Are robots and wizards some sort of meme...

Are robots and wizards some sort of meme? I don't get how people in their 30's or late 20 do not have their life together.

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>OP is just self-loathing but there are actual normalfags who unironically hold those opinions in real life

I'm holding that opinions right now. It's not hard to get a wagecuck job and a cheap place to live.

Cool shoes OP.

>I don't get how people in their 30's or late 20 do not have their life together.
Mental illness. Which is a meme to some people, I guess.

having a slave-tier job and living in a suicide cube is your definition of having your life together?

>having a slave-tier job and living in a suicide cube is your definition of having your life together?

Attached: lol.gif (332x215, 1.99M)

I really don't see how I could live with a housemate or how I would go about finding one.

Are in your 30's? I find that older people have this weird thing where they are defined by their job. Also, I think we have a very different definition of slave-tier job.

Job easy, cheap place to live hard unless you split rent

what is living with housemates even like? do you just get used to being stolen from? do you eventually start to get some masochistic buzz from seeing them with their gfs and listening to them have sex?

Its disgusting. The only way it would work for me is if I lived with my brother, a really good friend, or a girl I was dating.

Sharing a bathroom and a kitchen with randoms is fucking disgusting. Glad I make enough to have my own place.

you are literally a slave when you make barely enough money to pay rent, bills and food.
trust me i know.

Very easy. I am no expert but I'd wager that if you start asking around, you will learn that most of us have parental financial issues, meaning, we were all born and raised poor, none of us come from even remotely middle class wealth. If we are lucky we are born on at zero, if your parents have issues, then you are born below that and have to keep trying to climb your way out.
>just live your life user your parents problems arent your own
well life just aint that easy is it. are you capable of cutting your parents off? if thats normie tier i rather stay a robot.

Ever heard of personal responsibility? It's up to you to move up in your shitty job.

you clearly don't know a thing about the kind of jobs i'm talking about

Nah, you are like my brother. You probably work at some wagecuck job like a grocery store that barely pays you any money or gives you any hours. Like my brother, you are too afraid to find a better job. Rather it be comfort, fear, anxiety or all of them.

>I don't get how people in their 30's or late 20 do not have their life together.

there is no reason to.
yes life as a NEET is shitty. but it's not shitty because of the NEET situation, it's shitty for entirely unrelated reasons.
>social isolation
>no gf
>mental issues
>lack of purpose

becoming a wageslave would fix none of these issues, so why would i do it?

>just get a better job

> It's not hard to get a wagecuck job and a cheap place to live.
Yeah but why though

try being "raised" by an alcoholic single mother

so you wont have to live with a single alcoholic mother

actually there is a chance it could fix all of those. Once you start getting real money, and you move out of mommys house and get your own place your mindset as a man changes. You feel like your own boss, you feel good about yourself even if you're not a millionaire.

My mother isn't an alcoholic but even that would be better than having a job.

You have no idea how bad it can get

Why don't you tell me?

People on this thread have told you.

Yes it is a meme. The robot is disgusted with what the world has become and refuses to engage it

no it wont. i know because i've already been there.
the difference is having more disposable income and less time. thats all.

maybe if you have an actual career going, or if you have a job that gives you real meaning (military for example) it can be different. but if you are just wageslaving away to make ends meet (which the vast majority of jobs are) then it wont give you anything beyond the money.

and since the money doesnt fix my problems, it just isnt worth it.

Your right to a certain degree but when you have no xtra money to spend it truly is hell id rather live at home pay my dad a small rent fee and be able to live happily. Im 24 and i do feel like a man, i am a man(im 6'2" handsome have a daughter and a great girlfriend) and i am my own boss and do what i want. Your ideals and life are lies and you cant see outside of your mental meme prison. You make life what you want it to be. you dont just follow rules that hurt you just to fit in. Your the definition of a tool