Discord Friend Collector

Post yours so I can add you and proceed to not talk to you

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Kill yourself as soon as you are able.

No! Stop doing that, user. At least you're being upfront about it though.

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How about you post yours first, you

Chugge #3046

Tell me how you're feeling or something

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search up dankei revolution
should get you to this, it's really good


if anyone here speaks spanish I would gladly add you so we can try to be friends or at least have casual conversations about stuff

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where are you from user?
originaly though


Talk to me about anything if u want

i haven't been using discord much and i'm not good at keeping up a conversation Vaia#3378

Why do you want people to add you?

Tired of the loneliness and just want to have a friend. If you want to play videogames with someone, add me. Whatever game you want, I'll play with you.

All i ever do is get ghosted and im trying to at least get a friend add me doreikuu#6200

Name too similar to Reiko, red flag.


discord itself is a monumental red flag.



hmmm....... orignaliani


Eru#5754 if you dont mind a schizoid

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I'll ghost you after a day or two.


Looking for language exchange, English to French/Italian/Portuguese and vice-versa. Native speakers only.
Senza Fronzoli#1372

How many of you faggots are underage. Tell me now so I don't bother adding you.

Is there a discord server so I don't have to add individual faggots

Add me for some sexy time!

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>tfw finally worked up the courage to talk to people in a server

It took 4 years of being in the server and getting to know these few people and I almost threw up while doing it but it's something. Talking and laughing with other people is fun. I'm glad they were nice.

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i am a mentally ill female (female) looking for a friend on discord. i know its a longshot but i dont have much to lose right now

i can offer you companionship and maybe free homemade goodies

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I'll give it a shot, what are your contact details?

where are you from? need to know if our online times will be compatible

What kind of sexy times user?

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Why would you do this? What's the point? No matter how many people I have the loneliness never goes away. It's fucking pointless, but then again so is life...


Look, I know you're mentally ill and shit but saying you're female _here_ is just begging for attention.

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[email protected] heres an email i just made

i live in the eastern US, so its 530am right now. i shouldve been asleep hours ago

this whole thread is about getting attention, no point on complaining

if you don't mind kind people

What makes you kind

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join this comfy server ycUqUJ

Cycer#3755 come add me and i'll try my best to give you some sort of decent conversation

does anyone wanna watch anim with a friendless neet on gmod theater? we can watch whatever you want

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hey are you in australia?

why do you not wanna watch anything user?

I am always here


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Welp, I know you are probably looking at this. If you are that bothered, I am sending a fr on my main account. Or you could at least tell me why you unadded me and deleted all your messages - I'd understand


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I dropped you an email but I'm heading to bed, so I'll add you when I wake up

>someone finally posted tits
>unprompted too
what's the story here user, how'd you hit this much of a low point?

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dogface#8321 (please talk to me i am alone)

yeah i do, post yours then

my god this is horrid

>he thinks it's a real image even though there is no timestamp

Abduwali Muse#1993 add me if you wanna talk

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