move on to another group and don't let yourself become a target
It does happen. They make discord groups and shill them on Jow Forums because they want to feel what it's like to be the one denying social belong to another person for the first time in their life
Why do you feel the need to belong to a "group" anyway, OP?
Thats why I stopped shilling my server (which was ranked top 5 r9k servers in forbes magazine) and just left my id. One on one conversation is comfier than joining a shitty group which 99% of these servers are.
More people = More activity = More interactions with more people = less boredom = more fun = good times.
Hey~~ add me
I'm bored